Wolf Shapeshift power
If they can do a coyote, they can do a wolf. But would they, since they already have a "canine representative"? I would not be against, mind you.
Dec out.
I think his reference was to "old old old old school" when they just turned into wolves.
Dec out.
Not against the idea, but werewolves are bipedal not quadripedal.
Heck, go to the old White Wolf Werewolf game - you have five steps. Human, Wolf, and three stages in between. Go to Patricia Briggs series of books, and werewolf = complete wolf, not two legged wolf man. Same with the werewolves in the Dresden series, as I recall.
Really, the "wolfman," two legged type *is* more a hollywood version.
Depends on which variant you look at. Some are, yes. Not all.
Heck, go to the old White Wolf Werewolf game - you have five steps. Human, Wolf, and three stages in between. Go to Patricia Briggs series of books, and werewolf = complete wolf, not two legged wolf man. Same with the werewolves in the Dresden series, as I recall. Really, the "wolfman," two legged type *is* more a hollywood version. |
Sorry, you're right. It's been so long since I played any of the White Wolf games I completely forgot about the other forms Hispo, Glabro, Crinos, Lupus, and Homid. Thanks for jarring my memory.
This idea sounds ridiculously plausible.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
As worn out on the way that the four legged rig was rolled out, I would still not oppose this idea.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
Not against the idea, but werewolves are bipedal not quadripedal. so they would use Beast Run as their most likely means of travel and we can already make werewolves and use beast run without suppressing our powers/toggles
A friend of mine was very pointed about that, i.e. rude words about Hollywood

EDIT: Seems Bill beat me to it, heh
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
If we did get it, and I hope we do, I'd like to see the possibility of having more than one colour scheme. I think it's most likely we'd see Grey (Which would suit martial artist and dancercise instructor Dale Drake), but I've got characters that'd suit a Black Wolf transformation too (Thule battlemage and US government agent Nachtbrecher), and White (blood mage and animal tamer Haemokin).
*walks into thread*
You called? No?
*walks out again*

We have Coyotes and Panthers....why not Wolves? I thought that would have been one of the first uses for the four legged rig. Proper, non-Hollywood Werewolf, anyone?
Should be simple enough, right?
(Disclaimer: I have no idea, but it certainly seems feasible going on existing powers and 4-leg skins, reality may not be similar, your mileage may vary, time for reading this not refundable.)