Mr. DJ

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  1. I really gotta stop trying to understand once the whole mentally ill thing comes into the picture...

    This was well planned by a very smart, yet ill human being, even the SWAT team commander said they would have had trouble if the guy didn't surrender...yet Louie Gohmert somehow thought if patrons were armed in the theater, this wouldn't have happened -_-

    TMZ found his profile on AdultFriendFinder, which had the tagline "will you visit me in prison?" and was confirmed as his and made a few days before the movie premier....
  2. Win.

    Rorschach's journal, 2029... a police officer died in Detroit... got called to train him to become a human again. A robot. A human. There's no difference anymore. Strange world we live in. Full of drones fighting wars that men used to fight. War fought for money. Corporations playing God. If there is a God. Files says name's Murphy. Regular man. Loving husband, father. This is how the world rewards him. He comes back as a cyborg to save the world. And is trained to become human by a man without a face. There is no difference anymore...
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    And shark week is coming up. I want a shark costume set.
    there better be frickin' lasers attached to their frickin' heads
  4. The guy is going to rot for premeditated murder.

    Certain news coverage has only left me enraged since idiots want to link this event to topics we can't really talk all that freely about here...
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coin View Post
    Oh good gods, no. Why can't they get someone with some actual acting talent??
    We're not talking about Hulk Hogan
  6. was thinking pairing it with /Storm...

    dunno yet =\
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
    Or maybe Dr. Strange, or, you know, any other decent character.
    if they'll allow magic into the universe...sure
  8. solo'd with BS/SD Scrapper

    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Calm down.
    He needs something to whine about.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
    "You know what happens when a vampire is hit by lightning?"

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    There was a whole feedback thread pretty much full of people who didn't want to see these going on sale and they completely ignored it. Surely the point in feedback is to listen to what your customers want? They are only listening to the yes men who think the sun shines from their collective *****.
    <standard rant about people who don't understand how feedback works>
  11. Mr. DJ

    Taken 2 trailer

    Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    Hm, apparently Neil Patrick Harris is in this, too.
    Challenge accepted.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    Um, because it's still in theaters making lotsa money?

    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    Blonsky? He is really just a thug to whack on. He isn't even portrayed as particularly evil. If he had massacred a few civilians down the line, his defeat might have been more satisfying. And he doesn't have any sort of plan apart from become powerful and smash stuff.
    Does killing military personnel that were no threat to him count?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
    Never sure with some people. Better to act if a post is serious if there is no evidence of it being a joke.
    Cool story.

  14. Mr. DJ

    Taken 2 trailer

    The plan would mostly work...if it was made in Japan :3
  15. Mr. DJ

    Taken 2 trailer

    Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
    So is this supposed to be a prequel or is this a sequel? I thought they were divorced and she was remarried if this is a sequel looks like she divorced her second husband to be with the first.
    the flashbacks should have been a good indicator that it's a sequel more than likely have to see the movie to get the other part of your inquiry.
  16. Well then, this might just allow me to enjoy my old Elec/EM Blaster more
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
    Are we even playing the same game? Because where I come from, finding a team is an investment of at least a half hour. Nigh impossible if you're a villain. I fail to see where people are getting the notion that this game is still populated enough to snag passersby for a quick mission.
    Play on the second most populated server in the game
    Unable to find help within short notice
    Apparently has no friends

    Not sure if serious...
  18. wonder if it's on Netflix yet...
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by khorak_EU View Post
    The difficulty slider should work. Samuel should be happy, PRAF should be happy, everyone should be happy.
    should everyone be happy? yes, of course. That's much easier to achieve on a personal or small group level.

    However, making everyone happy, in this case, several thousand people/gamers, is one of those things in life deemed impossible to achieve. Idealistic nonsense simply cannot work in this environment when the best they can do is try to make most of the player base happy. Keep in mind the forums are not a active representation of almost 100,000 people.

    Your assumptions about maintaining balance indicates you're just spouting random crap you know nothing about. Making and maintaining a game isn't some normal 9-5 job, it's more thankless than a minimum wage job.
  20. What's one of the most basic things you learn in school?

    Trial and Error

    Our equivalent of learn to play. If they take offense to that, that's on them, because that is exactly what it boils down to in this kind of situation.

    Are there things that "learn to play" won't really help you at? Probably, the version of Rularuu in the CoP that has insane regen and fighting Statesman in the SoA Arc as a Crab because of the short cool down timer on his Unstoppable...though I haven't revisited that particular fight since I finished it on both SoAs when they were new *shrug*
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
    Even if, magically, your experience makes everyone who reads it a 100% better player and they never make a mistake ever again, what about all the people who don't read it?
    I dunno, how many times must they stick their hand in hot water before they realize "ow hot water!" ?

    Trial and error/change up your "tactics"
    learn to play <- this applies a lot, but people choose to be offended and get overly defensive.

    If the classic run in and smash doesn't work, guess what? you rethink your strategy just a bit, or if you weakened the mob enough, just wash, rinse, repeat.

    Once again, this game is not hard

    As for pulling the entire group each time, I has very little to do with luck. As pointed out, his only ranged attack was the Nemesis Staff, which has knockback, and any attack with knockback (or, I believe, any kind of control effect) is significantly more likely to pull the entire group than an attack without that effect.

    and it's not like Nemesis Staff is short range attack, if Imperious is Leeroying the mobs after you use it...YOU'RE TOO CLOSE. When you pull a enemy, you don't stand there like a bump on a log, you move backwards, especially when you have NPC allies.

    Originally Posted by Mazey View Post

    The discussion at hand is not "I suck, recount how great you are in the hopes I improve." its "Could we have more consistent difficulty settings please?"
    So who pissed in your cheerios? since you're obviously looking for a fight.

    Consistent difficulty is a valid argument, but Scythus's reply to Sam was valid as well.
  22. hopefully that includes axing the whole alien idea...
  23. so the selling point is Milla in 3-D?

    I kinda stopped caring after they made Nemesis so weak =\