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  1. Found this in one of the comments for a deleted scene from shyamalamadingdong's film:

    Water, Earth, Fire, Air.
    Long ago, the three books lived in harmony,
    Then everything changed when M. Night Shyalaman attacked.
    Only Michael Dante Dimartino, Master of all 3 books could stop him.
    But when the world needed him most, he vanished.
    Four Years have passed, and the Internet has revealed the new Avatar, a Waterbender named Korra.
    Although her bending skills are great, she has a lot to learn before she's able to save anyone. But I believe Korra can save this series.
  2. Magus_Prime

    Chuck Norris

    Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
    I think Ive seen commercials for DCU, has CoX ever done any? Someone told me itd be too expensive, but if it gets people to try the game, seems like itd be worth it.
    The closest thing would be product placement on the series "The Big Bang Theory". Went to the CoH Players Summit and they explained that to curtail the expense of straight up advertising, they contract a company for considerably less to find small spots in which CoH can get some exposure.
  3. Awww man! What happened? I just remember it being awesome and fun. Seriously, a great time. Now can someone come by the precinct and pick me up? Oh and bring a checkbook!
  4. I feel like a part of my childhood is gone. I loved it when Billy would take one of his wayward strolls around the neighborhood. Family Circus is a piece of Americana for me. Just as symbolic as apple pie. There were a lot of funny moments and a few powerful heart felt moments as well. Thank you, Mr. Keane. My life as a kid would have been lacking without your work.
  5. Oh man. I remember seeing him on an episode of Bones a couple years back and thinking 'was that Hev?'. He was a staple in the music I listened to back then. I miss that era of clean cut hip hop and his passing saddens me deeply.
  6. So to all the new players free and paid, I just wanted to put it out there that most of the powers in the Undead Survival Kit are easily accessible and free. While I do not dissuade anyone from purchasing the Kit and am all for NCSoft being a profitable company, I think it only fair that the sale be made under an informed decision. In the long run, I'd like for the player base to SUSTAINABLY expand which would only benefit everyone. What I don't want to see is people getting angry and leaving because they paid for something they find out later they could have attained by just playing the game.
  7. Magus_Prime

    Ra. One

    I love the caption:

    "It remains to be seen if the film will live up to the hype."
  8. Magus_Prime

    The Walking Dead

    Originally Posted by Furio View Post
    Not the most practical of his creations, but I want this guy on my team.

    Look for his pump action repeating slingshot-gun. Rack it like a shotgun to load a ball and arm the rubber straps, squeeze trigger to fire...repeat. Pure awesomeness.
    What have you done? I'm now watching the hell out of all these videos.
  9. Magus_Prime

    The Walking Dead

    Wrist Rocket (virtually unlimited ammo ftw!) and an edged weapon of some sort preferably a Chinese broadsword because I've always liked the bright colored stringy part but I'd even settle for a QVC replica of a Bat'leth despite how poorly those things are designed.

    I'd like to see a miniaturized version of that microwave cannon they had on future weapons. If I had one of those, I'd hole up on the Eiffel Tower and have a field day.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ramen View Post
    Wonder if he's doing other characters. The Watcher from Darksider was also voiced by Hamil
    Great game but essentially the voice was identical.
  11. Magus_Prime

    What the ...

    Had to dig this up. Still chuckle to this day.

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    No to: Seth MacFarlane having to do anything with Star Trek
    Too late.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sevenpenny View Post
    While I liked most ST shows.....the Enterprise's final episode pissed me off....I took offense to it being a "holodeck" session for me it was like a big middle finger to all the fans of ST.....what they couldnt have fleshed that show out a bit more? They couldnt have made it fit seemlessly into the original series??? WTF!
    I definitely see your point. For me, though, it was kind of what the doctor ordered. My main gripe with Enterprise before going in was that here's this entire generation of continuity that we're supposed to accept as canon when there was never any prior mention to a Johnathan Archer or an NX Enterprise. That finale kind of cinched it for me and was an official nod by the franchise that Enterprise was as much part of the story as any of the other series.
  14. It's good business and a worthy policy for B&N to offer every possible format available for their merchandise. I support their decision to protest. With bookstores nationwide going the way of the Dodo, it's refreshing to see the stalwart forerunner maintain their position in the sand.
  15. Yes, I distinctly remember that thread and am eagerly anticipating concrete news of the green light. It IS going to take place in the primary continuity post Voyager with a shift of power in the Ferengis' favor among other things.
  16. I have to disagree with the majority here and state that over the time the production crew have really perfected their craft with every series. Everything from special effects to clarity of the story and acting have steadily improved since TOS. I originally was one of the many who were up in arms about the introduction of Enterprise, but ten years after the fact I gave it a shot and found that I had missed out on some incredible stories. Compare and contrast TNG to Enterprise and there is a laundry list of improvements at first glance even though the "feel" of both series is undeniably Star Trek.
  17. The speed of light isn't just a good idea, it's the law.

    Joking aside, the one other thing I know of that moves faster than light is the universe itself as it expands. From my limited understanding the size of the universe would be considerably smaller if it only expanded at lightspeed.
  18. Wow. There is nothing sleek, stealthy, or even remotely bat-like about the vehicles in this re-imagining. If Nolan's goal was to portray on film what Batman would be like in the real world I really wish he'd have gone a more pragmatic route. Nolan's Batman lacks the grace and poise vital and inherent to the character's very being.

    Honestly, if we saw one of those today, it really wouldn't take long for someone to figure out who would have the means to acquire something like that and it goes without saying that it would be a very short list. I just have a hard time divorcing myself from the unlikelihood. It would probably be easier for me to suspend disbelief if he didn't go on record saying he wanted it to be a realistic portrayal.

    Sorry for the nerd rage. I promised myself I wouldn't but, I swear, every time he does something off-the-mark and gets lauded for it I want to shake my fist at the sky and curse at the gods. Why can't the guys who did the Arkham Asylum video game have directed this movie? While it was less grounded in reality, it's certainly a more abject lesson in realism.
  19. Magus_Prime

    R.I.P. Uncle Ben

    He'll always be Charly to me. He was playing humble and endearing long before there ever was mention of a Forrest Gump or Rainman. R.I.P., sir.
  20. Great episode. We've seen it a hundred times in time-travel stories where the heroes have to retcon everything to save the day. Everyone gets erased and re-written and no one is the wiser. This time around the writers asked the question 'What if the person getting erased becomes aware of their sacrifice?'
  21. That was a beautiful benediction, Turg. LoT had a good friend in you. It's sad news to hear he's gone. While I have trouble remembering any of his specific threads I do remember that his was one of the most visible and prolific names on these boards and that he was a major contributor to all things comic hero and villain culture. Thanks for all the things you gave us to chew on Lord of Time.