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  1. The novels you talk about are canon insomuch as they were written by the creator of Tenchi himself, Masaki Kajishima. It's been a long time since I've had Tenchi on my mind, but as I recall there were 3; one was about Washu and her history including where Kagato comes from, one was about the history of the Jurai royal family, and one was about... well, I can't remember now. I read summaries years ago, and they're all pretty interesting if you're into the OVA series. Unfortunately they were never fully translated into english.(Though if anyone knows different, do let me know!)

    Of course none of this has anything to do with the other Tenchi series. Ah, the joys of multiple canons...
  2. There was also that monk that had been living in a monastery for 300 years, the "immortal refuge" where Duncan first met Kalas, and he died easily because of being out of practice.

    Highlander is one series that sorely needs a reboot. I liked the first movie and enjoyed the series, but Adrian Paul is showing his years, and the last "movie" if you could call it that, made Highlander 2 look Oscar-worthy.

    So I would welcome a reboot, so I'm looking forward to it.

    Too bad that Highlander game for the 360 never came out, it looked like it might've been cool.

    EDIT: Their relationship is simply them having been adopted by the same highland clan, though it happened years apart.
  3. Kyasubaru

    iPad 2

    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    What I fear for is dedicated mobile gaming machines, like the 3DS and PSP. When almost everyone has a tablet and can buy Angry Birds for $5, who's going to to pay $35 for a DS cart or PSP whatever-it-is-they-play? If the quality of games for tablets was equal to the DS and PSP, I wouldn't care, but I don't think we're there yet. Pokemon would be nice on the iPad, though.
    Sony is at least already thinking along these lines, with their "Playstation Suite" software running on Android. It's basically the PSP operating system retooled to be used on Android phones/tablets. Right now they say it'll only do PS1 games, but that'll change eventually:

    Xperia Playstation Phone Detailed
    Playstation Games Coming to Android Phones

    And as for the quality of tablet games as compared to DS and PSP, well... There are quite a lot of minigames for the DS, you know? But have you seen Infinity Blade or Need for Speed? Or if you skew more toward RPGS, how about Inotia? Or you could just jailbreak and run emulators.
  4. Kyasubaru

    iPad 2

    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    Splashtop, for instance.

    I'm disappointed by the lack of a new, better screen and the lack of a card slot, though to be honest I wasn't really expecting that anyway. If it had an upgraded screen, like a bigger "retina display" or one of those nice OLEDs the Sony NGP is using, I'd consider getting it. But there's not enough there for me to shell out 500 bucks yet.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Wait. what?!
    This is either a gross exaggeration, or a lot of people are going to be in for a VERY wonderful surprise.
    I don't know, if they're counting every single part and pattern individually, 60 isn't that high. Looking here at the Natural Pack's ParagonWiki entry, if you count every part and pattern individually you end up with around 45 or so "pieces".

    That's probably what they're doing here. Not that it takes away any of the coolness of this pack, it looks great!
  6. I've noticed extended game load times as well.

    • OS: Win7 64
    • memory: 6 gigs
    • processor: Intel Core i7 920
    • video card (driver version): AMD Radeon 5850 ver 10.12
    • region (NA/EU) server: NA
    • when this started: Not sure. Last week? Same as everyone else.
    • in game zone if possible: Not Applicable
  7. The Matrix, Smallville edition. Also, anyone else noticed they used the patented Lost FailHorn sound at almost every commercial break?

    Reminds me of the episode(or episodes?) from a few seasons back that used the Torchwood sound effect at commercial breaks.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
    For my Main (Yes, the ugly guy in my sig) it´s his cap... re-dyed with a little "help" from Trapdoor.
    A magic cap you say?

  9. Sounds like the plot to the new Wolverine anime currently airing in Japan.
  10. Got a scrapper and a blaster to "51". Unfortunately those were my only two chars with Uncommons, so it'll be awhile till I can get more up there.

    Feels nice to be a level higher after all these years, though, even if it is just pseudo-51.
  11. It does have the same stats as Ninja Run. You can check this in-game by typing [Beast Run] and taking a look at its info. Yes, even on the Live servers.
  12. More hand options? Sure, I can see that. Claws-Powerset-specific hand options that people have been clamoring for forever? I'm not holding my breath on that. Beast Run alone was a pleasant and unexpected surprise. I suppose it's possible we could get beast claws as some people(including myself) want, but at this point I'm not expecting anything else that isn't purely a costume option.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    And she's a bit annoying.
    Hello, Megan!
  14. Seeing it blown up a bit more like that, looks like it could be Misato from Evangelion.

    EDIT: Yup, Misato. Here's the figure.
  15. Kyasubaru

    Adaptions & You

    I actually liked the more recent, made-for-TV miniseries version of The Shining better than the Jack Nicholson movie. No idea which one is closer to the book, as I haven't read it.

    Adaptations are like any other machine, they're either a benefit or a hazard. If they're a benefit, it's not my problem.
  16. I'm gettin the full series set.

    For those who might doubt the authenticity of the wiki article, here is a link to a news post, which itself has links to the official store where you can preorder it.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Here's my summation of this:

    Beat me to it.
  18. Dude, all the guys in your sig look the same too. It's spreading!
  19. Unfortunately I don't have easy access to my build right now, but I have the Nerve uncommon on my MA/SR.

    He has all /SR toggles and passives slotted up to ED with defense, CJ also slotted for defense, and the Steadfast +Def in Tough. These, along with various set bonuses, gets him to slightly over 45% def in all three positions.

    When I got and activated the Nerve uncommon, those numbers went up ~1.8%.

    I don't think this would help much in the defense debuff department(I'm DDR capped anyway) and because I'm already softcapped, it's not helping me get hit much less, either. I'm sure using a Rare or Very Rare will bump that percentage up, since more of it ignores ED, but still...

    Were I to make a new build and have it centered around using the Nerve uncommon exclusively, it could indeed be useful. But for a build that's already done and softcapped, I can't really see the big draw.
  20. Yeah, easiest way is to just to go your Library window, Games menu, Add non-Steam game... and point it to cohupdater.exe in the CoH folder.

    If you REALLY want to move it back to the Steam folders, you may have to uninstall the non-Steam CoH first, then reinstall it via Steam...

    What I would do to accomplish that is copy the piggs folder(and screenshots and costume files and anything else you want to keep) to somewhere else, then run the uninstaller in the CoH directory. Then start the CoH installation via Steam, wait for a few minutes, then stop it. Find the CoH folder inside the Steam directory and copy back all those piggs and other things you saved earlier. Then when you run it from Steam again, it should start the updater and verify all the files, and you should be good to go. I THINK this should work. But I'm not completely sure.

    Just adding CoH as a non-Steam game seems easier to me, though.
  21. Yeah, they changed the mission yet again. Now you have to find the group of council he's hiding in. It's not too hard, there's NPC chatter when you get close to the group. Then Maelstrom will run up to you and you talk to him before you fight him.

    Dunno bout your bug, though.
  22. If you're going to be recording it, I recommend setting your DVRs to record some extra time at the end... Since it's an extra-long episode, it's possible it might run over a bit. Better to be safe.
  23. I thought the main reason for the difference was our Hami isn't an Incarnate, but theirs is. Therefore it's generally more formed and more powerful. Not to mention that their Hami came into existence years before ours.