Mr. DJ

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  1. if I understand, from what I've been told, after a few purps, you've hit the defense cap.

    Chimera just has really high accuracy cause of that inherent weapon draw stuff. The same for Infernal and Dominatrix, notice how they hit a lot more often than the others?
  2. I'm curious about Shadow Dweller power...
  3. doesn't ET use the same animation as Power Thrust? (think that's the power name...) and Stun uses the Slash(?) animation?
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    No, I'm being cranky about the idea of Energy Melee buffing, especially if you're trying to base it on "ought to be resisted less than" a damage type whose "least resisted" perception is in one place - PvP. In PvE, I would say it's resisted as much or more than physical damage (blades and blunts).

    [/ QUOTE ] does like what? about 6 dmg when you first get it...a few more points of damage wouldn't hurt. Your making it seem like I want it to do a helluva lot more.

    even before PvP it was known that Smashing/Lethal was the highest resisted dmg in the game. The fact that it's energy based and does less dmg than all the other sets is just off...
  5. k...your pretty much agreeing w/ my statement...
  6. QFT

    I say it should do something along the lines of Stone Fists dmg, cause Energy is supposed to be the least resisted than anything in this game besides Psionics/

    Stone Fist can disorient but does more damage than Barrage that does the same thing but less damage
  7. Mr. DJ

    A fond farewell


    (starts hearing cries of doom)
  8. [ QUOTE ]

    Would like to see Malta operating in CoV

    [/ QUOTE ] NO

    the last thing I want to see is a Sapper. We got Spec Ops and Ring Mistresses for that already...don't need another.

    Miss_Kitty - gropage avy FTW nyo
  9. Mr. DJ

    Two things...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Well, surviving the Psychic Clockwork King's alpha strike just got a lot easier.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I believe it's for PvP <.< unless I missed something
  10. Mr. DJ

    Two things...


    well...guess there will be a lot of two shotting then
  11. hmm...sounds like a neat idea, but how about something like even though you cut down the population of Infected back in Outbreak, they're remaining numbers have been collecting together and a leader has arise (maybe a Elite Boss/Arch-Villain) and you would maybe need a team to take em down ;D Along the way of it you could get Isolator and maybe another badge for completing the mission.

    (glares at the thread trolls and polishes his shotgun)
  12. Mr. DJ

    Badge Questions

    [ QUOTE ]
    Too many pages to read, but has anybody touched on the fact that CoV has bars for badges without text saying what the heck the bar is for? CoH was an explaination why doesn't CoV?

    To me this is completely worthless. I look at a list and see oh look here it seems I'm over halfway to something, sure wish I knew what that something was so I could continue doing it

    [/ QUOTE ]

    not all CoH badges have a explanation, though if you do your research, you'll know what badge you're working on, kinda like for my tankers' dmg taken badges, since they're in a row I know what they are already :P

    but I do see your point, I have some progression bars almost full and not sure what they are for, and others that will say it's for defeating whatever enemy :P
  13. Mr. DJ

    Dark Armor/Melee

    the idea of it nice but won't happen often since it's a AoE type move
  14. the rumor of a Archvillain Trolls grabs my curiousity...but if he's anything like Ruladak the Strong...may god help us all @_@
  15. what can I say? Brutes love to SMASH and they SMASH that [censored] real good
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Yes, Ghost of Scrapyard and the other Giant Monsters of CoV are currently not working right. They are not auto-scaling their damage taken/received to your level.

    We have a fix for this in the pipe.

    Thanks for your feedback on this.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I feel special now now if only Statesman would send me a reply to the PM I sent him a few weeks ago...

    I got a couple badges as well from that whole Scrapyard disaster...don't remember which one's though...
  17. it's enough to make you scream like a japanese anime school girl when he's about to hit you...

    bah, so I guess I'll have to wait a while before I challenge this again.
  18. I was running to my cape mission the othe night, looked to my left and saw a big group of scrapyarder enemies...I was like "[censored]" then I saw a big blue I clicked on him, low and behold it was the Ghost of Scrapyard giant monster. I thought to myself that he shouldn't be that hard since his damaged is scaled to what lvl I am. Well...I was DEAD wrong. I formed a team of 8 people, ranging from 20-26. I'd thought we'd be good, once again.....DEAD wrong. After much debt and several minions later, we finally got the [censored] alone. Well lets just say things didn't get any better. I tried to debuff him and what do I get? A nice big smack w/ his spectral hammer for a delicious 700+ HP of damage, so I was basically one shotted by this guy.

    I understand that he's a lvl 30 giant monster...but damn, should he actually be doing this much damage for being scaled down to my lvl??? Matters didn't get any better cause NO MATTER how many minions/lieutenants we killed, MORE would just keep coming. I tried to form another team w/ no luck. I was told that 2 teams would be needed, but I'm doubting that even now...

    Pride hurt and several hospital trips...I walk away w/ almost 7000 debt and move on to help w/ the Sea Witch Hero mission and ended up dieing a couple times in that one @_@