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    Voodoo will always been remembered on the Wall of Heroes:

    Bone... you are insane if you say this is X-COM in name only!

    What is it missing? Annoying AP fiddling instead of a steamlined move and shoot system? Keeping track of EVERY DAMN MAGAZINE of ammunition in the base(s)? Orchestrating a crew of 12 sweeping a map, because some Sectoid got stuck on a roof somewhere?

    This is not only true to the spirit of X-COM, it's better than the original!
  2. In X-COM, soldiers get randomly assigned Nicknames if they live long enough. Somehow, I got Voodoo on my team!

    The funny part is he's the Healer!
  3. Who's psyched for the Season 3 Premiere this weekend?

    Unfortunately, they're doing the "show some episodes, take a break until the Spring, then show the rest" thing again this year, which means this site won't be around to discuss the (no doubt) shocking conclusion of Season 3.
  4. As a long-time fan of the original series, I have to say that Firaxis knocked it out of the park. This game is better in almost every way than the original. They took out all the tedium and busy-work and kept in the challenge and flat out terror.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    ... The **** is this thread doing on the suggestion forums?
    It's Thunderdome, Chad... no one is policing us.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Just imagine an MMO without loot, raids, crafting or PvP. Madness? Madness? This. Is. City of Heroes! That's pretty much what it was back in 2004, and that's what I bought the game for.
    I hope people remember this. When CoH game out, the game was truly revolutionary, and tossed most of the MMO conventions out the window. Only later did they get added back in as the game developed.

    Guild Wars 2 is said to be "revolutionary", but it just makes the traditional MMO chores more palatable. A spoonful of sugar, as it were. CoH said, "You know what? You don't really need that medicine anyway... have some sugar!"

    I will continue to play MMOs, but I don't think I'll ever subscribe to one again. Of course, I have two Lifetime subscriptions (LOTRO and CO), but with everything F2P these days (except, shockingly, The Secret World), I should be able to hold to that.
  7. Mental_Giant

    Your last day?

    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post

    Issue 24????
    My guess is they're starting to turn on events, and they need a maintenance window for that.
  8. Mental_Giant

    Your last day?

    I wanted to be on until the last minute, but if it's 3AM Eastern I doubt that'll be possible. Maybe I'll play until midnight EST, log out, and immediately log into CO to continue my superheroic adventures.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
    I loved this news post from Penny Arcade back in 2004:

    Yeah. **** Dragons, indeed.
    Thank you for finding this! I was searching for it all day as evidence that Tycho dug CoH, at least for a little while...

    **** Dragons! **** them in the ***!
  10. Yeah, the newspost came out like I thought. Tycho enjoyed the game for a time even if Gabe didn't. He groks it.
  11. Waiting for the news post for the comic, and hoping that it has a slightly more positive spin.
  12. Mental_Giant

    Penny Arcade...

    Isn't City of Gyros in Paragon City, though? So technically, Gabe should still be pissed off.
  13. So... wait... you aren't that rapper? All my illusions are shattered!
  14. It's a good investment in the sense that I have something to fall back on in case anything happened to CoH... and wouldn't you know it, something did.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post

    Me - "Mental, sell me on CO"
    Mental - "Uh.....I don't think I can. Second best costume creator. Why? Are you thinking about it? I don't think it's for you"
    Me - "Why's that?"
    Mental - "You don't seem like an MMO guy. People hate you. I think it's a fluke that CoH even came out and you found out about it. Please don't ruin CO for me"
    Me - "Tell me how you really feel "
    That's not exactly what I typed.

    I have a Lifetime sub to Champions Online, and I don't even have a max level character. My highest is 29 or something like that (max lvl is 40, I think).

    I think that's all the commentary you need on the game. If you have to play a superhero MMO, then it's probably your only choice after this game closes. DCUO blows donkey balls from what I hear.
  16. I was really excited for this game as it was in development, but now that it's out, based on the reviews and Funcom's track record I'm concerned about the game's long term future.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    So Zill is gone. Wonder if it's time to post player notes.
    It's about that time.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Static enemy levels and static player levels help establish a "base" by which we compare ourselves to the world. Numbers are empty. They tell me nothing. It doesn't matter if I do 100, 1000 or 10 000 damage, what matters is how much health my enemies have and how hard I have to fight to bring them down. It's the ease or difficulty of fighting that tells me how far I've gone, and by forcibly level-scaling me, the game is effectively moving the goal posts. There's a very visceral, instinctive kind of feedback in this sort of static system that I just don't get when I can be level-scaled on a whim.
    I disagree for this reason: loot, skill unlocks, and traits do have a major impact on performance, even with being leveled down to the area you're in. It's much easier going back to a level 6 zone as a level 80 character with all the phat lewt, traits, and skills you have earned over time.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    And I have. I played a Norn up to a decent level, I forget which.
    Come on now, Sam... if you want to pretend GW2 is a Steampunk Epic and not just another fantasy game, you needed to play an Asura! Playing a Norn is just going to make you feel like it's Skyrim Online!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    currently ive been playing borderlands 2 a bunch and its awesome, i feel it made a LOT of improvements on stuff i felt was lacking in the first one
    We need to team up some time. I played a little on opening night, but the combat doesn't feel as compelling as BL1, and on top of that I still have crap lowbie weapons.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sureshot_Liberty View Post
    Actually, the first GW launched with the buy the box and play free model, with paid expansion packs. They didn't add a cash shop until later.
    I stand corrected, but I was mostly talking about the buy the box and play free model. I don't think I even knew they eventually added a shop to GW.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    An interesting thing is that the items in the 'cash shop' can actually be had without spending any money, since the in-game currency can be converted to the cash shop currency. (not that that changes your point or anything )
    It actually amplifies my point. Yes, since you can convert in-game gold to "gems" to buy stuff, then you need never give them another cent to play the game "FOREVER".

    Of course, Guild Wars did come out with for-pay expansions, but they were about once a year or so, and again, once you buy the box, you get everything. I expect GW2 will follow this model.