On March 1 2011...get ready to REBOOT!
I'm gettin the full series set.
For those who might doubt the authenticity of the wiki article, here is a link to a tvshowsondvd.com news post, which itself has links to the official store where you can preorder it.
I'm gettin the full series set.
For those who might doubt the authenticity of the wiki article, here is a link to a tvshowsondvd.com news post, which itself has links to the official store where you can preorder it. |
Now if only they can resolve all the problems with getting the 90's Spiderman cartoon completely on DVD......
Cannot wait to get this on DVD. I missed the chance when it was out years ago, and only saw half of both movies cause of life at the time. Now I can finally finish up the 4th season. I know I just finished watching 1-3 on Teletoon Retro recently so it is a breath of fresh air to hear this.
Hopefully they will make the movie trilogy they were planning.
Cannot wait to get this on DVD. I missed the chance when it was out years ago, and only saw half of both movies cause of life at the time. Now I can finally finish up the 4th season. I know I just finished watching 1-3 on Teletoon Retro recently so it is a breath of fresh air to hear this.
Hopefully they will make the movie trilogy they were planning. |
However as a reminder for those that do not know: the plan was to have Daemon War, My Two Bobs and a third movie/4 eps that would have wrapped the whole thing. This third movie was never made, thus My Two Bobs ends with a major cliffhanger.
There is a Reboot site that has a webcomic that picks up from My Two Bobs and continues forward, but I cannot recall if it is canon or not.
Also, any resemblance between My Two Bobs and the Spiderman CLONE SAGA is of course, purely coincidental.

Edit: figuring out who the real Bob was wasn't difficult but this was a fun parody of the Spiderman clone saga.
Man, about time. I own a video tape of a couple episodes that never got aired in the US, but that was from years and years ago. :/ I just loved this series. It was way ahead of its time, in so many ways. It's a darn shame that the censors in the US couldn't bear the thought of an actual plot line in a "kids show".
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
!!!!!! I loved this show as a kid. I don't have many of my childhood shows on DVD, Batman: The Animated Series and Sonic the Hedgehog are two exceptions. This will be joining them I think.
Edit: Or at least I will if they ever get released in the UK...
Man, about time. I own a video tape of a couple episodes that never got aired in the US, but that was from years and years ago. :/ I just loved this series. It was way ahead of its time, in so many ways. It's a darn shame that the censors in the US couldn't bear the thought of an actual plot line in a "kids show".
As for what took so long getting these DVD's out, I think Season 1 and 2's distribution rights were really snagged after the VHS releases, hence only the Season 3 DVD's and Daemon War/My Two Bobs DVD, then Mainframe got bought up and is now Rainmaker, then of course comes all the royalty issues and remastering.
Still a shame that they couldn't produce the episodes meant to wrap up the My Two Bobs cliffhanger and Tony Jay the voice of Megabyte is long gone, sad to say. Also the voice actor of Captain Capacitor is also gone, hence no appearance by him in Daemon War and Two Bobs. Too bad too, he was one of my favorites.
Now if only they had this on Blu-Ray...
Scratches head.....ok I remember the censorship being a bit heavy handed on this series (and the 90's spiderman cartoon), but I don't recall any episodes that were unaired in the US, unless they were aired later in syndication. Which eps were they?
As for what took so long getting these DVD's out, I think Season 1 and 2's distribution rights were really snagged after the VHS releases, hence only the Season 3 DVD's and Daemon War/My Two Bobs DVD, then Mainframe got bought up and is now Rainmaker, then of course comes all the royalty issues and remastering. Still a shame that they couldn't produce the episodes meant to wrap up the My Two Bobs cliffhanger and Tony Jay the voice of Megabyte is long gone, sad to say. Also the voice actor of Captain Capacitor is also gone, hence no appearance by him in Daemon War and Two Bobs. Too bad too, he was one of my favorites. |
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
That's right. It wasn't until Reboot showed up on CN in the US that we got to see the 3rd season and the follow on movies.
Still don't know what was funnier. Gillian Anderson doing Data Nully in the X-files episode or the appearance of Sailor Moon inspired binomes.
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On regular network tv, Reboot wasn't aired after season 2. It may very well have been aired on cable, but it never made it back onto network viewing after the issues with Hex and such. Hell even I was a bit shocked at the implications of her 'relationship' with Megabyte, as well as the whole episode with her losing it and leaving Bob a bit shaken. My memory may be a bit wobbly on which episodes are in what season, but to my recollection there were none after the end of season 2 that I could watch conventionally.
Only thing I can remember for sure that doesn't seem to match up is that Daemon was said to have sent the web creature that attacked Mainframe at the end of Season 2, yet in Daemon War she clearly didn't seem the type to send monsters to wreck systems since she was out to control/pacify and then delete everything. I'm guessing there was a major change to the character.
As to Season 3: I guess I can see networks being a bit chicken on airing it. The plot was far more serious even though the humorous elements were still there, and there was Matrix and AndrAIa's relation ship.
Yet somehow Beast Wars seemed to escape the mass censorship that hit reboot, which is odd considering we speak of robots that turn into assorted animals and are out to blow each other away. Network standards.....oy
That's right. It wasn't until Reboot showed up on CN in the US that we got to see the 3rd season and the follow on movies.
Still don't know what was funnier. Gillian Anderson doing Data Nully in the X-files episode or the appearance of Sailor Moon inspired binomes. |
Heck even the Three Stooges were binomes in that episode, look at the three binomes trying to help the old binome that lived in the junkyard (The former Codemaster binome) off of AndrAIa's bike after she took him to the shelter area.
It wasn't anything about Season 3's plots. The first two seasons were a joint venture with ABC being one of the partners, when Disney bought ABC they dropped all cartoons that weren't Disney based. That's why the first two seasons have been tied up and never released before.
Now without ABC's standards and practices meddling, Mainframe was able to give Dot proper breasts and could reference hockey (Google Reboot hockey ABC) in the third season.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
It wasn't anything about Season 3's plots. The first two seasons were a joint venture with ABC being one of the partners, when Disney bought ABC they dropped all cartoons that weren't Disney based. That's why the first two seasons have been tied up and never released before.
Now without ABC's standards and practices meddling, Mainframe was able to give Dot proper breasts and could reference hockey (Google Reboot hockey ABC) in the third season. |
To say that ABC was excessive is an understatement.
What's odd was that years before then, in the Alf Tales cartoon episode of Wizard of Oz, the line, "what are you doing?" "hammering" "oh. I thought you were choking a chicken" appeared. O.o I was all... O.o!
The censoring was awful ... I'm just glad that these incredible shows will finally be seen
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
What's odd was that years before then, in the Alf Tales cartoon episode of Wizard of Oz, the line, "what are you doing?" "hammering" "oh. I thought you were choking a chicken" appeared. O.o I was all... O.o!
The censoring was awful ... I'm just glad that these incredible shows will finally be seen ![]() |
Also for those that may not have seen My Two Bobs and wonder about my reference to the Spiderman Clone Saga I'll clarify: (SPOILERS BELOW, DON'T READ if you've never seen this and don't want to be spoiled)
Right at the end of Daemon War, a critically wounded and near death Bob was begged by Dot to stay alive and to marry her. He gladly accepts and then a portal opens and the Websurfer returns, which Mouse is glad to see of course, but then stepping through the portal is ANOTHER Bob who says "Marry him?! I don't think so!" This then leads into My Two Bobs.
1. All scans done by Phong of both Bob's are inconclusive, they can't tell if either one is a fake or a copy or the original. (hence the reference to Spiderman clone saga.)
2. Bob 2 that arrived at the end of Daemon War looks and sounds just like he did before Megabyte blasted him into the web at the end of Season 2 (yes the voice actor returned). Glitch-Bob shows signs of web degradation, sounds different, and of course is fused with Glitch.
3. Bob 2 can reboot into games and fight the user, Glitch-Bob cannot. However in Glitch-Bob's defense, his fusion with Glitch may have locked him in such a way that he can't reboot, or else it's due to damaged or missing code.
4. Bob 2 claims to be the original and asks Glitch Bob "Come on, which of us looks like the original". However his eyes narrow as he looks at Glitch-Bob in a rather non-Bob manner. Almost an evil narrowing of the eyes. Bob 2 also claims that after he entered the web, his Guardian code shut him down and preserved him, but he also later tells Dot that his memories of his time in Mainframe feel incomplete "But I don't remember.....everything".
5, While in a game with Matrix, Bob 2 reminds Matrix that he is a renegade and to cheat against the user since the game was going against them. Also that game was a nice parody of DBZ and Pokemon. After the game as they are celebrating, Bob 2 calls Matrix "Enzo" but Matrix doesn't mind it coming from him, then Bob 2 asks "Fancy a game of jetball?" Rather non-Bob like phrasing...."fancy a game of jetball?" sounds a bit formal.
6. Only AndrAIa and the backup of Enzo have faith that Glitch-Bob is the original, everyone else is gravitating towards Bob 2, partly out of nostalgia for the old days before Bob was shot into the web, and that Dot was also choosing Bob 2 as the one to marry.....
7. Glitch-Bob can't access the Mainframe archives as Phong shows reluctance to give him the codes, but Mouse gets Bob the access and Glitch-Bob tries a few tricks to split from Glitch only to end up frozen in carbonite ala Han Solo. Seriously, his expression and arms raised when frozen are very much like Han Solo after he was frozen.
8. Bob 2 and Dot are going to marry, even as the Guardians are unable to penetrate whatever has frozen Glitch-Bob, plus Glitch-Bob is dying. He has an out of body experience where the keytools contact him and use him as a conduit to return, where upon they then combine their energies to separate Glitch and Bob. Bob is now restored to his web-rider appearance from Season 3, and Glitch is back on his wrist but is repaired and upgraded. The tech scans Bob and says that he's going to be ok, but that his code doesn't match what they have on file, and Turbo concludes that this Bob must be the copy....... (to me that feels like some bad writing. A copy of a program is still the same program, Bob's code should still be the same at its core).
9. Glitch-Bob ports to Mainframe to stop the wedding and tell Dot that he loves her, Bob 2 gets fed up and PUNCHES Glitch-Bob. Dot breaks up the fight before Glitch-Bob attempts to blast Bob 2. She makes her choice clear and Glitch-Bob walks away, but in a final surprise move, Glitch detaches from his wrist and flies over to Bob 2 and attaches to him, and everyone thus thinks that Bob 2 is the original. However note the again uncharacteristic narrowed eye glare that Bob 2 gives Glitch-Bob as this occurs.....
So, after reading all the above: Which Bob is Bob? Search youtube or wait for the DVD.
No, I am not referring to rebooting your computers, I refer to the fact that at long last the CGI cartoon series REBOOT! finally comes to DVD in it's entirety!
There will be a Season 1+2 box set for those that already have the Season 3 DVD's and Daemon War/My Two Bobs DVD from ADV films that are now long out of print.
There will also be a complete series set, 9 DVD's plus assorted bonuses. Though I have the Season 3 DVD's and Daemon War/My Two Bobs, I might end up getting this so that I have a copy of Daemon War/Two Bobs that doesn't suffer the audio problems that the original DVD release had.
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