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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nightmarer View Post
    I also realized that (in Freedom) a lot of ppl who spam Incandescence, for some reason, don't spam other more useful buffs they have like AM, SB, RA, Cold Shields, Thermal Shields, Bubbles, Fortitude, Forge, Frostwork... in most cases, you get one of said buffs at the beginning of the trial (when lucky) and then you rarely get any again during the trial, yet the incandescence tp prompt is there every 30-45 seconds (yep, I've also seen people alternating them, even once a guy with 3 accounts who got 3 chars into a BAF alternated it on his 3 chars).
    This is what I was talking about on page one. A lot of the people spamming it (as opposed to those who TRY to use it in good spots) are those pvp idiots who simply..dont care, because the rest of us are just lolpve'rs. And you dont SEE them using buffs like the ones you mention..because a lot dont have them.
    Case in point..2 alternating spammers on Freedom earlier..BOTH had pvp builds, and that oh so fun pvp mentality (maybe without the -ity).
  2. It is primarily a resist set..which aren't as good for stalker. FOR a stalk, not 'on' a stalker. Other than the cloak being auto, the values are the same.
    Although with the changes to AS, you could make it work easier, since you dont have to rely on defence (and hide)for AS to work.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
    Actually the Poison version of Poison Trap is better than Traps version.

    In Traps version you can only slot The Hold Procs.

    In the Poison Version you can slot End Mod Procs, Hold Procs, PBaoe Dmg Procs, The ATO Proc and the Overwhelming Force Proc.

    So in all the poison version is better. Other than That Traps wins by default.

    /Poison Trap is amazing on a /Poison toon though...it just kills EVERYTHING.
    Are you..insane? Not being rude, but..Id give up half the poison set for the traps PT. Sure, maybe it takes more procs, but does everyone USE procs? Is that teh only judge of a power for some reason?
    Without procs..you know..just the power itself..again, it has MORE chance to do nothing, than actually to do what it 'can' do.
    Maybe it is great with procs..it really needs to be, cause the set has jack all aoe otherwise. Not including NG, which is like a band aid fix.
  4. The fender will be easier to build for def..assuming you are going to. Def scorpion shield is awesome. And they get better tough and weave values (I think). But scourge is sexy.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
    My main is a DP/Poison Corruptor. I love him, but the set could really use some attention.

    (+) Poison Trap is a potent AoE mez and proc delivery system. This skill is really good, probably the best in the set.
    ..Seriously? A potent aoe mez? I am sure I read a thread about this power..saying it is the only aoe debuff in the game, that has a HIGHER chance to do nothing at all..than to apply any of its effects.
    I put the lockdown proc in there, and while it helps..it HAS to help, cause the power is so rubbish otherwise.
    Compared to the PT in traps..well..you cant compare.
  6. Your should..should..be able to softcap it to most things with almost any primary. Which are you thinking of?
  7. Sounds like a good idea. Assuming, as your saying Ult, it is just a matter of doing it that way. And with teh example of Calvin. Unless..that does in fact, work in a different way?
    Regardless of the coding involved..it would be a good thing. Except for...no one would have ANY reason to start a toon in prea..as opposed to the reasons we have now. Like..umm...its shiny!
  8. Agreed..hunting them in Boomtown for the Numi TF is awful.
  9. That's what I thought..the closet power I can compare it to would be..conductive aura. Which is regen and FA less useful to a blaster..and also needs you to be in melee..and can miss!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    It's not a Consuming Aura, it's a Cauterizing Aura. Damaging enemies that happen to be nearby is just a side effect

    Personally, I find Blazing Aura thoroughly skippable currently (running both of the damage auras is very expensive, so if I choose only one, I go with the one that deals more damage and covers 6x as much area). Despite the wink above, I really do plan to use Cauterizing Aura primarily for the sustain, and any damage it deals is just a bonus.
    Ahh that name makes more sense! I never did understand 2 damage auras in a blaster set myself. It just seems..too good to get healing for..nothing? Do the other two auras work similar?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Come Undone View Post
    Don't know about damage, didn't use it before, and haven't actually fought anything with it yet (damage is no longer one of the listed stats, just shows the buffs). However, I can say the heal goes off without anything nearby, and conversely, walking through a group of outcasts in steel didn't increase the healing I received.

    Also, none of the sustain toggles have any end cost, not just /fire's.
    Mmmm I see. Theres...3? toggles right? BA, chilling embrace and cloaking? Just seems a bit much to me that it suddenly becomes a damage, and healing aura..with no end cost at all, that works even when hitting nothing. How is it consuming stuff to sustain you..if you arent in combat? lol
  12. Not sure just more def is really the answer. Sure, it would be good, but as people are saying, against BIG sources of to hit..you would need so much to do anything at all.
    It would mostly help vs Incarnate mobs, and even then, that first hit (with no +def or res) quite often hammers an sr down into almost dead status.
    Likewise..+regen in the passives..how much is too much? A small amount and it wont do anything, to large and it breaks SR's niche of being 'the' defence set.
  13. Hmmm ok..
    You will be sorta kinda mostly perma dom with that current build. With some odd downtimes due to hasten cooldown and lag/zoning. But mostly perma.

    May be some different views..but THREE slotting your main hold? It is the single most important power you have, and while it 'can' do the job with 3 slots, especially with perma dom...I truly would recommend more..at least 4 BasGaze for instance.

    No Numi ++ in health? Maybe not be 'so' need on an elec, but who doesnt want better recovery?

    6 slots in JoCh, 3 in stone spears?? Spears is your first attack, and you WILL use it a lot. The damage on JC is crappy to..no point boosting it. ALl it needs is an acc or 2. Swap the slots, spears deserves move (even if it isnt great).

    3 lots of 6 Crushings..for..7ish^ psi res? I am not sure what that will become in i24..but that is SO not worth the slots.

    I hate Tremor. And I have it on my stone melee brute. Its SOOOOOOOOOOO slow. But your slotting for it is good.

    Can you afford a purple set? The purple confuse and sleeps are great in Static and Syn. maybe you are after a spot for the ato? But the ato +dam proc..NEEDS to go in something you will use more.

    The aegis proc (mez RESIST, not prot) is pretty worthless in pve, especially on a squishy.

    5 slotting your rez? For stun? Gotta ask..just HOW often are you dying?? Lose some slots and throw 5 posis in Fissue, its a great aoe.

    Gremlins....they are a resist pet, not def, so the def procs are a bit worthless for them..also..you want to try max out their damage.

    You have no kb prot at all? Unless I missed it. Even with perma dom..one is good to have, at least for lower lvl tfs etc.

    That help?
  14. I don't have, or planning to make, a /fire fire blaster, but just curious..
    Not trying to cry nerf or anything either, but, now it has NO end cost at all? Is the damage the same? (like 60 or whatever slotted)
    Does the heal pulse go off regardless of if you are in melee and burning things, or not?
  15. A few points..
    You are NOT at perma dom levels of rech. If you are wanting to be a very helpful dom..you do want to shoot for that.
    Some of your slotting is....trying to think of a word to not offend you. Not the best.

    3 end red in assault for example..overkill. You dont gain enough benefit for that 3rd slot..much better elsewhere.
    The 2 LoTG in manu...you DONT have the +7.5 rech.you want that. The +def on that power is not huge, so you dont 'need' to max out the def slotting.
    You seem to be going for ranged def..which is fine.
    Weave with 3 slots, the 3rd of which is a fire resist? You dont need that..another gambler 7.5 in there.
    Using 3 purples is a waste..use 5 for teh rech.
    2 slots in charged bolts for a +run speed? Seriously? It will be your most used attack!
    3 slots in VS for damage..not worth it. The power itself is not all that..and it sucks to resummon all the time. SKippable.
    DONT slot stalag for damage. You want stun duration. Stupefy is great, and has +rech and ranged def.
    Quicksand, while great, does NOT need or want 6 slots, one rech is perfectly fine.
    WoC is quite handy, and better with the proc..again..3 purps? Slot all 5.
    6 slots in EQ? For..aoe def? No need..slot 4 dark watchers for hp, rec and rech. And the -to hit is the best bit about it.
    MUCH better of using the full GSFC set in build up, with teh coming PPM changes. Its crap in tactics.
    Slotting LM for to hit....no, just..no. At LEAST slot a 7.5 in there.

    Sorry to be brief..ran out of time. WIll check back.
  16. Thats easily perma dom..and perma hasten with your Alpha. Obvioulsy not as good def..but 23% ranged on a dom isnt that bad.

    You still have the numi ++ in CA! In health, now *waits*

    Is there any reason you want hover? Just enjoy it? Hover and the aura, with immobs can work well..I just love the control of CJ myself.

    As to which build is better..or going to be better for you..you have to answer that one. Perhaps play the toon up, without perma dom, see how much benefit you think you are getting from it, and decide if its enough to go without the defence.
  17. MisterD

    Store Gifts

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    If anyone needs to get over himself it's you. You seem to have forgotten that the purpose of posting in the Suggestion forums is to get BOTH positive and negative feedback so the OP can perfect his idea if he has overlooked anything.

    If you didn't want feedback you should have simply sent the suggestion directly to one of the devs (probably Zwill) via Private Message.
    Hey, I am fine with negative feedback. But really..you could have just said, in the same way Hopeling did, that the security is a big issue, and left it at that. I honestly did not even think of it. Because..ya know..i was just TRYING to make a decent suggestion and not get bogged down in crying utter doom about someones idea.

    See me not attacking Hope? Cause his 'negative' feedback comes across as just that..feedback. Now, I dont know if you were intending to SOUND like a bit of posterior head wear, or if you just had a bad day. I know I have made some attacking posts too. Just that everything you said in your first response, came off as attacking my idea, flat out, because I should somehow have known the issue has security problems. Then you go and make a stupid list of ways in which security for gifts could be abused...which ALL come back to..oh look, a 'security issue.'

    Well guess what smart guy..here is my rebuttal, to your 'feedback', so I can perfect my idea. You ready?

    Store purchased Gifts, able to be sent to others. If there is any 'security issues' with this, FIX them all.

    Done, perfect idea. See how easy that was? Almost as helpful as your feedback.
  18. Well some of the sets your planning in the 2nd build will be fairly cheap..and the good ones..well..if you DID that build, then decided you wanted perma later..you could reuse them for a perma build easy enough.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Also, I am attempting to work up a build that goes for S/L Def since I do tend to play in melee range a lot on this character... I might even go for Melee Defence for that matter, but I think that would be too limiting as it would do nothing for the ranged attacks (obviously). I have discovered that going for S/L is considerably harder than Ranged. :/
    Guess it depends how you play him to. I have solod, and small teamed, quite a few doms, from 20 onwards. And even at 40+, redside, when things can get harder, they are one of the easiest ATs to play, due to the powers. If you just do small teams, the def would not be such a big deal, over say...some decent lvls of rech (more on that later), good acc, damage maxed in attacks etc etc.
    Of course, the def would help a LOT in teh end game, and big leagues. But again..there you have all those team buffs, unless you are say..soloing a crate on Lam. Just something else to consider.

    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    I really wasn't shooting for Perma Dom... in fact, I have no idea how much +Rech is required to even get there. Would it be bad? No, of course not! But I wasn't really shooting for it specifically. I would rather approach the survivability level of my favorite Troller... but then again, being as useful as he is on the Controls end would be nice also.
    Perma is really good. But..elec is one of the sets on doms, that does not get HUGE benefit from it, in regard to Domination and mezzes. So viewed like that..no, you dont 'need' perma. Recharge for perma dom is around..75% I think, with 90ish needed for perma hasten as well. The elec pets do decent damage, if you havent got them yet. But, for aoe you maybe want PSW with some more slots?

    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    I went Psi for a secondary specifically for concept, heck, when I chose it I didn't even know that Drain Psyche was a good power! But you are right, it certainly could use some extra accuracy. I will have to see how much I get globally.
    Yep..assumed concept. Nothing wrong with that. However..say you want the Mu shield for teh red sparky look..might you be able to..mimic the effect on say scorp shield (or whatever) come i24 and pool power customising?
  20. MisterD

    Store Gifts

    As Hopeling says..it could be solved. The difficulties have NOTHING to do with teh suggestion. Get over yourself Forbin. Should ever lil idea people have be put through your silly list of possible things that could go wrong?
    Not to mention..IF it was done, and the devs, you know..just fixed any issues with security, and it just..worked?
    How hard is it to just say..no, I dont like the idea, not sidetrack it with a list that just...does not matter? Why would I consider all that? Im not a dev, I dont program internet security. I made a suggestion I think would be helpful to the game..and also MAKE them money.
  21. The lockdown proc is great if starved for slots. I see your using it for def and rech. I assume you LIKE fireball..but..Power boost + farsight is just flatout amazing..and you would not need to much def to soft cap it.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Klaw_ View Post
    Thanks for the warning about INTERENT MEMES. MEMES that are INTERENT are the worst.
    Glad I was not the only one to see that..
  23. Maybe if it was further tweaked to be def and res to something uncommon. Ie, besides wp, dark and elec, its VERY hard to get psi def or resist in melee sets (maybe you can get it a bit better with i24 set bonsues, dont know) so perhaps make it Psi def and resit, in keeping with the tk/mental theme.
    Perhaps add some debuff resist, of a small value, in too..like..10% def resist.
  24. Ok, I will wait then and you can clarify some of the points I made
  25. Looking at it..I think the link is broken? The cohplanner one works..but not the build one?
    Not sure if s/l def would be more helpful, since with elec, you want to be close for conductive aura (granted you dont NEED to be, and its easy to immob stuff). And s/l def would give you defence to range attacks using those, obviously.

    oh WAIT. Your not perma? Even with hasten up, it isnt, unless im looking wrong. If you arent wanting to be perma, thats fine (and I think more doms should learn to play non perma first) but it REALLY is soooo good. I would rate that higher than defence. At the least, you can use lucks for def..getting perma mez prot and end refilling, and longer mez..there is no inspiration for that.

    Drain Psy also has a very low acc? I am not sure howw much it needs, and dont rate that power as high as some people do, but..why else did you go Psy? Unless it is a theme..fair enough there.

    I dont like aoe immobs myself..but it can work with elec for the aura. However..the sleep is so wtfawesome...and aoe immob will break it. I'd slot up the ST immob more..and I think the end stun proc is basically worthless?

    The Numi ++ in CA..it MAY give benefits to enemies..Im not sure. But since your using the slot..why not stick it in health? And use an Acc/End for the single slot (not acc/rech), it will help more.

    Random idea..you could put the ato set in the aoe immob (i think the sup dam is good there) then use Pacing of the Turt in Static Field, for more ranged def. ANd the ticcing on SF is quite fast as is.

    To answer the question though..yes, it would be workable.