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  1. There is also the case of Dresden getting to keep his Copyrighted characters, seeing as he owns the copyright and all.
  2. I'm a diehard Blaster for life, have been since day 1 of playing 8 years ago.

    I say no thanks to this, as the resources needed to invest would be overwhelming compared to the returns.

    Way back when, we suggested something a bit similiar in order to create an iconic power that isn't present in the game.

    Stretching. As a blaster powerset, since you could strike from range.

    When BaB's heard this idea, his head nearly went pop from the mindboggling amount of work it'd take to make such a thing reality.

    I can't see it being feasble really. Sorry.
  3. 3 words;

    Stan Lee Cameo's

    (seriously though, it's most likely due to the higher level of control Marvel has over DC.
    Which is reversed when it comes to the animated features, which also results in DC being better in this media.)

    But yeah, Stan the Man.
  4. I'll pass.

    Been saying that with alarming frequency as of late...
  5. Yeah, I should clarify that I meant at this point in the games life.
  6. It's called Paradoxical Undressing, it's a phenomenon brought on by hypothermia. Making one disoriented and shedding clothes in a random manner (hence one guy wearing nothing but a shoe) This could also explain the tents being shredded from the inside, as the panic set in those inside would have felt trapped and not been cognitive enough to get out otherwise.

    The radiation bit was added after the fact, after the story had started gaining international fame within the conspiracy crowd.

    The unusual tans were the result of exposure in sub zero temps.

    The only unusual thing about this story is that it has remained classified as unusual for so long.
  7. On tv? Don't bank on it happening ever.

    Far to expensive for the return.

    Those smaller F2P games, ala Wizards world and the like, can afford to for a few reasons.

    Mainly the fact that they have FAR less capital invested in the actual product itself.
    Far fewer developers working on the title, means more money not being spent on payroll and game resources.

    With the vast majority of our games budget being allocated to true development, there just isn't enough left over for advertising on that scale. We've had numerous ad campaigns in print over the years, and the ever ubiquitous MMO website reviews.

    Suffice it to say, there is a reason why the only 'real' MMO you'll see ads for on TV is WoW, as it's the only one with a budget large enough to justify it for the admitedly meager returns they'd generate. All other 'real' MMO's have to devote so much budget to the game itself well.. you get the picture.

    This is why, anytime I see an ad for an MMO, I stop paying attention.
  8. I've taken a short break from the game but will continue to update with drops as I get them.
  9. I can't see them being able to ignore it for very much longer.

    The problem, as I see it, is the fact that as of yet they haven't sold a secondary set for a single AT in the market. Even taking into consideration that Corr's would get it as well, that is still a significantly smaller chunk of customers, meaning they'd most likely just want to add it as a freebie during an issue. Which puts it at least Issue 24 territory at earliest.
  10. More likely a perception issue.

    I'm currently on a burnout break myself. Shame that my latest burnout just happened to coincide with Nemesis' invasion but thems the breaks.

    When I finally got to roll up my Staff fighter, only to be completely melancholy about the whole experience combined with no excitement over the anniversary event... I knew I needed to step back for a few weeks.

    It isn't the game, it's our perception. Routine needs to be broken from time to time. Take a week or so off, come back refreshed and renewed!
  11. MaestroMavius

    Pet AI Potential

    Which is working as intended.
  12. My WM/SD scrapper is a beast! One of the strongest feeling toons I've rolled and really pointed out how far down the totem Blasters have slid.

    However, he stalled out at 30 when I realized I just really really can't stand click mez protection.
  13. MaestroMavius

    RIP Goober Pyle

    I actually had the pleasure of meeting George Lindsey in 2005. He was giving a speech at UAB and stayed at my hotel for the duration.

    Needless to say, he was the most down to Earth, unassuming man. He didn't seem to want to be recognized, but whenever someone did he always took the time to talk to them. Even got a 'Judy Judy Judy' from him!
    I even had to help him get logged into his email, because his home computer was set to auto log him in and he wasn't sure how to do it.

    Sad to hear this.

    A few days after he checked out, his assistant stopped by with a folder full of headshots he'd autographed for us, saying he was sorry he'd meant to leave them before leaving.

  14. MaestroMavius

    More Proof.....

    Originally Posted by VKhaun View Post
    Yeah melee is their secondary set for a reason. It's intended as a last resort burst of damage when things do get close. They also don't the other criteria besides damage. Especially not 'needing' to get close.
    So Scrappers should only expect their armors to be last resort defense? You know, since it's their secondary and all...

    It's secondary to the primary ability, that doesn't mean that it should be looked at as 'last ditch resort' across the board. This is part of the problem.

    No other AT has to deal with the same handicaps that Blasters do for so little pay off, admit it.
  15. Unlocks were the first things I bought. Never doing those missions ever again.

    For that reason, the fact that you can buy global access, I don't think your suggestion will be given any thought.
  16. MaestroMavius

    Dark Astoria

    I've lived pretty much exclusively in DA since the revamp. Loving it still!
  17. J.G. Wentworth.

    Can't hit the mute button fast enough.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    ok what's cool about BR? I've tried it to about lvl 20 but that's it. It seemed to be a pretty underperfoming set then
    For Blasters, not much. This is the one time when our increased damage actually hinders performance. Since you end up dropping your disentegrate target, in the attempt to spread, more often than not.

    Beam is best of Corruptors.