The Legendary Resplendent Kronosy46 stood among the rooftops of Warbug surveying the mayhem that surrounded the place.
She is a Hero of some repute within the Precision Rangers. Known to her allies as 46 or Kron, a master of energy both ranged and melee, she battles hard to win the war raging around Paragon City.
With weary eyes she looked down in dismay at the carnage: "Will the fighting ever stop" she thought to herself, "will the war ever end!"
Looking down on the mass destruction she rose once again into the air, determined to put a stop to the destruction that plagued Paragon City...there just weren't enough Heroes to stop the evil spread of Arachnos.
As the battle bubbled and boiled, ebbed and flowed around her, bolts of energy flying from her fingertips, loud cracks of electricity zipping close by, a scream raged in her ears. Looking around for the target, thinking that it was some other villain to arrest and seeing only a nearby foe, she powered up an energy punch and let fly, knocking the evil scum unconcious. Yet still the scream reverberated round her head.
"Does anyone else hear it"
"Hear what" Frozen Rogue asked?
"No matter" she replied, intrigued by what she could hear.
Standing alone on the beach, except for the shattered bodies of the nights work, the rest of the Rangers dispersed to fight battles elsewhere, she waited for the Paragon Police to take away the unconcious villians and wondered what the noise calling her could be. Leaping high into the air she set off to find it.
Surveying the landscape, listening all the while as the sound changed from a scream to a shout and grew louder and louder. 46 bounded from rooftop to rooftop, past Arachnos agents below, she worried what it was that was calling to her and her alone.
Mid leap she stopped, hovering there for a second to get a view of her surroundings, the piercing shriek now so loud she could hardly concentrate.
"Got to get a grip" she thought to herself and looked down. An Arachnos spider patrolling the streets below, reeling, wrapped in the blue sparks of electricity, trying to reach a small bundle trapped between the cracks in the road.
With nothing else around, 46 took aim, concentrated to conserve her energy and began building up to snipe the eight legged carapace wrapped fiend. The blast of energy knocked the spider from it's legs just as the shocking tendrils of electricity subsided.
"Blimey, that did more damage than i thought it would" she said out loud, not that there was anyone around to hear her. Surprised at the result she let fly with an energy blast, followed by an energy bolt, both bang on target. The spider still wasn't down...she drew upon her reserves to boost her power for one last blow. Hovering swiftly down.."bones or no bones" she thought, "it's getting smashed". Letting fly with a powerful punch the creature buckled and fell...a short shout erupted as the spider fell to the ground, one of its legs disappearing down the crack in the road.
46 landed on her feet by the body of the spider and saw movement below it. The thing was huge and must have weighed a ton or more. Not being able to use her power to push it back, knowing she packed quite a mean punch, she transferred energy to her fist and used all her might to knock the thing along the ground, revealing what it was the spider was so desperate to get hold of.
Drawing in breath she slowly looked down and a long overdue smile lit her face as she stared into the eyes of a young girl. 46 proffered her hand and as the girl reached up, sparks flew between them...just a tingle across her hand as they touched, but she could feel the power in the girls tiny frame. The screaming in her head had stopped too. She had found it's source.
2 hours later and after much washing, the dirt removed revealing bright blonde hair, a change of clothes and bit of make-up the young girl shone like the Sun.
"What are we going to do with you?" 46 asked?
The reply she got was astounding.
The girl hadn't said a word since 46 had found her and now she knew why. The sound that erupted from the girls mouth nearly took her head off.
"I think we might need to think of another way of communicating for the time being"
And 46 walked off to get a pen and paper, hoping the little girl could write.
She could
Her name was Dana Powers, she was 16 but looked much younger due to her tiny build. Her parents were dead, killed in the same electrical explosion that had altered her life for ever. She hadn't said a word since then, couldn't say a word. All that came out of her mouth were powerful sonic blasts.
"My mother had been an eminent scientist, working on the effect of sonic resonance on electrical fields " she wrote. "Her research was producing amazing results which had alerted Recluse. Desperate to get his hands on the sonic beams mother was producing, probably to make weapons for use against the Heroes of Paragon City, Recluse at first tried bribery. My mother being the woman she was, refused."
The consequences were devastating.
"An Arachnos army swarmed to the laboratory, storming in, with orders to get their hands on the power that laid within. My parents couldn't do a thing. Alone against an army they had no chance. Setting off the emergency shutdown just angered them further. They had no idea that the lab was powered by a small nuclear fusion reactor as the agents went about destroying the lab.
The blast as the containment field was destroyed, ripped apart the building and must have killed my parents. At the time I was helping out moving some of the equipment in the reactor room. I screamed...and screamed and screamed.
I don't know what happened after that. I woke up in the ruins of the lab, alone. I tried to call for my parents but what came out of my mouth was terrifying.
I wandered the streets for a month, dodging patrols of Arachnos soilders, hiding where I could and scavenging for food. I hadn't been spotted until that evening."
Danas natural resilience and downright fear had brought some of her powers to the fore, enabling her to hold off the spider until 46 had shown up. She was lucky.
46 read what Dana had written, tears welling in her eyes. Now a mutant like herself, outcast among normal society unless her reputation was enhanced somehow. Like 46 used to be, until she joined the Precision Rangers...Dana was alone...she needed help.
The next 2 years flew by. Kronosy46 helped Dana to slowly take control of her powers, helping her to speak normally and marvelling at some of the things she could do. On Danas 18th birthday 46 decided it was about time to ask Dana what she wanted to do. 46 couldn't look after her forever after all, she still had Ranger duties to take of. But before she got chance, Dana had asked what 46 wanted to hear.
"Look, i want to help, i want to get back at Arachnos for killing my parents. I want to join the Precision Rangers"
"Ok, i'll're old enough now to make your own decisions and take control of your own destiny"
46 led Dana to the Precision Rangers HQ where infront of Disco King Jr she looked upon his skin tight outfit and had second thoughts!
"Do i have to wear a costume like that?" she whispered to 46
"Of course not...although you will have to wear the group colours from time to time"
"Then i'm ready"
Disco King Jr looked upon Dana, also seeing her potential.
"Welcome to the Precision Rangers Dana" he said
"Sunrod" she replied. "I'd like to be known as Sunrod"
46 looked across at Dana and smiled. Another hero ready to fight the fight.