Ouroboros, Praetoria Contacts, Flashback, and Positron's comment during Coffee Talk

Agent White



During Coffee Talk Positron was asked about Praetorian missions getting put into Ouroboros, his response was that it would be extremely hard due to dying contacts and that might require a new tech for Ouroboros. It seems there is a simpler solution to this.

Why not just make all the Ouroboros Praetorian Contacts telephone only contacts?

Ever done a Calvin Scott TF flashback? The contact does not exist in the game world he is only an NPC you call via the telephone. Basically, by doing the above you don't even tie the flashback to the original contact in the physical game world. It is simply an NPC "posing" as the contact.

This would also open up the Praetorian arcs to all non-Praetorians and allow them to do the arcs and receive the badges for side switching.

Thoughts on this?



If it is easy for that to be the fix i hope they do it, i missed a few badges for my 2 Praetorian Chars.

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I don't think the issue was entirely about visiting the contacts. Didn't he also say something about how the phasing technology makes it hard to do? I also don't see how they'd manage to achieve side-switching in a flashback format.

Don't get me wrong though, I'd love to see a Praetorian flashback system of some kind eventually. I just don't think it'd be as easy as making them call-only.



Originally Posted by jfp2004 View Post
I don't think the issue was entirely about visiting the contacts. Didn't he also say something about how the phasing technology makes it hard to do? I also don't see how they'd manage to achieve side-switching in a flashback format.

Don't get me wrong though, I'd love to see a Praetorian flashback system of some kind eventually. I just don't think it'd be as easy as making them call-only.
Thats my point, just make the contacts in flashback just all telephone contacts. Not in world NPCs, in fact the telephone contacts wouldn't even be the actual contacts.



I think that's assuming the problem with contacts dying/phasing out is they can't be contacted after they die/phase out.

I mean it could be, but that would be pretty silly if they just hadn't thought of that solution >>



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
I think that's assuming the problem with contacts dying/phasing out is they can't be contacted after they die/phase out.

I mean it could be, but that would be pretty silly if they just hadn't thought of that solution >>
You misunderstand what I am saying, just make it a NEW CONTACT as a telephone contact. SAme model, same name, different contact. Make sense?

IE if Praetoria Contact XX is number 1021012

Make his telephone contact same name, same model, but make his contact ID 102999 but he gives the same exact storyarc.



The problem may not be with the contacts themselves though. We've just been told -something- breaks because of the phasing. We don't actually know what it is that's breaking or -why- (and they probably don't either). Replacing the contact may not do anything.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
The problem may not be with the contacts themselves though. We've just been told -something- breaks because of the phasing. We don't actually know what it is that's breaking or -why- (and they probably don't either). Replacing the contact may not do anything.
That something is the contacts. So what I am suggesting is that the "contact" is simply a telephone with no physical ingame NPC. Basically it would be a phone only contact (No where in game) that gives the exact same story arc.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
You misunderstand what I am saying, just make it a NEW CONTACT as a telephone contact. SAme model, same name, different contact. Make sense?

IE if Praetoria Contact XX is number 1021012

Make his telephone contact same name, same model, but make his contact ID 102999 but he gives the same exact storyarc.
That's not how the contact system nor Ouroboros works. So, they'd have to code that.. thus the problem.

Also, the phasing tech makes some arcs impossible. You can remove Cleopatra from the game and then get the mission to deliver flowers to her from White... which you can't.

So, if you're a Praetorian and you removed Cleopatra from the game, not only is there a problem getting Cleo as a contact, but there is a problem if you're doing White's arc through Ouroboros.

It *can* be worked around. But it would need coding. And not easy coding. Standard code rant in full force here.

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They'd also probably have to add new technology to remember your "true" (hero/villain) alignment so that your resistance/praetorian one doesn't interfere, and make sure to cover every possible hole with which someone could exploit the game or accidentally trap themselves with.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
That's not how the contact system nor Ouroboros works. So, they'd have to code that.. thus the problem.
I disagree, isn't this how Calvin Scott works?



Sounds like a good idea. Assuming, as your saying Ult, it is just a matter of doing it that way. And with teh example of Calvin. Unless..that does in fact, work in a different way?
Regardless of the coding involved..it would be a good thing. Except for...no one would have ANY reason to start a toon in prea..as opposed to the reasons we have now. Like..umm...its shiny!



What about the interaction with Marchand/Scott? That's coded into several contacts too. Dunno how that's going to interact with the Taskforce setup.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
What about the interaction with Marchand/Scott? That's coded into several contacts too. Dunno how that's going to interact with the Taskforce setup.
Tweak it so you don't have to. Calvin Scott TF had the same thing where one mission you had to talk to Malaise?



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Tweak it so you don't have to. Calvin Scott TF had the same thing where one mission you had to talk to Malaise?
Er, not the same thing >> You contact Scott/Marchand before missions to have objectives altered, like with Vincent Ross. Though it might be strictly flavor, I never tested it to see the differences. But Still something coded in that would have to be dealt with somehow.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Er, not the same thing >> You contact Scott/Marchand before missions to have objectives altered, like with Vincent Ross. Though it might be strictly flavor, I never tested it to see the differences. But Still something coded in that would have to be dealt with somehow.
All it is is strictly flavor and gives different dialogue. If you don't contact them you don't get the different dialogue. Not much of a loss. Does not alter the souvenir or anything.

Edit: For instance, after beating Vanessa Devoure if you spoke with Calvin Scott prior when she is crippled (And you can talk to her) you can select one of the options as "I'm in the resistance its ok!" -- No impact at all or referenced later.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
You mean the one that took over three years to get back into the game? Sure... go with that and Praetorian Ouroboros will be here in 2015.
To be honest I don't think they had the technology for that which they do now. Prior to Calvin Scott, we never had contacts that were phone only and no physical contact. (Unless you count the newspaper)

After we got Calvin Scott we suddenly saw an influx of these type of contacts. (Penelope Yin Praetorian, Mother Mayhem, Dominatrix, Dream Doctor, etc)



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
All it is is strictly flavor and gives different dialogue. If you don't contact them you don't get the different dialogue. Not much of a loss. Does not alter the souvenir or anything.
No, but it allows your contact to show up in the final ''real'' mission and has additional, different objectives throughout the arc (if you choose Maros you'll have to fight an additional AV/EB, for example).

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Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



A better example than Calvin Scott would have been Positron. If you go to the "real" Positron during a flashback of the Old Posi TF, he gives the "Looks like you have more important matters to attend to" line, because he is a different contact from the phone-only version.

Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
No, but it allows your contact to show up in the final ''real'' mission and has additional, different objectives throughout the arc (if you choose Maros you'll have to fight an additional AV/EB, for example).
Also, the new Incarnate story arc(s) in Issue 24 are supposed to remember what you did in Praetoria, and in some cases change based on that. Praetoria should only be added to Ouroboros if ALL the choices are available, particularly ones that alter the outcomes of the newer arcs.




Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
No, but it allows your contact to show up in the final ''real'' mission and has additional, different objectives throughout the arc (if you choose Maros you'll have to fight an additional AV/EB, for example).
I was referring to Praetoria arcs not Vincent Ross.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
All it is is strictly flavor and gives different dialogue. If you don't contact them you don't get the different dialogue. Not much of a loss. Does not alter the souvenir or anything.

Edit: For instance, after beating Vanessa Devoure if you spoke with Calvin Scott prior when she is crippled (And you can talk to her) you can select one of the options as "I'm in the resistance its ok!" -- No impact at all or referenced later.
I'd rather wait for an actual fix than get a quick hack that removes story elements because they're "just flavor", personally. The only reason to run Praetoria flashbacks in the first place is for flavor and other similarly immaterial reasons (completionism, badge hunting, etc).



I think Ultimus is on the right path with this one. Rather than going to the ACTUAL contacts, with Ouroboros you'd be making use of "parallel" contacts who are just cell phone contacts who give you the same rewards as the "regular" contacts, but who don't engage the Phasing system (see: Ouroboros and Time Travel) nor do they engage the Loyalist/Resistance choices (in a meaningful/permanent way) at the end of the arc. Set things up so that you can run the Flashbacks as *either* a Loyalist or a Resistance member (using a UI choice when accepting the Flashback).

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Badge hunting immaterial? Them's fighting words!

Also, I suspect that along with the lasting impact issues (Cleo and Sheffield, anyone?) that the alignment is the true stumbling block Since Resistance/Loyalist appears to be coded as Hero/Villain+another flag and is a bit more fluid, that might be trouble. After all, apparently Ouro is in two versions already for alignment reasons and apparently kind of hacked oddly behind the scenes even to manage that. And we know there's other oddities under the hood, like tracking your true loyalties goldside based on the initial decision. While I'd love to be able to flash back to them, I can understand why the coding is approached with trepidation suitable to juggling jars of nitroglycerin and hedgehogs at once.



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Set things up so that you can run the Flashbacks as *either* a Loyalist or a Resistance member (using a UI choice when accepting the Flashback).
So basically you'd have two Ouro versions of each Praetorian arc... a Loyalist and a Resistance version. One where you followed the "true" storyline and one where you followed the "infiltrate" storyline, pretty much. Either one gives the same set of badges and whatnot for that mission, but the one you pick chooses the storyline points that get set on your character for later. I like that. Sure it's twice the work of adding in one arc, but it's a fraction of the complication and time needed to reprogram Ouroboros.

For the parts where you need to talk to someone that's been phased out or killed off, you could set up a catch-all contact. It uses the AE hologram contact tech to take on the appearance of any character it needs to be, and we already know that can be different for each person looking at it. It's default appearance can be set to a standard praetorian civilian for those not running any of the arcs. So to anyone who's not time traveling, it's just another praetorian schmoe standing around reading a newspaper.