Morbid Star

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  1. but then that would be only one mid-lvl range PvP zone that would apply in, being both Villains... at'least untill Going Rogue
  2. actually, regen benefits the most from recharge out of any of the protection sets, so i would consider Hasten from the speed power pool a must have for any regen
  3. Morbid Star

    Build me a...

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    Softcapping smash/lethal resist won't be much more effective unless you've got a lot of ranged smash/lethal attacks being directed at you.

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    they weren't going for resist, they were going for defence, BIG difference...

    also the smash/lethal def will cover any melee/range/aoe attack that has a smashing or lethal component in it, as long as it's not overshadowed by a better def value that effects it,... type based def takes the best value def #, so for example if the enemy uses an attack that is part energy and part smashing damage, it will take the best value to those two types, either energy or smashing, to see if your hit by it (by the RNG), reguadless of weather it's melee or range or aoe ,.... though your pretty much screwed if you get hit with pure toxic, since there is no type defence to that
  4. best i could come up with is 19 non-temp toggles at once... lol unsloted it was 6.88 end per sec all toggles sloted at 3endred still came out to 3.6 end per sec ... it's a spine/da/body, possible to get down to 2.25 with Conserve Power ... but all it could mostly do is stand there since there were very few attacks, but could still tear apart clusters of mobs to shreds very quickly ...
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    How can we forget Chiun ? lol one of my favorit movies when I was younger... who remembers this classic?

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    that was awesome, with that subtle pupil meets master comedic flair i enjoy soo much... must get this movie
  6. rikti drones, KoA, eyeballs, some snipers, pylons?, ect... can still see a invis hard cap'd stalker and stalkers have the highest cap,... it's not worth anything in PvE (non-AE) to invest in more than invis, and stealth + stealth IO = invis, it will get you unseen by over 90% of the standard game, and super speed's stealth component counts for all PvE
  7. because the def enh values have a direct effect on your DDR ... i'm assumeing cyto's would do the same ... what i'm wondering is if enzy's would yield a larger return ... anyone know off-hand?
  8. Morbid Star

    I16 and MA

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    If I can't change out the geometry for Spines then forget about it.

    Just say no to banana melee!

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    Apart from Spines being able to use the geometry from Thorns, and Thorns being able to use the geometry from Spines (both of which can be colored), there will be at least one other set of alternate geometry/FX.

    As for Martial Arts, the alternate animations we have right now are mainly punches. The idea was to provide you guys with a way to make the classic, fights with their fists and feet, super-hero that many have been asking for. That includes a new animation for assassin's strike (Assassin's Blow?).

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    Any chance on the alternate animations that you can set it to cycle between the two (or more), or choose at random at each time the power is used?

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    Right now, the tech doesn't work that way. It's more an issue with the VFX not syncing up with random animations, as we've had the ability to randomly or sequentially play multiple animations for a while.

    It might be something we could do in the future, but very unlikely to happen for I16s launch.

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    he said "mainly" punches, which leads to think that it could involve other things aswell... though i doubt any of the powers themself will be changed aside from the animations, but if that is not the case, i would think that Martial Arts deserves a version of the Parry/Devine Avalanche, but to Smashing/Melee instead of leathal/melee, and it should be called something like... BLOCK (just a suggestion)
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    This is one of my favorite Scrapper scenes, kinda long but good! Twin Warriors

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    hehe, now that's some real body surfing ... *le'sigh* but still just has me wanting Bo Staff powers all that much more
  10. Morbid Star

    All scrapper STF

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    But this drops all the talk about how you "need" certain ATs to do certain things.

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    o'kay Rieze ... that sounds like an All Scrapper MoSTF challenge to me, so let's see it
  11. Morbid Star

    Am I alone?

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    In my completely subjective opinion... People love Shield Charge for a few reasons...

    First, it is perhaps the most visually dynamic power that you'll see on a Scrapper. You click the power and your character crouches back a moment then... BAM! You blur into pure kinetic energy that crosses the gap in an instant and explodes in a burst that blows the spawn apart, knocking them off their feet and clearing the immediate area around you. For me, that animation has the whole "comic book super-hero" vibe to it nailed down cold. With other AoEs, you spin around in place, stomp the ground, clap your hands, etc. With this one, it's a dynamic whole-body motion that just conveys boundless energy and focused intensity.

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    this is actually incorrect, though it was the way i was hopeing it'd be, it sadly is not... you do not just click the power and crouch BAM!, the power is a Location AoE and not a Target AoE, and there for, you click the power and it creates a Location recticle on your cursor which you must then manually place by looking arround to where you want it to go, moveing your cursor icon to that location and then clicking the mouse button to designate that location and then BAM.
    doesnt quite fit the standard play of scrappers with it as it is, so it takes some getting use to within the chaos of scrapper-lock, but it is very much worth it once you get use to it...
    also another point of why it's so great is, not only is it another attack at your disposal, but it's an AoE, which helps to compliment primaries lacking in the AoE areas.
  12. Positron (10-15), Monday
    Synapse (15-20), Tuesday
    Sister Psyche (20-25), Wednesday
    Citadel (25-30), Thursday
    Manticore (30-35), Friday
    Numina (35-40), Saturday
    Katie Hannon (30-34), Sunday ((not needed for TFC Accolade, but it is the only other TF needed for an Accolade, Geas of the Kind One))
  13. so far we have... indifference, sarcasm, and "stupid" ... i was hopeing for something a bit more constructive from the Def forum
  14. All i'm asking for is a change to the power set name for heroes. Something that is more in line with the nature of heroes. Domination is not a heroic trait. The dev's clearly saw that Empathy was not a villainous trait and instead gave them Pain. They even worked out new powers of a similar function for it. I dont want any change to the powers of the set, they are perfectly fine as is. I just think that the term "Domination" does not belong and needs to be changed to reflect a more heroic trait or at the very least changed to something more nuetral. Cold Shapeing, is the most neutral term i could think of atm. I've spoken with every other CD/* def that i've encountered in the game, and they have all agreed with me on this. Now i bring it to the official Def forums for a much wider view on Def opinions. So, what do you think ?
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    My experience with Justice is a bit weird because it seems to me everybody blind invites you which is kinda annoying, but ymmv of course.

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    that's not a Justice thing, that's an MMO thing. and i find it annoying too.
  16. Morbid Star

    fm/sd and dm/sd

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    Hey Werner? I'm a bit confused about this. It seems like it should be pretty simple but I get rather different results when I try to figure my DPS against stuff.

    I was able to drop The Woodsman in about 2:45 from the first attack on him to when he dies.

    Here's my question. AVs have 28,271.7 hp I believe. So 28,271.1/165 sec = 171.34 DPS? That seems kinda low for the time. What am I not understanding?

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    your not takeing into account any of the other factors, ... mainly, the AV's REGEN
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    I have not seen a toon with Super Reflexes for a very long time. If there are toons out there on Freedom that have SS, what powers should/can I avoid? I am playing a toon with SS for roleplaying purposes and teaming in mind and I like it. I know that there other sets that are way better, but I actual like the power set myself!

    My main set is Martial Arts again for roleplaying purposes and again I KNOW there are better sets but I do like the damage it does and the the way it looks. If anyone wondered. it is a good combo imo.

    Please feel free to leave any advice on builds.

    Ho Lee Cow - magic scrapper - Freedom server

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    as for the SR question, your simply not looking very well if you see none, there are plenty to see.
    as for the SS question (meaning Super Speed, as this being the scrapper forum and no access to Super Strength) avoid Flurry, esspecially as a scrapper, and take Hasten as your tier 1 requirement to get Super Speed, and Whirlwind isnt really worth much except for concept reasons. SS is very good but it is limited in horizontal movement, so you may want a jump pack or something for high walls and such. it also has a great PvE stealth innate in it which when combined with a +stealth IO equals invis.

    also if your playing it for roleplaying purposes, you may want to try playing on the Virtue shard, being the unofficial RP server, it is common place there. RP'ing on "freedumb" will get you kicked or just avoided in general, as MOST of the population on "freedumb" have no idea what RP is, and no frelling clue of what they are doing.

  18. also, calling it a flail is like calling, a katana a knife ... it's technically correct but does it a descriptive disservice...

  19. strong enough to what ?
    it's fairly strong on its own with'out power pools, unless you want to solo AV's (or something on a similar challenge level) it should be fine for most everything
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    Flail/SR vs Kat/SR

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    Awesome fight but how is that a draw? Katana to neck trumps metal stick to neck, imo... lol.

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    he had the sword blocked with the other fighting stick while his stick was a direct strike to a vital area
  21. currently, the only primary set you would Not want for AV solo'ist is Spines ... but they do make the best farmers
  22. the current FotM for AV solo'ist is ... DM/SD
  23. 1) it's not the at all, any of the optimal power set's for AV soloing, but it can be done.
    2) for basic advice on it, i'd suggest you read a few of the back log articles in the City Scoop written by TopDoc ... all the basic info logic and data is in there.
    3) i'll leave that for someone else, MA isn't my area.
  24. there are soo many good ones, but rather than state the obvious ones, try a'bit more obscure...
    one of the fastest "real" street fighters, down and dirty anything goes type (complete with some cheesy one-liners)

    Jeff Speakman