Top Ten Player Summit Reveals... so far...
What the Hades, man? I saw a list of pertinent information posted by Steelclaw, famed purveyor of fact, and was completely expecting a serious list. I am disappoint.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
You forgot to mention Paragon's sell to EA and insps will now cost 25c per use
10) aha
9) I see
8) Aww
7) Strange
6) Sorry?
5) No!
4) Wait What?
3) WTH!
2) Ohhhhh.
1) It's a steelclaw list <sigh>.
Especially considering during the last panel 90% of the Paragon staff not at the panel table vanised and reappeared 1/2 way through all drinking..... including Z....

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat
This isn't a Paradox, since Cole only ruled a small corner of Praetorian Earth, with Hamidon in control of the vast majority...
7) Paradox Story Planning! "We're going to end the Praetorian content by letting you finally defeat Marcus Cole... Oh! And we're introducing a new Praetorian Zone to keep the ol' Praetorian story line rolling!" |
I really should do something about this signature.
I think I'm missing the humor part of #7
So, all in all a successful summit then.
Don't I know you???
Having just watched the live streaming of the player summit... here are the Top Ten biggest surprise reveals
10) Introduction of the Paragon Power Chords heavy metal band... or... one guy with an acoustic guitar... who will now be playing regular gigs in Pocket D...
9) New Sonic Assault-based Super Villain who will scream random Anime quotes into a microphone as heroes approach him doing massive damage and feedback... his name? Black Pebble
8) Water Blast power set. Interest peaked early but waned when Devs refused to allow the power's animation origin to be "around waist level"...
7) Paradox Story Planning! "We're going to end the Praetorian content by letting you finally defeat Marcus Cole... Oh! And we're introducing a new Praetorian Zone to keep the ol' Praetorian story line rolling!"
6) Zwillinger revealed his "Little Mastermind"... unfortunately the web camera's resolution was too poor to show it on Ustream... or at least that's what HE claims was the problem...
5) Super Packs are the hottest seller on the Paragon Market... which means they're scrapping the "know what you're buying before you buy it" market model entirely and going with 100% grab-bag!!
4) Night Ward will feature creepy monsters dressed up in olde English Police Bobby uniforms to enforce order and discipline... clearly NCSoft is hoping to make a little cash on the side selling the rights to the concept to the SyFy Network..
3) When making any decision the Marketing department pose their questions to a Princess Celestia doll... In and of itself this isn't too surprising... what IS surprising is that apparently Magic Eightball was let go and we never got the chance to say goodbye...
2) Drink tickets were passed out at the beginning of the Summit... the first of them appeared on the in-game Auction House lists approximately 34 seconds later.
1) Since they won't be needing them any longer anyway... the Souls of the entire Marketing department will be made available on the Paragon Market for 1200 points each sometime this summer...
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw