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  1. Mandu

    My SaveCOH Video


    Let me start again. These CoH farewell videos don't really do anything for me. Some in game footage. Some good scenery but nothing special. Dance Gun, now that was special. I still watch it from time to time. But farewell videos? Meh.

    But then I watched this one. And it hurt. It made me feel like I was actually losing something as I watched. Well done. I think. I feel like I'm saying "Thanks for that punch in the gut. It was perfectly executed."
  2. What I want to see. Amy and Rory thrown way back in time. The Doctor plans to rescue them but then finds out that they at some point helped Torchwood save the world, and most likely saved it a few times with their own organization. So he can't rescue them because that would mean Earth is screwed.

    Plus in a couple years it gives us a spinoff steampunk series.
  3. I know it's likely impossible, as in physically impossible, but there is something I would like to see happen. I would like to see the beta server or perhaps a second beta server reverted to issue 1. I would like to have not just my faded memories of what it was like logging into CoH the first time but the actual experience.

    I want to log on and see the tiny selection of archetypes and costumes. No choice of going to the Rogue Isles or Praetoria. Just one destination. I want to fight hard and long just to get the ability to hover and then slowly work my way up to the ceiling.

    I want to live issue one all over again. And I want the final day not to be a massive invasion of Rikti or a spawning of all the GMs and AVs. I want it to be the Rularu invasion of issue 2. The first experience of a game wide ongoing event. A hint of what was yet to come.
  4. Before the final shutdown I plan to boot up my old laptop that I don't use any more. I will start up the game and start creating a new character. If the system still works like it used to I will then be able to keep using the character creator until I shut down the program or my computer dies. At least so long as I never leave the character creator part.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord_Kalistoh View Post
    Now would be great that some dev reveal the Easter Egg in Praetoria related with clockworks (I think Melissa was the one who hinted at it).
    Better than that: reveal all Easter Eggs!
    War Witch already revealed it in game during the unity rally. If you punch the numbers of the various clockwork into your phone they create words. Or something to that extent.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Eh, this whole season has been pretty blah to me. Well, by "season" the paltry sum of episodes that has been put out. It feels like they've taken a play from SciFi with BSG episodes.

    The only thing that was any good was the episode with the Dalek looney bin planet. And that, really, because of the character in it.
    Oddly enough I've felt the same way. And I say oddly enough because I've been a huge Amy and Rory fan. To me their screen time was much more important than that of the Doctor because it was only when interacting with them that he became really interesting. And as far as I'm concerned they are the best companions yet. But this season I've been completely meh about them. The characters do absolutely nothing for me. I don't even find Amy as attractive as before. Sure she is still physically cute but her personality vanished.

    That's just my personal feeling of course. Others are fully entitled to love the season.
  7. Apparently Naratu is a metal band. They must be superhero fans or something.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GadgetDon View Post
    The problem isn't "oh no, we can't use anything electronic", it's "what's the impact on living things if some sort of field is operating that stops anything from a one-cell flashlight to a hydro-electric plant".
    Well, it obviously does suppress the brain functions somewhat since every single person kept making phenomenally stupid decisions.

    I thought the show was ok but had a bunch of little things that pulled me out of the story.

    Crossbow bolt that lifts a charging guy off his feet and throws him backwards.

    Super combat guy who lets some kid easily get a knife to his throat.

    The Goldilocks squad being surprised that the three bears actually showed up when she fell asleep in their house.

    Where were the freaking bicycles?

  9. The total mileage between all the Google cars is now something like 400k miles. And they have only had a couple accidents. Both of which happened when a human was controlling the car.
  10. Mandu



    Ok, very shortly after Faultline was revamped I was exploring it and found a hole in the geometry that led to a hidden canyon/cavern and another in the back corner of that area that let you get under the map. I reported it multiple times but it didn't get closed off for a couple years. So soon as I would hit level 10 on any character I would head to Faultline, get under the map and fly to Yins then load up on Talismans for myself and to hand out to other random people.

    If you were ever a low level character hanging out in Croatoa and suddenly had a Redcap leave it's group and charge straight at you... a Redcap that you couldn't target...that was probably me. Well not me so much as my non combat Redcap pet. I used to fly high overhead and watch for low levels trading in Halloween salvage or just exploring the area. Then I would fly directly over them and my pet which was of course stuck on the ground would run right up.
  11. Well another reason there has been no announcement is simply because that's not the way it's done in Korea. There the decisions of your superiors are final. If they decide to shut down a game that is doing well in Korea then any studio that is handling it will simply accept the decision, pack up their belongings and shut down the servers. Any players will just stop playing and look for a new game. They will consider any offer for transfer of game time by NCSoft to be gracious and generous.

    If some sort of protest were started to keep the game going it would be with no thought behind it of the company owing the players. It would simply be a request for the company to keep a game going that the players enjoy.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
    I think that was the 'cape and mask' effort, though y'know... Comics would work really well too, wouldn't they?
    I wonder if any of the devs know where we could buy up all the remaining CoH back issues. Like most comic books that virtually nobody read they could probably all be had for about twenty cents each.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    That isn't what I said, why don't you NOT lump me in with that $hit.
    True and I apologize for not expanding my post a bit. What you did was compare them to children throwing tantrums. I was just jumping on the overall theme of responding to people who are being passionate with something that will not only not change their mind but will just make them angrier.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
    Ive read rumours that 8,000 Marvel characters are going to be included as playable. Sounds good to me.
    8,000 characters eh? Ok, I choose Rocket Racer. Oh no wait. Flatman!


    Can anybody think of a more useless Marvel hero?

    On second thought forget useless. I want to be Uatu. My only power being the ability to show up in other players missions and watch them play.
  15. If you want to make a real impression go with physical instead of electronic. Start a fund. Get a paypal account. Pay some guys in SK to go physically dump bags of letters and boxes of comic books in the lobby of NCSoft Korea.

    Jericho wasn't given another season because people sent emails. It was given another season because fans sent 25 tons of peanuts to the studio offices. Chuck got a third season because a campaign to buy Subway sandwiches and leave fan notes about Chuck in their feedback boxes led Subway to sponsoring the third season.

    As was mentioned before the most those executives are likely to see is a note that there have been a lot of messages about saving CoH in their inbox lately. Yes that could help but physical gestures always seem huge in comparison.

    Think about it. What would impress you personally more. Opening your email in the morning and seeing that you have 10,000 new messages or having the USPS truck pull up and drop off bag after bag of physical letters. Which would you be more likely to ignore and which would you be more likely to start looking through out of curiosity?
  16. SteelRat and Feycat. I personally am also going to miss this game but I'm not torn apart by it. And I also know that the anger and sadness threads are going to accomplish exactly nothing.

    But I'm not going to post in them just to try and make people face what I consider to be "reality" because I have a certain thing called empathy. You two (and a few others) are like people who say "Geez kid, crying ain't going to bring your dead dog back. Go down to the pound and get your self a new one."

    Telling people they are foolish and wasting their time with their anger and grief doesn't make you cool headed. It just makes you a pancake.
  17. Robin was giving off a huge Jonah Hill vibe.
  18. So apparently Oswin is the new companion. Not just the same actress playing two parts. The episodes up to when she shows up as a companion apparently will involve her evolution from being Oswin to being Clara. This according to an interview with Moffat.
  19. Mandu

    Not Goodbye

    Read through and here is one I haven't seen.

    When Khelds were first introduced there was a bug when they used a respec. It basically allowed the Kheld to keep putting slots in the same power. The person who did this slotted up their Kheld and then paid a visit to Hami, and two shotted him. They supposedly could have done it in one shot but the game engines maximum damage cap was just a bit under Hami's hit points.
  20. We should just have somebody sneak word into North Korea that NCSoft buckled under handling the pressure of a game that had so much variety. That only a much more technologically and societally advanced country could manage it.

    NK will be more than eager to pirate the whole game (probably through bribery which will set up our Devs for life) and make it available. Sure the servers will be a bunch of pentiums and the connection will be limited to 1200 baud but the game will survive.

    And then the SK government will set up their own servers just to show what the really superior country can do. So we'll have CoH back up again on bigger servers with better connections.

    So anybody here pen pals with Kim Jong Un?
  21. Mandu

    CoH 2

    Get a kickstarter started to fund our devs. They can create "Hero City" from the ground up this time using active x instead of opengl. Yes opengl has more potential but the video card manufacturers do such a good job ignoring it that it's constantly glitchy.

    I know, it's a pipe dream because most of the players are notoriously cheap and want everything for free. I would happily throw in $500 but not many others would even if that level of commitment to the kickstarter included a lifetime sub.
  22. Your dad gives you a puppy. You grow up with the puppy. Your puppy grows into an adult and is your constant companion. He is still in the prime of his life and he's your best buddy. Then your dad drags him out behind the woodshed and kills him.

    Why? Because he wants to put an addition on the house and the money he will save on future vet bills and food will help out a little bit.

    Oh yeah, your dad is a great guy for getting you that puppy isn't he? Everything is all peaches and gravy because he let you keep the dog for 8 years before he decided to kill it.
  23. Mandu

    Not Goodbye

    I can't believe you guys can't see the obvious clue.

    TheNet is Ascendant. It's as plain as day.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Night-Hawk07 View Post
    Ah. Wasn't sure if people looked at him as "early Batman" or "newer Sherlock Holmes". I'll probably look through those stories as well.
    Well lets see. He becomes invisible (or nearly so). He can control a persons thoughts and memories. That is a little beyond Sherlock. In fact Batman is closer to Sherlock than The Shadow is.

    I think The Shadow may have been the first pulp hero with actual super powers. All the others just had peak human abilities. The Avenger had the ability to mold his face like clay but that was supposedly because of nerve damage which caused paralyzed facial muscles so still not a super power.

    Then around the same time as the other pulp heroes were coming out there was the first real super human in the novel Gladiator by Phillip Wylie. That's the character that Superman was based on and he had pretty much the same powers as the original Superman. Super strength, bullet proof, able to leap long distances.
  25. Ok, she'll be a suitable companion. I feel odd about this. I absolutely love Amy/Rory but I didn't really like either of them as much as Oswin this episode. It's like they were purposely trying to be bland in order to let her stand out.