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  1. That really sucks. I've been there before, which is why I no longer keep more than a billion on any character that is actively using the market.
  2. For me it just depends how fast it sells. If I'm only making 10 million profit, I want several to move in a day. If I'm making 100 million profit, I don't mind if it sits for a day or two.
  3. Market griefers, I mean flippers, are the cause of high prices. The devs need to do something about them. I'm tired of being forced to pay such high prices on IOs I need to make my build respectable.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    I don't know, I'm still planning on creating all 36 alpha tree powers on one character. Then again, I'm sure that people will think doing that is crazy.
    I do! But a good crazy.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    A touch overpriced. I'd say the following sounds "about right":

    Rare thread component = 1 (one) Notice of the Well + 16 (sixteen) shards
    Very rare thread component = 1 (one) Favor of the Well + 16 (sixteen) shards

    This way there would still be a penalty, but not such an excessive one that no one would use it.
    I like the OP's overall point, but I think Snow's prices are much better. I approve.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Must be an EU thing because I have no idea what he means either.
    I knew exactly what the person meant. I just wanted confirmation before I started laughing. Didn't expect to get a page of discussion on it though. I'll look at it as a bonus.
  7. A super moderated channel like you described I find stupid. I would quit the channel, global ignore the aggressive mod, and then forget about the nobody. But that's just me. If others like it, good for them.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slazenger View Post
    Market people that think it's clever to burn inf to undermine SG's that have been running for the past 6+ years
    I don't understand what you're talking about here.
  9. So I went ahead with my most recent build posted, except I added another slot into Tough and Kismet +6% into Combat Jumping.

    Then I took her out for a spin and soloed the ITF with her! I have screenshots, but for some reason it doesn't capture the UI, so I have no proof.

    That actually annoys me a lot.

    It was pretty easy, for the most part. No deaths until the final mission against Nictus Romulus. I didn't know how to pull him properly, so I just took out the nictus AVs first, then took him down. Most of my deaths came because after each nictus AV was defeated I got stunned. I think I died four or five times total.

    So all in all, I'm extremely happy with my build. Now to see what I can do against a pylon.
  10. Maybe shorten the activation time so this becomes less frequent?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    In this case, we're damned if we do and damned if we don't.

    At the time we originally announced the go live date for GSA, everything was progressing on time and we were on target to hit the date. If we did not give the players enough of a heads up, they would be unprepared and surprised by this development. Also, consider we were going up against the Royal Wedding (something we could not consider in our development schedule), which while completely separate, demanded a lot of attention from players in the EU.

    Unfortunately an unanticipated issue demanded that we push the date. In this case, we would much rather give our Community an overabundance of information and look bad in pushing the date back than to not give our players enough forewarning.
    Good points. Sometimes that risk must be taken, like the reasons you just gave. In general though I've noticed Paragon Studios(and most other game studios) don't like to give dates when it can be avoided.

    But like you said, in this case you're damned if you and damned if you don't.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
    Get the 3% Resistance to All IO into Weave.
    I'm considering it. I don't know for sure that I wanna drop that kind of influence into a single IO(the defense pvp IO I already had, only reason I'm using it). How much of an impact do you think an extra 3% resist will have on my build?
  13. MunkiLord

    This Has To Stop

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

    P.S. "Complaining about complaining" posts hidden behind obvious sarcasm are getting old.
    That is not how I read the OP at all. I read it merely as a 'good job' devs post written in sarcasm.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I don't see anything wrong with announcing a release date while saying that it'll change if any major bugs are found.
    It's all about perception. If the perception is you are constantly late on deadlines or break promises, that is bad for business. It doesn't even matter how reasonable or accurate those perceptions happen to be. The end perception(not reality) is the only thing that matters.
  15. MunkiLord

    This Has To Stop

    I agree. There has been multiple occasions where I've canceled my sub for the final time, not out of anger or anything, but just because it is time to move on after playing the same game for so many years. But then something comes out and I just gotta try it, and I usually end up really liking it. So I keep giving them my money. It's wrong!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Wouldn't that effectively allow people to legitimately grief the badges? For Lambda, all one person has to do is get the wrong (or any) weapon, and there goes a particular badge. On BAF all one has to do is pull an AV to another one. Boom no badge.

    I'm not sure if that idea is serious or born of frustration with the thread, but if these trials were zone events they would be disasters. The Hamidon encounter is built in such a way that people can either get with the program or leech, but really can't do much to grief people trying to do the trial honestly. Not so much with the Incarnate trials.
    Well if they trials were set up as Arcana mentioned, logic would dictate the badges would change as well for the very reasons you mentioned.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Warlocc View Post
    I gotta wonder why there's so much arguing in this thread... It's really very simple.

    If we don't like how the LFG tool works (and consequently, the raids connected to it), we make suggestions to hopefully get it changed. Until then, if we choose to use it, we're stuck using it the way it is.

    If I'm trying to use it differently (create private leagues by kicking people) before these features (bugs?) are changed, I'm using it in an unintended manner, inconvienencing (or worse) people that are using it correctly.

    That puts me in the wrong.

    Why is this concept so hard to grasp?
    It's not hard to grasp. Maybe people just don't care what the intended manner is.
  18. I say keep the plans are originally intended, then in a few months offer a way for people to get the badge. That way you get the test you want, and everybody will eventually get the badge.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
    Seems kind of pointless to me because honestly the trial version of this would probably lose it's entertainment value after only a couple weeks anyway. Even less time if somebody were to play it every day.

    On the other hand it amuses me how many people posted an emphatic NO to the suggestion and went on to rant about how bad free to play is. They obviously didn't even read the suggestion but only responded to the title of the thread.
    It's because people are afraid of the boogeyman* and close minded. They have already decided F2P is evil(though the suggestion wasn't for turning CoH into F2P), and nothing you can possibly say would make them consider otherwise.

    *The boogeyman represents anything people don't understand or fear.
  20. I need to hang out in these forums more often. They look interesting. Also, I want to get in on this Hami raid griefing!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlazeSpark View Post
    Awesome synopsis Munki.
    I'm good like that.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by baron_inferno View Post
    What you're asking people to do is to basically respect and accept a broken tool/system that is barely functional. That's is neither a valid or reasonable request.
    True, but that is the way Snow prefers it. And obviously what he wants is more important. And if you think what you want is more important, that makes you a jerk.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bramphousian View Post
    dammit, what'd I miss?
    Red name posted something.
    People cried like devs punched their children.
    Red name posted potential solution.
    People cried like devs punched their significant other.
    Thread locked.
    Thread moved to place that is employees only.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SteampunkCharlie View Post
    But, I'm GLAD you guys are rethinking such a BAD idea.
    It would be really funny if they rethought this the same way they "rethought" the rule changes to Comic Culture forums.