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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
  2. Is -that- what happened to my breakfast!? O.o
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Having your news depend on someone who's job it is to imagine fantastical stories doesn't strike me as the best

    Uhm...didn't you just describe the entirety of coh population....including the devs? O.o
  4. Time for my list...

    - Trolls (and not the NPC ones )
    - PvP - and the fact that certain powers could only be gathered in PvP zones AND the moment you get trollganked, you lose the collection of stuff you were working on
    - The freespec fail bug, after going through all the steps of a respec
    - The sometimes lack of RP cuz of cliquishness

    There's a larger list of things that are irritants, but I'd gladly accept if City were saved!

    - douchebags (I use ignore for those)
    - Red side on a non flying toon (jet packs)
    - Defeat all pancake room on a non flying toon, when you KNOW there's that one room you NEED to get to, that only has a hole in the floor as an entrance and the enemies are waiting for you o.o
    - LagAtlas Park (meh, it is what it is)
    - More than 3 glowie/find a thing in a map, a large map, outdoor map, kill all outdoor map, and you THINK you've found em all ... and then the goal/objective changes o.o
    - Level grinding higher levels & specing (take this one with a grain of salt here. I'm an avid RPer o.o I'd weave storlyines all day every day and not bother with mishing most times -except 2xp- if I could lol)
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
    There's always someone ready to pee in your cornflakes.
  6. All this over a slogan o.o

    Personal opinion here ... Anyone who stands up for what they believe in, regardless the outcome, is heroic in their own way. If we all had the cockroach mentality of rolling over and curling up our legs every time something sucky happened in life, then we wouldn't have the world we live in. The US was literally shaped on the edges of revolution. You may not agree with the slogan. But don't hate on the ones that do.
  7. Bah and poop, if this were Virtue, I'd PL you in no time flat. Oh well I know you're at least in good hands with the Justice peeps.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mister Rik View Post
    So I would like to be able to leave a character holding a torch overnight in Atlas Park 33. Problem is the AFK "timeout" issue.

    Is there any way, via console command or whatever, to allow my character to remain "permanently" logged in without having to click that darn button every 10 minutes (or however long it is)?
    During the original rally, I started an Ouro mission, went to AP, then went out to dinner. Didn't time out.
  9. LadyPhoenix

    Exporting badges

    I think the Sentinel character export tool exports your badges in its latest iteration.
  10. I think the point here has been made. In spades. And very well said/communicated by Captain-Electric. Isn't it high time we let this thread go, now?
  11. LadyPhoenix

    Where are you?

    HEY!!!! 2 players live near me!!! One in Scotia & one looks to be Troy?


    *waves to Septipheran & Crippl3*
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TargetOne View Post
    Seriously, anyone not able to find SOME way to enjoy the time we have left simply isn't trying.
    I disagree here. The Virtue server has been the deadest I've seen it in 5 years. Yes, there are teams running. But I've never been in City for level grinding. So, I go to the usual place to try and drum up some conversational RP and, with the exception of Sunday morning, it was deader than dead. Either people were in their own little RP cliques, or just standing around, even as someone's trying to begin a conversation. It's sad and unfortunate and not for lack of trying.
  13. Don't be so quick to dismiss. I logged into the D to find NPC BaBs was there. So, I figured, heck, why not RP trying to poke his gauntlets ...

    He turned around o.o

    "Don't poke the gauntlets. I see it in your eyes. I've been around the bend long enough."

    So ... yeah ... they can most definitely do some funky things with NPCs

    Mirror Spirit and Foreshadow NPCs showed up later.
  14. So many things already claimed o.o
    I'll take a set of Scrapper's Strike (doesn't matter which lot)

    Though I play mostly trollers, my second main has 2 scrapper versions.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Catreena View Post
    Much needed levity
  16. Oye, 9PM is dicey for me to start a TF (with happy chatter ) when I have to get up @ 530AM for work
    And Saturdays are usually bf time for me. Pretty sure we'll be out of town ... Sorry guys.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    I prefer to think of us as having high standards and an encouraging, you-can-do-it attitude.
    But they -can't- ... they're effectively cut off from the resources they once had. They've said it time and time again how there's too much to keep up on and they're doing their absolute best. And they're doing their best knowing that in less than 3 months, they won't have anything to show for it but a severance package.

    Heck, shouldn't we at least count ourselves lucky that we still have the game this far? NC could've said "shut it all down now" on that Friday morning. Can we be grateful for -something- here?
  18. Guys ... don't you think they're going through enough right now, just trying to keep up with doing the work of an entire team themselves? Really? is a background -that- much of a priority right now? Can we cut them some slack?
  19. I posted something similar on one of the FB pages:

    And guys, please remember to be POLITE and be FACTUAL. Let the facts and truth and dedication speak for themselves. Otherwise, we're doing -ourselves- a disservice by replying. Saying they should be "lined up and shot" is NOT the press we want.

    Sure it's irritating to see opinionated non informed bloggers who stand for nothing, post about what they don't know. But we don't do our cause any better by retaliating with our tone of that anger. We need to be careful..
    We've gotta be really careful. Everything each and every one of us says, represents not only ourselves, but our entire community. And one oh [bleep] can knock down ten atta boys. Now ESPECIALLY now, we're being looked at through a magnifying glass because of our fight for something we believe in.

    Trolls will be trolls. And that's all these people are. Consider installing ad blocker as was recommended earlier. Vent to each other on the FB pages (seeing as they're private to us only), and either come up with a way to collectively respond, or just leave it be. But do NOT feed the flame war. It's only going to look bad on us in the end.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    from what ive heard, if you were VIP before the closure announcement then you will be permanently VIP until the game either shuts down or another company takes over

    same basically goes for non VIPs since there is no way to upgrade to VIP atm
    This is actually a crap shoot. There's no official word on this. Some players have kept their VIP while others lost it.
  21. Thank you for cross posting this. Here was my response in the FB post:

    Yes! This! Thank you! I've been super depressed at how dead it's been on Virtue. Players have already left, and looking for RP is worse now than it every was before. When was the last time you saw the Ski Chalet EMPTY!?!? Come on ppl!
    I've not stopped playing, and it's been absolutely depressing to see my global list so bare. I'm an avid RPer and the D AND Chalet have been empty ... People have already headed for the hills, and it makes me sad.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    Well, if it means anything, I never put you on ignore. Good luck out there; it's full of sharks.
    Who? Me? Wasn't referring to you o.o