Mr. DJ

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  1. Quote:
    "The Pentagon halted its cooperation with Marvel Studios’ blockbuster movie The
    Avengers because the Defense Department didn’t think a movie about
    superheroes, Norse Gods and intergalactic invasions was sufficiently realistic in
    its treatment of military bureaucracy.

    Moviegoers and comic fans know that S.H.I.E.L.D., led by Samuel L. Jackson’s
    super-spy Nick Fury, is an international peacekeeping/global surveillance/crisis
    response/quasi-military organization. But its relationship with the United States is
    murky. And that basically stopped the U.S. military, which is normally eager to
    cooperate with the film industry on blockbuster movies, from teaming up with the

    “We couldn’t reconcile the unreality of this international organization and our
    place in it,” Phil Strub, the Defense Department’s Hollywood liaison, tells Danger
    Room. “To whom did S.H.I.E.L.D. answer? Did we work for S.H.I.E.L.D.? We hit
    that roadblock and decided we couldn’t do anything” with the film."

    Translation: We're not the ones to save the day, so we don't want anything to do with it.
  2. I suppose to could finish leveling my DB/SR Brute.
  3. *waits for a certain someones entrance*
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post

    There's something oddly calming about this...
  5. *ahem*

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mortilance View Post
    It seems 'complaining' is the only thing the pvp community can do to get heard and the devs still disregard anything we say, I mean look at i13...
    They listened plenty, actually implemented changes that were wanted, but was pushed out the door in the worst way possible.
  7. So...

    The Avengers has already grossed $187M over the weekend and reportedly the pre-sold tickets here in the US are more than any Marvel movie COMBINED o_o
  8. I think I'm missing the humor part of #7
  9. pretty sure the new season will cover the missing members and what's happened in the 5 years
  10. Mr. DJ

    Player's Summit

    Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
    Not I, what I want to know more is how many accounts have bought multiple, how many accounts owned by the same person/family bought them to see if they are wide sellers or by small group?
    600,000 packs being bought by a small group would be interesting.
  11. Mr. DJ

    Player's Summit

    Originally Posted by IndyStruck View Post
    . . .
    Or the people who remember Centurions armor.
    Man and machine. Power Extreme!
  12. Mr. DJ

    Player's Summit

    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    BABs took yellow out of the color options for ice blast, I am sure they will do the same for water blast.
    all I ever wanted was black ice ;_;
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    Might not be aware that the backpack is tied to having a Crab Spider build and thought it was permanent once he had it. Not everyone reads the AT forums or the Paragon wiki.
    o_o global channels? friends?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xaphan View Post
    Longbow's main targets tend to be metahuman, and as such their methods can be prone to excessive force. After all, normal amounts of force just won't cut it against most villains. The result of this, of course, is that it becomes really, really easy for them to cross the line. It also makes them a bit frightening in the eyes of civilians... take for example the bio for the Longbow Flamethrower.

    (geez, it even has heroic in quotes and everything)
    The Praetorian PD pretty much had similar reaction,"These guys are using flamethrowers!?"
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
    Im not a huge fan of the crab ranged attacks because they're slower than the huntsman gun attacks. Aesthetics aside, there's no reason why you can't make a crab with huntsman gun attacks though. Basically the best of both worlds, like Hannah Montana.
    the aesthetic reason would be the backpack, the gaming reason is that I prefer Build Up over Aim.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
    You must think I'm referring to an AE fire farm. In normal content, crab aoe blast chain is more efficient than a brute jumping in, waiting for everyone to circle around, then start burn/foot stomp. This is why people make these type of characters as AE farmers. If you're steamrolling group to group you're better off with quick ranged aoe blasts. No one's going to be waiting around for brute herding in to burn patches.

    If the gripe is theme/aesthetics then I completely understand, but to call their performance average is an understatement.
    Herding isn't necessary. Jump in. Smash. Both will have stragglers to mop up in any event. Mobs won't always be in a nice spot for Crab AoE's either and Frag Grenade can make it worse with its knockback (doesn't stop me from enjoying my Huntsman, just saying).
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Now that's funny.

    Here's another one about Bruce:

    In 1962, Lee was challenged by a man who had been holding a grudge against Lee while the two were practicing at a YMCA in Seattle.[45] The man was described by Jesse Glover as a karate man who also had a blackbelt in judo, though Glover, who was a brown belt in judo at the time, claimed to be better than the man in judo.[45] After weeks[46] or months[47] of provocation by the man, Lee agreed to fight the man for three two-minute rounds, with the winner being the one who knocked the opponent down or out in two out of three rounds.[48] The match took place at YMCA's handball court, with Glover as the referee and Ed Hart as the time keeper.[48] Lee wore street clothes and used a Wing Chun stance while his opponent wore a gi and used a karate stance.[48] According to Glover, Lee used his right forearm to deflect an initial kick from the man and simultaneously landed a left punch to the face.[48] Lee deflected more punches using the forearm, controlling the center line and landed more punches to the man's face until he was against the wall.[48] The man attempted to grab Lee's arms, which Lee responded by a double fist punch to the face and chest, followed by a kick to the nose, which produced a nosebleed and a knockout, at which time Glover stopped the fight.[48] Taki Kamura said the fight lasted 10 seconds.[49] Ed Hart stated "the fight lasted exactly 11 seconds – I know because I was the time keeper – and Bruce had hit the guy something like 15 times and kicked him once. I thought he'd killed him".
    this stuff just serves to remind me of all the anal inflammation MMA diehards get when it comes to Bruce Lee because he doesn't have official records or something...
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
    That SS/Fire brute with burn and foot stomp pales in aoe speed to a crab's aoe chain.
  19. I love having more lasers than a Rush concert, but I HATE that the backpack stays with me when I change builds.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuggestorK View Post
    Yeah its pitiful if a so called Lead Dev cant even get basics like this straight and dont let someone of his Coworkers read over such a statement before he post it.
    I'm sure you've never made mistakes.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frogfather View Post
    Those examples are worse than the guy who knocked out a girl outside a texas nightclub then tried to punch the next guy who confronted him...

    Suprise! The next guy was Roger Huerta "El Matador" of MMA fame. The beat down was over quickly.
    hehe, if I remember correctly, the guy was a college football player too and thought he could beat up the "unknown" guy since he was smaller than him.