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  1. Just saw this:

  2. Thanks, EB!

    Got my Kirby Dots!

    Voo: you have more than one account?
  3. w00t!

    34FJ-U3KR-5GRQ-4FKG-RCPB worked for me!

    Now what's this code do?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    I actually really enjoyed Sucker Punch >> Dunno why it gets so much hate
    I agree. Sucker Punch delivered what it promised, and nothing more.
  5. Mental_Giant


    Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
    He mines for food.
    Yeah, they want to see if Ham is cutting his mined salt with beach sand to increase profits!
  6. Mental_Giant


    Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
    Shadowrun Kickstarter project... might have to look that up (I recently chipped in to support Chris Warner's Punisher Kickstarter project).
    Both Shadowrun Kickstarters (Shadowrun Returns and the MMO) have closed, but I'm sure there's a way to get in on them at their sites.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
    Yeah, like I'm gonna come right out and say "Which one doesn't have the Hamster?" Whoops!
    That would be Limitless.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    This conversation has happened, been beaten to death, and is rotting. Ice does NOT IMPEDE FURY. If I can sit on a Brute with any powerset and punch a RWZ target dummy until I get max attainable Fury, then slows will NOT impede Fury.
    Then why did they cut Ice Armor originally? Did Fury change, or was it just a lame excuse?

    Also: just because you can generate max fury with your attacks, wouldn't it be faster if you also got the fury from attacks against you? And doesn't slow affect that? So Ice Armor (and Melee) would be weaker in terms of fury generation than other sets that don't slow.
  9. Mental_Giant


    A_C left three years ago?

    Where did the time go?
  10. It took me a while to come around, but I do feel like a VIP.

    I'm the guy who buys every costume piece (with very few exceptions) and all power sets that come out, and I have had to come out of pocket at various times (and let's not talk about the Super Pack fiasco). Even so, I feel like I'm getting more game for my money than I used to.

    I'm loving my Nature Affinity/Rad Defender at the moment.
  11. We should do the PYTF tonight for the WTF bonus!
  12. I ended up going with a Nature/Rad Defender. Been a while since I rolled up a Shield. Feels good to be back!
  13. Grr.... it's been Live for a while, but because of a weird internet issue I'm having, I can't get in and buy it!

    I blame Voodoo!
  14. Great list, Agent!

    Of all of the non-standard pairings, I like Darkness/NA the best, but I already have a Dark Dom at lvl 35. Earth/NA is also a natural fit, but I already have an Earth/Thermal.
  15. Ah... Beast Mastery does seem like the best fit for an MM, but I already have a Beast/Trick Arrow in the works.

    Yeah, I guess I can't make a Dom with this set... probably going with Plant Control, then. Haven't rolled up a 'troller in a while.
  16. I'm loving the look of NA, so I'm definitely rolling one up tomorrow. My question is what's the best pairing for it, theme-wise? I think Plant Control is the best, but I'm open to suggestions. AT is irrelevant. I'd roll a Dom, Corr, or even an MM if someone can make a better case.
  17. How is TNG on the list and not the original? I would put Star Trek at #1, and Who at #2.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
    For the future, yeah, maybe they can add some objectives, but won't the objectives make it more like "Rikti with Corolax?" .
    Rikti with Coralax would be fine if "Rikti" meant something besides standing in a big group and AOEing large groups of mobs down to nothing.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    I'm also willing to wait for the time and effort to be put into this.
    Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
    There can't be objectives, because objectives require coding, and programming. What part of "the coders and programmers had absolutely nothing to do with Zwilinger's Mako event" is so difficult to grasp?
    Maybe read my post next time.
  20. Fista is right.

    I like the idea of adding objectives to invasion-style events, to mix things up. I'm also willing to wait for the time and effort to be put into this.
  21. I mostly did Sutters, Kals, and a mission team here and there. I would have liked greater variety, but I didn't have much time and I needed XPEEZ.
  22. Since no one has created an appropriately titled thread... here goes!

    I accomplished all my goals this DXP weekend, even with abbreviated playing time.

    Old Iso Mind/Fire Dom 47->50
    Old Fire/Rad Corr 47->50
    New Iso 19->32