Steam and City of Heroes...and x86.
I *believe* I used "Add non-Steam game," but I didn't buy it on steam, so I'm not sure how that'll show up.
Yeah, easiest way is to just to go your Library window, Games menu, Add non-Steam game... and point it to cohupdater.exe in the CoH folder.
If you REALLY want to move it back to the Steam folders, you may have to uninstall the non-Steam CoH first, then reinstall it via Steam...
What I would do to accomplish that is copy the piggs folder(and screenshots and costume files and anything else you want to keep) to somewhere else, then run the uninstaller in the CoH directory. Then start the CoH installation via Steam, wait for a few minutes, then stop it. Find the CoH folder inside the Steam directory and copy back all those piggs and other things you saved earlier. Then when you run it from Steam again, it should start the updater and verify all the files, and you should be good to go. I THINK this should work. But I'm not completely sure.
Just adding CoH as a non-Steam game seems easier to me, though.
Good morning!
A few days ago, I bought the Going Rogue sale on Steam for $10, which gave me a month through a retail CD key. However, I noticed that Steam was trying to download the whole game client, when I already have the client itself installed.
Fast forward to today, where I stupidly hit "Delete local game files" in steam. Now, when I run the City of Heroes updater, it tries to reinstall the whole game.
After re-pointing it to the x86 folder where City is really installed, the updater is trying to redownload the game. I closed that.
Now, I'm having Steam do it, even though I already have everything updated. (I was playing until 5am this morning, for posterity's sake)
So, with that relevant background information, I have to ask:
Can I just copy my exsisting X86 folder from the directory into the steam/steamapps/common/cityofheroes and skip the steam download? If so, how do I go about doing that and not screwing up something like vidiotmaps?
Is there a way where I can just get my local build of City to run and not ask me to reinstall it?