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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
    Shield is better on a scrapper, only because shield charge is a pseudo-pet and gains from a scrappers higher base. AAO is also slightly better for the same reason.

    Electric melee is better on a scrapper, for exactly the same reason.

    Electric/shield is the scrappers bastion against brootness. There's nothing quite like the massive pulse-nukes of an elec/shield.

    Fire melee is better on a brute due to fury boosting the dots. Same for dark, although not quite as much. Weapon sets are less good on a brute because gloom is just THAT GODLIKE on a brute. (Dots get boosted.) They can still work well, but the redraw may be an issue.

    Armor sets: Anything with a damage aura is better on a brute. Anything with regen or +hitpoints is better on a brute. Anything that can cap a resist category is WAAAAY better on a Brute, especially things like Invuln and Fire.

    Claws is better on a brute. Holy cow, is it ever.

    I have three brutes currently in the projects list:


    All three of those combos are a LOT better on a brute. The fire/wp/soul might have the largest performance envelope of any toon that isn't an EAT.

    elec/shield and elec/elec is better on a scrapper for damage, although the elec/elec lacks a taunt aura on a scrapper.
    Ok, I am so glad I found this thread.

    Long ago, before I knew Shields was better on Scrappers, I made a Mace/Shield Brute and took her through Praetoria with no problems. I ran her through lots of Ouroboros missions regular contact missions, and tips.

    Then I heard Brutes are inferior to Scraps as far as Shields go.

    My reaction to this bit of news was I stopped playing her...but did not delete her.

    Now that I hear about the new mace skins in the..err..Carnies of Light pack coming out, I want a make mace wielder of somesort but I don't want to start from scratch when I have a perfectly good, IOed out, Mace/Shield parked at level 38.

    How exactly is Shields worse on a Brute....could you, or anybody, explain it in terms this mathematically challenged old granny type can understand?

    What do I have to do, to make this combo work for a brute?

  2. Not sure about purples, but I know they drop shards.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
    Did they put it up again? This bug is the reason they pulled it from the black Friday sale.

    It's possible that the fix for this bug is in the patch today and this is another case of 'reasons new items should be put up after maintenance/patching, not auto-updated 8 hours before then'.

    Keep your fingers crossed.
    They are indeed, as are my toes
  4. Oh yessss...I have a Titan/Willpower Brute. When I first made her, I was horrified by the slowness of the set, but, as I gained levels, and received more and more power, my horror became replaced by a delighted smile.

    She is level 21 now and she defeats things fast and easy. Since my Secondary is not as filled out as I would like, I am still running 0/2. The silver lining for not having a ton of mobs on my plate is I have not had one drop of endurance issues.

    Titan Weapons is a winner.

    Don't be deceived by the slow start

  5. Hello all.
    I bought a Numina Regen/Recovery in the Paragon Market this morning, and I cannot slot it in Health. I get a message saying it is "too weak to improve my powers"

    The toon I was attempting to give it to is a level 48 Katana/Elec scrap.

    I also bought a Numina Heal and a Heal/Recharge and they slotted into Energize as smooth as silk.

    Anyone else having this problem? Who do I contact about it?

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    160 Points. Non-combat pet. Not included in Holiday Pack, which, BTW, is not available yet.

    It flies.
    It flies?

    I was in such shock about the Eradications and Oblierations, and the expected Numina that I did not look closely.

    160 points is not bad....hmmm.

    Thanks Zombie Man

  7. Squeee..Eradications and Obliterations, and Numina all on sale in the Paragon Market...the hard to get, hellishly expensive, Eradication and Obliteration pieces are within my grasp.....faints.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Flower View Post
    Another option I am going with since TW takes lots of endurance is to use the Kismet +6% to hit. It is a proc so the power needs to be active but you can slide it into an early defense power or combat jumping. Not quite the to hit of Tactics or Focused Accuracy but no endurance cost either.
    And, the Kismet proc can be bought for one Hero/Villain Merit!

    A steal

  9. OMG..I just discovered are sooo talented.....more, have me sitting on the edge of my seat in fascination.
  10. Ok, I have not read all of the other thread , so I apologize if this has been suggested already over there, but I think we need a "Boyfriend/Manfriend" Pack chalk full of coats, blazers, jackets, oversized shirts, a couple of suspenders, cozy flannel shirts..I would say pants but we have a lot of pant options already.

    Once the artists make these, they should save the files so they can go back later and add different textures, patterns, fringes, laces, what have you, so it will be not as time-consuming coming up with new stuff later.

    I just don't want the artists to stop making frilly female stuffs because making female versions of what the men get takes all their time

    Lisa-And Cheesecake is sooo good.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Firemoth View Post
    I'd like to see this, especially since that way I don't have to log on to each of my daughter's accounts, run the transactions, and then go on to mine if I'm adding points to mine as well. I could just do it all from mine, and then gift points to my girls from my account.
    You sound like a wonderful, loving, mom....don't change.

  12. You can get your friend a gift card.

    Case in point, I was grocery shopping at Walmart after I got off of work, and saw the cards. I bought one and proceeded to try it out.

    After registering it at, I went to Buy More Points, Credit Card-Other, filled in all the info, and tah dah it worked like a charm

    Well, truthfully it did not work the first couple of tries because I had, blush, forgotten about sales tax

    Anyway, after I bought the correct amount of points, it worked smooth as silk.

    Ohhh, if anyone wants to do this, don't do as I did. When I was filling out the info for the gift card it asked such things as do you want to keep card on file.

    "Keep a gift card on file? No way" said I to myself as I unchecked it.

    Well, I did all this a day before my account was due to do the automatic 12 month renew...

    I got off of work that day to find that I was no longer a VIP. When I went to account services, I found that I when I unchecked keep card on record for my gift card, it also unchecked my credit card on record. Oy Vay.

    I got it sorted out in minutes, but gave myself a nervous condition and a few more grey hairs

    But, yes, Vista/Mastercard Gift Cards are a fiine way to gift points.

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    What's interesting to me is that all the people saying that this is a sexist pack designed by perverts didn't know until now that it was, mostly, designed by a woman.

    I'm split on "gender equality." I know how much work it takes to make costume parts. And the only actual options are:

    A) Everyone gets the same costume parts, which means no more skirts/frill/lace or girly stuff.

    B) Everyone gets the same costume parts, and then women get girly stuff, meaning men just get less costume parts period.

    C) Everyone gets the same costume parts including girly stuff, so men get corsets and high heels that are a huge waste of developer time for incredibly narrow appeal.

    D) Everyone gets close to the same stuff, but sometimes women just get girly stuff instead.

    Logically, none of those options will please people. Someone will always be displeased. Someone will always feel cheated. So I don't have a problem with this pack as-is. I like the girly stuff (and I'm a girl myself). Yes I'd like some chaps to go with them, but I'm not going to outright call this pack sexist. We've had some of both packs -- heck even the OP points it out.

    I can even see why they have a fascination with corsets as people pointed out. It's because up until now we didn't have any. So they're adding a bunch because it's an as of yet untapped area. It's possible you don't like corsets, but there are people out there who have been wanting corsets for years and finally get some options.

    I can't even suggest how the devs could do "better" in the future. There's nothing "better" to strive for. All they can do is shift their current goal and disappoint a different subset of people. Sure, they could start giving women pants all the time, but enough rounds of that and I'd personally make a "Where Are My Frikkin Skirts At" thread.

    Also, the barbarian pack encourages men to run around nearly naked and I've already seen someone playing a shirtless cowboy stripper in-game. Not sure what bearing that has on anything but it's worth mentioning.
    Clap, Clap.

    Wonderful post Dispari.

  14. Lisa peeks into thread again...sorry I vanished yesterday, I work overnights and it was bedtime.

    I apologize about saying everyone wants man clothing for their toons...I guess what people want is the man and female costume sets to be not identical, but similar.

    And that is great. I was looking through all my toons looking to see who had a LOTG recharge and noticed that the majority of them are wearing jeans and a couple would look wonderful in the Baron's Jacket.....I just felt that calling what we got for females a slutty outfit was wrong. But, I did use a green and black miniskirt for the bottoms on mine, and colored the outfit in shades of Christmas green and red so maybe I desluttified it a bit and forgot what it originally looked like in the costume creator...I don't know, that was yesterday

    Again, I apologize.

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
    Who said that, Hyperbole Lisa?

    Speaking for myself, I said Gunslinger? Cool, I'll drop some chaps on my girl with a hat and trenchcoat and... no? OK, I'll pull on my old west jacket or vest and.... nope. Nothing in these is unshapely. I could happily hunt down and link several samples to nix that silly attitude, but I'd likely get modded.
    Hi Chyll...Hyperbole? I just said what I got out of reading this thread. The players want to dress their female toons in the same outfits that they dress their men toons. From what I understand, we want lots and lots of heavy baron jackets and coats...which are very unshapely.

    Sigh. I am sorry if I misunderstood, but I don't see sluttyness anywhere on the female gunslinger outfit my toon is presently wearing. If I knew how, I would post a screenshot....I agree it is not a gunslingin' outfit, but it does not deserve all this hatred.

    Hate the artists for not giving us man clothing for our females..don't hate the outfit.

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Firemoth View Post
    Um...does Jay even still work here?
    Doesn't he??? What happened???

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I'll buy it
    Lisa stands next to Golden Girl.

    I bought it, and I like it.

    It may not be Gunfightery, but it makes a nice Christmas outfit.

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    "Oh, move it your royal ponceyness! If you want a job doing..."

    Hah...see Sexy Jay, this is what your audience wants.....I sure don't, but I am outnumbered.

  19. Lisa strides into this thread, and looks about warily.

    I actually bought this pack, I played around with it, and I made a very cute curly haired blonde Fire/Fire Brute who looks like she is dressed for Christmas.

    She does not look trashy, nor does she look like a prostitute.

    I do think we should be able to choose our own two colors on the striped top, instead of having one chosen for us.

    Sexy Jay, if you are reading this, I fear that your audience wants to dress their female toons like men...the less shapely the better.

    Once we have all the bulky Baron Jackets we can handle, then and only then should you make us some pretty lady things.

    Pancake, I don't want my female toons to look like hulking men......

    Oh wells....I go on record to say that except for the pre-tinting of one stripe, I am enjoying this pack and think it was points well spent..except for that annoying pre-tinted stripe...

  20. I for one love the Gunslinger Outfit.

    My Fire/Fire Brute, who is wearing it, looks like she should be pouring beers in a german beer garden, a classy german beer garden, because my Brute does not look trashy wearing her new outfit.

    And I LOVE the Belt #2 I think it is. The one that looks like a waistcape with a bow

    Colored Green and Red it looks Christmassy.

    And you can use the Hair Veil thing on other hairstyles...looks interesting with the Big Brain.

    Devs, thank you for this one.

    I like.

    Oh, one thing I do not like at all, is that you can change only one of the colors of the striped corset. Pre-tinting..bah

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
    Rats. I need a higher level toon. Be back.
    Ok, I brought out Battlesneeze Jessie, my level 50 Dark/Regen who has not a single LOTG.

    I slotted two of them in Combat Jump, at level 50, then went down to do a Croatoa arc at level 29. The LOTG bonuses were there

    Good deal.

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
    Ukaserex, I just read your question and am doing an exxperiment in real time, to try to answer your question.

    I just logged in a level 30 Blaster with no set bonuses. I used two unslotters and unslotted the Kismet and Karma she had there and replaced them with two of the storebought LOTG.

    I am about to go to Ouroboris and ex down to 19 or lower. I will come back and tell you if I still have set bonuses.

    Be right back.

    Rats. I need a higher level toon. Be back.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    Please also note that it is cheaper to buy the whole kinetic set individually, rather than the whole set.

    I don't have the store in front of me, but I looked them over considering the purchase, but decided against it because I wasnt' sure how they would work.

    At present, I can get these already without spending any money. So, why the fuss?

    Dispari, you mention that the LotG will retain the level 50 strength while at
    25. You're referring to the IO strength and the bonuses? Or just the bonuses? I'd thought they would scale down with level. There was no information on how these would work in the store. I wouldn't even know where to look for it. If it is the case that we can get those bonuses from these sets at level 1 (in theory only - in practice, we haven't the slots at level 1 to take full advantage) then it might be worthwhile. In a respec situation, it might be different - but I think if your character is level 50 and opts to get that item, then you'd get that item at level 50 - but, again, there's no documentation from a red name explaining how these things work.
    Ukaserex, I just read your question and am doing an exxperiment in real time, to try to answer your question.

    I just logged in a level 30 Blaster with no set bonuses. I used two unslotters and unslotted the Kismet and Karma she had there and replaced them with two of the storebought LOTG.

    I am about to go to Ouroboris and ex down to 19 or lower. I will come back and tell you if I still have set bonuses.

    Be right back.

  24. And, my email is working again..perfectly too.

    I do not understand why it suddenly started behaving itself, but I so very glad it did.

  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Count_Scottula View Post
    are you sending to your global name "@ whatever"?
    Hello Count_Scottula

    Yes, I am sending it to my Global.

    Being in a mission, or out of a mission when I send the email doesn't matter with this problem.

    I am not in a SG, not that that would have anything to do with it .

    I just do not know....I have been emailing without much problems since the email system was first rolled out.
