4398 -
Hmmm so can the just keep the forums up?
Quote:I've sort of always tried to express this to you, Sam. Not trying to be argumentative but just saying.If you have to take everything you read/see/play from the entertainment world and mash it through the "believability" filter then you are slowly sucking the joy out of your life. Listen to stoeies from a 5 year old... They are entertaining and complete unbelievable crap... Accept the story or walk away, don't force reason on entertainment and fantasy.
Entertainment is entertainment and we should never try to limit ourselves to what type of entertainment we 'prefer' because tastes change over time. I remember when I used to watch and love WWF wrestling back in elementary/junior high. In highschool, WWE seemed like utter crap because of how fake it was. Now, I can watch WWE with my nephews and actually enjoy it if only to say to myself "wtf, Undertaker is still out there with his old-***, bustin foos? Awesome".
If I were to give you some homework, I'd tell you to finish A future lost and then for your next posted story, make it as crazy, campy and/or ridiculous as you can stand. For the fun of it -
Quote:It's not set in stone but go to the City of Heroes wikia (not Paragonwiki), scroll down to the Coming Soon section on the front page and click Savage Melee.Sorry, I didn't mean "linked alts," which I'm not especially interested in; I meant whatever a "savage" powerset might be that would presumably be appropriate for the sort of characters who are now Claws.
I've long hoped for a "Bite" powerset of some kind. I know the game engine won't allow us to hold a target in our teeth or anything, but lunging and biting motions that do not quite connect are no weirder than claws and swords that do not quite connect. So I was sort of excited by the possibility that this unknown "savage" set might be a "bite" set. -
Quote:Here's a few to start you off:Inspired by your comment, I promptly searched on "savage" and got...this thread and some unrelated stuff.
I'm not going to search on "claws" to look for new powersets, heh. Or "new powerset" either.
So can you kindly point me to these other threads on this very topic?
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...ht=linked+alts -
Quote:And now, after playing for years and rolling, re-rolling and side-rolling characters, I've come to an epiphany:...leaving the many badges and history we collected stuck on a toon with an inappropriate character.
Get over it.
Frankly, you should be grateful you can roll out your old character with new surprises, abilities and looks. That you can have multiples of your favorite character that even partially resembles your character's concept. That isn't a bad thing. Not having the option to have it your exact way isn't so much a drawback as it is reality. In the real world, you just have to work with what's given to you a lot of the time.
Quote:I think this can be prevented a few ways.
1. They actually go through and customize the claw set instead of making the new set.
Quote:2. Allow for full badge and history transfers.
Quote:3. Mod the alt build system to include A) Having to start at level 1 again and B) Allow for different powers with-in the same archetype. (This option would cost twice as much as a new character per toon it is used on)
Quote:4. Allow us to start a character over at level 1 with different powers but the history, items in inventory, and badges are all the same. (Would include a respect to re-claim IOs that you wanted to keep)
To boil the issue down to its essence, all you really need is for your new alt to have the same name as your main character of choice. You wouldn't need to delete the original with their badges, you wouldn't have to scrounge for a name, people that know your main instantly know this alt and you have the concept capability of having a character have multiple kinds of powersets (just not at the same time).
If all your problem amounts to is 'ohnoes mah badgez' then cry a river (not to be entirely rude). There is just no reason to make a fuss over such fluff. At all. -
Yay I finally got a costume code after...what? 6 years?
355K-DD4F-FCGW-Q2PM-W38R -
Quote:The person I was replying to said a whole bunch of TV tropes names which was the part of his post that I was *not* replying to (I snipped that part).No, no! The person you were replying to was saying the main character is always just a blessed idiot, and I was pointing out how the example you gave is massively not a case of one.
I specifically replied to the point of his post saying japanese have a particular style which is what differs them wholly from american brand entertainment.
Quote:Some do come up with the craziest abilities (maybe anime could come up with a non-lame version of aqua man!).
...guy can throw the whole ocean at you. -
Quote:Who said it was a trope? Or that trope in particular.
That's certainly not an example of a Blessed Idiot! Lelouch even said that gaining his power didn't cause him to walk down the path he did, it merely let him start much sooner (then again, Lelouch seems to also have the same power Nemesis has for plots within plots).
Mundane =/= Idiot.
All I was saying is anime characters might have powers considered 'not cool' when you simply describe them...like the ability to control paper. But Lelouch's ability to give irresistible commands sounds somewhat tame...until he tells you not to die and you become practically immortal... -
Quote:I dunno. I tend to feel topical writing is circumstantial. You wouldn't expect 'anime style writing' because most of the topics, jokes, satires and such are written for that culture and that's no 'fault' of a style of writing but the fault of the target audience.[snipped because too riddled with TV tropes to make heads or tails of it]
All that said, Anime stylings in gear, costumes and weapons I'm all for. They look good. Anime style writing in missions or theme in CoX I'm opposed to due to, in my opinion, complete incompatibility with a Western style super-hero setting.
If there's some sort of inherent style other than settings/topics/jokes/cultural references you're speaking of, I'd be for reading some examples. Writing is writing, IMO, and usually writers have their own style, not a full-on culture limiting themselves to a particular style.
That said, as well as adding onto what Frei mentioned, there's room for a LOT of different stylings of story, looks and themes but one I think seems unique to 'anime' is the mundane becoming great. And I don't particularly mean a character, per-say but moreso a kind of ability.
Take, for instance, Reed Richards. He's probably got one of the most versatile of powers with the ability to stretch himself and yet how much *** does he kick (not with his inventions but his radiation-accident powers)? Luffy, on the other hand, probably kicks the most *** in his respective world with the same type of ability.
Actually, I sort of feel CoX darkness powers takes a page from anime if only because the powers of non-light is rather mundane. Sure, there's Raven of the Teen Titans and I think Ebon from Static Shock but you'll probably see more anime references to manipulating darkness and it's usually a very formidable ability.
Um, like everything in Code Geass is a mundane power turned crazy. Just got off work but there's a lot of powers you'd be all like "meh, I'd never take that powerset" and in the anime it's just awesome. Would you be behind a 'Paper Control' powerset? If it was like agent paper from RoD or Konan from from Naruto, I'd say 'heck yeah!'. -
Quote:What the pancake are you talking about?Let's come at this in a different perspective. Touting one's cultural heritage is generally viewed as having pride in one's roots. It's also done all the time. African-american culture. Asian culture. Russian culture. Hispanic culture. The list is quite long.
However, as soon as someone wants to tout their White Anglo Saxon Protestant culture, it's immediately labelled as "racism". Why aren't the previously provided examples labeled as "racism" then? It's no different. At least to me, it isn't. But, that's another discussion not for these forums. -
Quote:...you've described, like half of Shonen while dismissing a great deal of American non-superhero comics in one stroke.Caveat: I am not really an anime fan. I would much rather see more actual superhero additions to the game than anime.
Superheroes are about ideals. The image that a superhero creates for him/herself is about an ideal - Batman's ideal is fear, Superman's ideal is excellence, Captain America's is patriotism, etc. Not all superhero ideals are as straightforward - many are complex. Spiderman, for example, has more of a 'kick-*** underdog' ideal going for him. They are the embodiment of a feeling that the four-color (or whatever) costumes are supposed to trigger on sight. They're flashy, but not unrealistic (generally). When superheroes need to break the rules of reality, they detail it thoroughly so it seems more realistic.
But that's not just it.
Superheroes are about good versus evil. But beyond that, they're about protecting the innocent.
To put it bluntly, you can't say Anime ain't superheroic just because there are many broad genre within it. American comics have many genre in it too; comedy, horror, mystery, drama and yet it also has those super heroes in it that you dearly focus on and make an example of. Newsflash: anime and manga have those examples too.
Quote:Anime is about localized stories that take place within their own little spheres; superheroes on the other hand can have their own separate headlining titles, but the story of Ant-Man can be directly influenced by the Fantastic Four. It's about a universe based heavily off of our own where these caped crusaders (and their allies) can alter the world around them (theoretically for the better) by utilizing the fantastical abilities of those that co-exist in that world. You won't find One Piece characters popping up in Dragon Ball Z, and you won't find Bleach characters popping up in Naruto. Yes, I get that's because they're owned by different people, but my point is that continuity does not exist outside of the anime. With superheroes, continuity is written so that there is story that extends beyond the pages of any one comic book. With superheroes, it's "heroes are everywhere, all around in the world we live in", and with anime, it's "heroes exist in this make-believe world that exists outside of (or parallel to) our own".
Both are decent storytelling mediums, but they are hardly the same.
CoX takes place in its own universe with its own rules and its own history. No comic from some other title is going to affect it and our stories can simply fall within its boundaries. You can do the same with practically any fictional story and play along. So in that regard, CoX is properly more similar to a manga (that is, it takes place in its own isolated universe unaffected by other streams of stories) than any type of american comic you can describe. -
That's probably where the 'rethinking the thematic direction' part would come in. Like I said, the theme of the powers seem to be only flavor text but hardly do anything different from a set bonus.
Just throwing out an idea: the 'nice' side of the powerset could offer buffs that also carry over to members of your team. While the 'mean' side carries buffs that scale with nearby foes or debuff foes. The power can provide the same mechanical benefit for both but carry differing applications where one ends up being a better aid to allies while the other gets better numbers if they surround themselves with lots of foes. -
Quote:I think you're forgetting some things:Dark: -to-hit; cone KB; ST hold; heal; cone immobilize
Psi: -recharge (-30%); ST KB (high chance); ST Sleep (high chance); AoE KU; And the Nuke is a 25 Radius Stun
Ice: -recharge (-20%)/speed; 2 ST Holds; Nuke has a high chance of doing Knockdown
Where's the better mitigation? Are you serious? What's your agenda against Ice, because I can't believe you actually see better mitigation.
Ice Storm can add more (-10%) recharge debuff in the same AoE, same vector and distance to the same amount of foes as Blizzard (that is, around a corner, out of LoS at range).
Blizzard can also debuff ToHit by 20% so you can slot it for something like -30% ToHit if you like.
And again, the nuke is ranged. You can technically nuke 2 things at once by Blizzard a spawn + Burn out and Blizzard another. For a PBAoE nuke, you have to move near another spawn to do that. Oh, and it's cold damage. What resists cold? -
I'd probably swap Vigilante and Rogue. IMO, Vigilantes seem more villainous since, frankly, they will do what they have to do to get the job done (i.e. sacrifice some lives to save the many) which isn't heroic at all (heroes would save everyone, no if's, and's or but's).
Rogues tend to be out for the money and if you want them to suppress their conscience, you have to pay them *more*. But that's the thing, rogues have standards and ethics personal to them. Some don't like harming children, some don't want to kill innocents, some don't tolerate torture but all of them aren't above robbing you of all your valuables.
That is to say, the way the game portrays Rogues and Vigilantes (so far...haven't seen the new arcs in beta yet), Vig don't give two hoots about rescuing people in need, they just want the bad guys to pay...and Rogues want your money not your life and may even save you if they think they can get something out of it (and even if they don't, *shrug* they'll bill you somehow later).
And if you think about it, if the armor gives certain benefits for having certain ethics, wouldn't it be more generous to gameplay if you had the choice of either type of benefit on either red or blue side? You want the 'mean' buff but want to play Blueside? Be a Vigilante. Want the 'nice' buff but feel like playing red? Be a Rogue.
But anyway, I'll have to say you need to be a lot more specific with your suggestion and how your alignment will affect the powers. All in all, it's an interesting suggestion that I don't believe has been suggested before but the execution of your idea leaves a lot to be desired. There's not an actual theme to the set's powers as I can tell, the only difference is flavor text. There's no actual gameplay or mechanical differences except 'have this alignment, get this buff' which isn't an acceptable gimmick on its own to base a set of powers on, IMO. -
Quote:Concerning relative performance, it's probably best then to rank the current live performance and see what's the best blast set, the middle blast sets and what's the worst blast set. After that, just pick and choose any set from beta and compare it to that scale.In the first situation, set 10 has more to be upset about. In the second, they are all much closer together; while going from 2 to 10 can be a concern, if new 10 is still better than the old 2 AND the spread from 2 to 10 has been tightened, I think it is a net win all around. I am not positive this is how the I24 changes will work out, but so far it seems to be that (given the same build investment) even the best blasters that exist now will still be noticeably weaker than even the worst blasters after I24.
The snipes are strong though. Not good enough to make me forget all the benefits Ice blast has, but I can see some people really chasing that damage increase.
Overall, will I24 increase or decrease the range of performance amongst blaster primaries? Will I24 be improving all blaster combination's possible performance? Are there any combinations worse off in I24 than in I23 in an absolute scale? Those sets whose "relative" performance is decreasing, is it only one facet that is being measured (damage (which is a very important facet, but still not the only thing to consider))?
Like Fire, Archery and Water are probably ranked the best sets for AoE dmg and Fire for damage period but Water might rank so high because it gets an early pass for crashless non-weapon nukes.
IMO, Sonic, even with the extended range on its tier 3 blast and crashless PBAoE mid-rech nuke, probably won't rank higher than Arch and definitely not fire. In mitigation and utility, sonic either ranks the same or lower than Water as team damage boosting might help but the 'staying alive' utility in Water can help you do more damage as well.
I have no experience with Ice and I probably have rose-tinted glasses when it comes to Dual Pistols so I'll leave that alone. Sonic is good, but it won't outpace the best of the current rankings so when illustrating your visual example, there should definitely be a lot more overlap.
Now making Shout faster (making Howl and Shockwave faster would help too) and giving it possibly extra utility, you can control how much of an improvement to damage the set gets but also boosting its other attributes to make it a competitive set in other respects.
So yeah, to boost Sonic, I'd just make Shout much faster, Howl a tiny bit faster and bit faster still and since the set has no snipe to use the fast-snipe/range boost features, add a unique one like a self +res buff after stacking so many -res attacks on the foe with the added feature of extra absorb if you have a sustain effect on you.
Dual Pistols got a damage boost by improving the casts on its blasts but I'd also enjoy a utility improvement to the alternate ammo types as well.
Ice Blast has lots of potential extras you could add on to make the set even more of a monster of mitigation while also shortening the cast of Bitter Freeze Ray and maybe Frost Breath. -ToHit, more knockdown, extra dmg on held foes...there's lots of potential. If the set needs a right-out boost to damage is yet to be seen. -
You know what I would love to add to Ice Blast? Repel in Ice Breath
But salvage isn't the serviceable material here. Salvage doesn't do much but make invention enhancements and temp powers. The serviceable and versatile material in this equation are the enhancements themselves. Why break down an enhancement for its salvage when you can just convert the enhancement into another enhancement that you'd rather have?
So rather than ask for a means to break down enhancements, I'd suggest a means to better control how you convert enhancements into other enhancements. -
Quote:If you think about it...You know, this thread's made me realize something: the biggest difference between Anime heroes and Comicbook super heroes is that (usually) anime heroes have a fairly narrow focus in adversaries compared to a Western Superhero.
These enemies may or may not actually commit 'mundane' crimes, and, ironically, a lot of anime heroes are more likely to fight mundane crimes in their civilian personas.
Anyway though, let's look at some examples:
Batman's enemies include The Joker (Insane Clown [s]posse[/s], but otherwise normal dude), Mr. Freeze (love/revenge motivated scientist in a cryogenics suit), Poison Ivy (Plant/Nature controller), Raz Al-Ghul (immortal machinator who is immortal via magical hot springs (I'm sure there's a fic somewhere where Raz mistakes Jusenkyo as Lazuras Pits)), and Catwoman.
As you can see, Batman's enemies fill in a BROAD spectrum, some of which is the result of other writers and the natural evolution of time. Now let's look at...
Batman created by Bob Kane
The Joker created by Jerry Robinson and Bill Finger
Mr. Freeze again by Bob Kane
Poison Ivy by Robert Kanigher and Sheldon Moldoff
Ra's al Ghul by writer Dennis O'Neil and artist Neal Adams...
What I see as the difference, to me, is a comic character creator created a world and a character and wrote about that character in that world and then other guys kind of jumped in and make 'fan-fic' involving that character with their own made-up ones. It's just for American comics, those 'fan-fic' stories are renamed 'canon' so long as the original creator says "Yeah, whatever. That's cool".
I don't have a problem with it, but the difference you're seeing is input from multiple guys putting their spin on a character and his group of adversaries.
Quote:Then there's Monkey D Luffy who's enemies include: pirates, pirates, more pirates, marines, and a small handful of others (okay, I don't really watch one piece, but this is fairly accurate, right?) And for all his bouncing around, Luffy too is actually able to focus on one type of enemy for more than one storyline.
Captain Buggy: a pirate with a crew
Crocodile: an ex-pirate/shichibukai (ex-pirates with extremely high bounties) who no longer has a crew but headed a secret organization created by himself to conquer a country
Enel: a cultist leader who rules over a county in the sky by pretending to be God
Magellan: warden of the most impenetrable, inescapable prison in the world
Any of the 4 top dogs in the military: who protect the world from pirates but also by keeping world changing secrets from the public's knowledge
There's plenty of difference between each foe he faces and the circumstances between them. Some are dogs of the government, some *ARE* the government, some manipulate the government and some just don't care about laws. To state that pirates are just pirates and marines are just marines seems inaccurate. How is Scarecrow, Bane or Penguin any different from each other or the Joker? Their motivations? Their clothes? Their attitudes? Newsflash: any foe I list of Luffy's will have differences in a list of categories as well, you just have to actually know the story just like you'd have to know Batman's to tell the difference between bank-robbing villain #3 and #4.
Also, to my knowledge, the story, characters and world of One Piece is maintained by one man where for Batman, he's probably had hundreds of writers...so there's that difference. Each character in One Piece is more often than not based on inspirations or people that Eiichiro Oda knows, such as basing some of the pirate characters off of people he met in real life.
Quote:Back on the West side, even groups who might not be called super heroes still fight a broad range of enemies. The Manhattan Clan of Gargoyles fought: Fair Folk, another Gargoyle, vikings, evil magicians, robots, cyborgs, MacBeth, and a corporate executive who makes Nemesis look like Shirou Emiya when it comes to plotting.
Gargoyles didn't even have the enormous run length Superman, Batman, Iron Man, and other super heroes do but the Manhattan Clan still suffered from nemesis ADHD.
Speaking of Shirou Emiya, here's his opponent rundown list: Magicians, souls of ancient heroes summoned by said magicians, black stuff, and (in a possible future) mundane soldiers/mercs. I use Shirou here since he does list his life goal as becoming a Hero of Justice.
I think the reason I like anime is, sort of unlike most american comics, it has a beginning, a middle and (most importantly) an end. Not that comics don't ever end, but they have a higher tendancy to completely conclude at some point or at least seem to indicate a stopping point by some finite limit of time. The true american comics seem to want to go on forever regardless of how much they change...The Gargoyle's example above seems to be more like an anime than a comic (it's neither so not even sure why it was brought up) since there seems to be a concluding point for our protagonists. Batman and Spiderman will go on forever and ever. -
*walks into thread*
You called? No?
*walks out again* -
Quote:Yeah, there is all that. I guess I wasn't thinking about all the situations but I think it'd be a cool power for when it would work mechanically.I've always had a problem with "burrowing" as a super power because it's terrain-dependent, and a lot of what we do takes place over terrain that isn't conducive to it. I don't just mean burrowing through shipping containers or through the floors of office buildings where what's "below" is just another floor - burrowing beneath catwallks that you can see through would just feel weird.
Also, how do you handle walls, say like the "trench walls" of Steel Canyon? Logically, I'd assume you should be able to burrow beneath the wall and up to the other side, but doesn't see like something we have the tech for, plus it could lead to... Weird things, such as burrowing up a chain link fence.
I realise that most stone powers already summon stones from thin air, but that's kind of their thing - they "summon stones." A burrowing power would assume to put the player beneath the "ground" in places where what's beneath the "ground" is open air. Hurl is about the only power I'll admit makes no sense when I rip a chunk of asphalt out of suspended electrical cables, which is why I've always suggested we go whole hog and just have Hurl throw cars and forklifts and basically the larger of the Propel debris.
I'd agree with Lothic on the morphing travel. But even if the power did lock out your other powers, I think something you'd get that you can't with the store-bought powers: Customization.
I'd love it if, for a power choice and pool cost in your build, I can pick 'Animal Movement' that give you custom options. What about this?
Animal Morph (Toggle; +movement, +jump, power suppress [like Walk and other powers]): Custom options include various canine and feline models and the addition of any new animal models released later...and you can *COLOR* them!! Also a 'no fx' option for those that don't want to change forms with this power.
Bonus Power*S* exclusive from each other...
Stealthy Hunter (Toggle [can only be used with Animal Morph]; +run, +stealth, +def All) custom options include various 4/8-legged animal models, colorable.
Beast Flight (Toggle [can only be used with Animal Morph]; +fly, +perception) custom options would include winged animals of various types.
Flash Paw (Click [can only be used with Animal Morph, cannot have Beast Flight/Stealthy Hunter on]; self-teleport, +speed) grants movement speed buffs to all for a moderate duration after the port but does not stack. Custom options include morphing into any of the animal forms available.
Explosive Shift (Passive; PBAoE knockdown [suppressed in Stealthy Hunter]) Every time your character activates one of the clicks/toggles, foes nearby are knocked down by the extreme shape change of your character. This effect suppresses for 10 sec after using any of the bonus powers.
But yeah, the goal is, with this pool and the choice of the Animal Morph power, you basically a slottable Coyote Run with your choice of visuals along with the option for better speed + stealth OR flight with your choice of visuals OR a Translocation clone power with extra speed afterwards all with the chance of knocking foes near you down as you do it. You get this with the downfall of yeah...not using other powers while you do it.
I can sort of deal with that, really. I just really really really want to have choice looks for characters (I've got a list of them) that can change their form into animals with a variety of movement options. You *could* make each a separate power, but some people might have concepts for characters that shift into all sorts of things and taking multiple powers that lock you out of your powers might be pushing things too far.
Anyway, yeah, that's probably another badly thought out idea up there >_>
And just rethinking the idea as I was proofreading just before submitting the reply: You could make Explosive Shift the choice power that then grants the other 3 powers (you don't need the 1st one this way) where you can basically slot for KB (hey, a decent place for a Force Feedback proc at least) and Stealthy Hunter, Beast Flight and Flash Paw would be the bonus powers but unslottable. They might not be unslottable but you can build them, right out of the box, as decently strong and efficient travel. Then you just have the option to choose what animal each power used and the animal's color. -
For those not in the know, the upcoming Sorcery specialized power pool has a special feature in it that basically grants you 2 travel powers for 1 power pick. This comes in the form of Mystic Flight which is a clone of regular Fly but with glowie rune effects (or not, there's an option to turn that off) as well as a power called Translocation which is a clone of Teleport.
The catch, though, is Fly from the Flight pool eventually gives access to Afterburner for much faster flight and Mystic Flight...doesn't. Also, Translocation cannot be slotted so it has the base range and endurance of Teleport and unlike Teleport, this doesn't get you closer to Long Range Teleport...and if it weren't obvious, Translocation does not inherit any type of slotting from Mystic Flight.
Anyway, yeah, it's Fly+TP with a bit of a catch.
But what other stuff do you think we could see? Post an idea for a dual travel (hopefully one that doesn't marginalize the actual travel pools further).
I think Burrowing could be a good option! Burrowing would be a 'Tank's Travel Power' in that it combines Super Speed, Taunt and Phase. While technically Phase isn't a travel power, I sort of considered it half-way one since it (and stealth) let you 'travel' through foes unhindered.
Burrowing would leave you unable to 'jump' so you had to travel along the ground or give up the effects of the power (think Grounded's KB protection). While Burrowing, you would be phased and unable to be affected by others but you'd still get the attention of the enemy.
The other power would be called Upheaval which would be a PBAoE Knock Up where you leap up out of the ground and anything near you is taunted as they fall. The catch being, you lose your quick speed and your phase for 8 seconds after returning to the ground. Upheaval is basically a shorter Super Jump where the Knock Up occurs only after first toggling it on.
Another I just thought up would be a sneaker option, Shape Morph. Basically just teleportation + Phase/stealth. Shape Morph would have a very long range with the catch that, as a teleport, it couldn't be aimed in the air. You'd have to aim it at an object like the ground, a building or something. Then it'd show you 'melting' into what you're standing on and 'melding' with what you aimed at. In this process, you're phased and stealthed.
The other power would be mimic (or I'd like it to be mimic) and only usable on mission maps. It changes your form into whatever enemy group is suppose to be on the map and provides superior stealth after you Morph for however long you keep mimic on.
Meh, the ideas sounded better in my head...maybe I'll come up with something better later. -
Quote:Jack_NoMind be trollin' but for the greater goodAh, no, you're wrong. He died and was recovered by Praetorian Penny Yin. Not that I suppose you're above saying this is actually a kind of resurrection that left him a non-undead but insubstantial entity with powers of possession.
Also, they have to be named Fred! You can't be a ghost if you're not a Fred!
Oh, no, they just involve soul manipulation, life force, and negative energy, none of which has anything to do with spirits. Spirits and souls are actually quite distinct, you see. Because of Fred.
Sure she does.