2623 -
What's the farthest Issue that was planned for, and what are the story arcs for each of the future issues (starting with I24, since I wasn't on Beta much
Were there plans for a Moon Base, and if so, what Issue would it have appeared in? Any details on the Moon Base would be appreciated.
Who or what was the Battalion?
Who or what was The Coming Storm? (Might be identical to the above, but asking for completeness' sake) -
What's the farthest Issue that was planned for, and what are the story arcs for each of the future issues (starting with I24, since I wasn't on Beta much
Were there plans for a Moon Base, and if so, what Issue would it have appeared in?
Who or what was the Battalion?
Who or what was The Coming Storm? (Might be identical to the above, but asking for completeness' sake)
EDIT: Crap... wrong thread. Crossposted! -
If this is the confessions thread, then I admit it: I'm a fanboi.
Spoiler alert: The Giants win.
How awesome was the Moon Zone going to be: Totally Awesome or Completely Awesome?
I assume midnight on 11/30 (which is a Friday).
I expect we'll get details on this from someone before then. -
I think it has to be AP as well. It's a zone we'll remember long after the servers are cold and empty.
I think I may have to do this as well. Too many good characters and cool costumes to just vanish with no record.
On the decision to shut down the game, I agree with you Ham. This should have be planned in advance, and Paragon Studies give more than *instant* notification. Six months is a good wind down time... a year is better! I'd be happy to get I24 out and all the new costumes/powers that were in the pipe (Bio Armor looked great, the Tech Knight Tier 9 costumes looked AMAZING, and based on a Posi comment it sounded like we were close to a MOON ZONE!).
Any time after 9PM EST is good, but I would schedule it closer to the end date.
As for where should we have it, I'm a fan of the traditional gather in front of Atlas in Atlas Park pose. -
We need to have some place to continue our SoF&I discussion after 11/30.
Quote:I'll agree with this analysis, but this just makes me wish CoH was with a smaller publisher who had a smaller stable of games.In a word, it wasn't Cryptic Studios withholding license renewal that doomed CoH... It wasn't NCsoft hating on American gamers... At the end of the day, NCsoft was in the red and they cut the lowest-performing IP in their stable of games (and also the one with a significant mount of unjustifiable expense) just to rescue their bottom line... Can't say I blame them from an investment perspective. Unfortunately for all of us that turned out to be City of Heroes.
I can't believe that CO is outperforming CoX, and I bet we're even close to DCUO at this point. Less profitable games than ours are out there staying open... they just don't belong to NCSoft. -
I wish Jock was around to write the End of the World myth for City of Heroes.
Oddly enough, the Coyote travel power is pretty cool! It has a stupid long jump! -
Ok, yeah, now I don't feel like a VIP either.
I never did the Mender Silos TF or the new Belladonna one. I'd like to do those before the end.
Dammit, that Tech Armor that was coming up looked awesome, too!
**** on a stick!
Why the hell do people decide to troll in the Iso thread?
We're in our mid-30s, and the game goes dark 11/30, we definitely can fit in one last great 1-50 run before then! SERIOUSLY!
I'm pissed I can't make the Spines/Bio Armor Scrapper I wanted to, but we can still play.
The greatest irony is I was going to actually pick up the Coyote power when I heard the news, but I think they said the market is shut down immediately. -
City of Heroes was indeed the first, and best Super Hero MMORPG.
Neither of the contenders got everything right like this game did, and both of them went Free 2 Play long before CoH had to.
In the end, it wasn't a competitor that brought us down, but it was the runaway success (based on pre-orders and first week sales) of another NCSoft game that did it.
I have nothing against Guild Wars 2, but I think the decision to close CoH is extremely short-sighted.
Thank you to the Devs and the Community that made this the greatest Super Hero (hell, greatest *any*) MMORPG out there. You will be missed. -
Not SOE or EA, but it would be great if someone picked up CoX.
I just don't see it happening, and I don't see a sequel.
It's over.
This blows.
I'm going to miss you guys.
Yes, even Voodoo.
EDIT: Close to 5,000 hours total according to Xfire, but it will be a few hundred more than that.