Super Group Smash!




Hey guys,

Myself and the rest of the Precision Rangers have a challenge for you, fellow Union Super Groups. We reckon that, in a super group wide match, you'd have no chance. But I bet you wanna proove us wrong don't ya? To this end, on a date to be set if interest is gained, there will be a Super Group tournament, run by the Precision Rangers. Any AT, any level and any ammount of participants can be put foward, but if you want a chance at beating us, you're gonna need your whole group! Think you can smash us? Prove it! PM Your supergroups name to me to register and i'll let you know more details as they follow! It should be lots of crazy fun!

Precision Rangers AWAY!



The Spirits and August Light will rise to this challenge!

Funnily enough I logged on to see if I could arrange an SG battle.

Dates and times available are to follow, if you suggest some I can discuss and come up with a time that suits all...

I suggest an agreed number of heroes though, maybe 10v10 or 15v15 etc. as to keep it fair for you..



Surely you don't stand a chance. I mean there are some high lv super groups out there. Last time I checked the precision rangers was very widely mixed. But regardless Im up for a super group rumble.

Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker

Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.

My Brute -

LF SG! Arc ID# 193083



Planning on a level cap?



Scrapapocalypse will give you another 81-2 thrashing like last time. No chance indeed... hmph :P




Scrapapocalypse will give you another 81-2 thrashing like last time. No chance indeed... hmph :P

World of Jackcraft.



Scrapapocalypse will give you another 81-2 thrashing like last time. No chance indeed... hmph :P

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I did hear that they where out numbered and out lved.So its kinda like braging that you kicked the [censored] out of the blind bloke in a wheel chiar really.



The blood lust stopped us from realising they were outnumbered, plus they didn't even mention it.

World of Jackcraft.



well I made up for it last night by letting them pound my tanker in to a greasy spot. Stone is just not built for the areana but I will have my revenge when I drop a drity great load of pruples in Frozens Rouges lap.



Scrapapocalypse will give you another 81-2 thrashing like last time. No chance indeed... hmph :P

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I did hear that they where out numbered and out lved.So its kinda like braging that you kicked the [censored] out of the blind bloke in a wheel chiar really.

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We asked if we were all ready. I clicked 'start match' when there were 5 rangers on the other team. We heard nothing over broadcast about lack of numbers. Even blind guys in wheelchairs hit back sometimes...



There's no limits at all guys,just get your SG together and fight,nice and simple like.Yes it will be unbalanced but we also believe that will be a huge part of the fun

All you need do is sign up and show up..simple



Surely there should be some limits..

I would suggest lvl 20+ and a set number like 10v10, 15v15 20v20 etc.




Why should there be limits?

This isn't a serious see who can build the most uber 10 man team on Union tournament but a simple and lighthearted tournament for whole SuperGroups to take part in.
Having 30+ Precision Rangers at various levels squaring off against another similar SuperGroup sounds a whole heap of fun to me



I was just trying to make it a little easier for the rest..

Ok then no limits is cool with me. Still think an equal number on each side (or as equal as possible). 25v9 doesn't seem like much of a point to me if you see what I mean?

Can you SK in arena by the way?



No i don't think you can, but it doesn't matter. It's all light hearted crazyness. PM to register so I can dp a spread sheet and start working on the format.

Cheers guys



Scrapapoclypse's seven will take any number of opponents!

World of Jackcraft.



if i am able to attend (can only find out on the night ) i will try to attend and if i can, would it be possible to temporaly team up with the precision rangers for the fight, if that is ok with you guys and if i cant get people form my SG to join?

P.S. i am lvl 26, should be lvl 27 by the time the fight starts



iand967 are you a blaster without an SG, do you sometimes long for a home and a uniform, if so I invite you to join us, the Precision Rangers and become another hero proud to bear the White and Red in one of the most active SGs in the game.

Back on topic, I belive that there are currently around 55 Rangers so we could at some point have 55 of us verses 7 of the scrappocalypse all SK's to level 10 or so, you want to take all comers? Bring it on.



Back on topic, I belive that there are currently around 55 Rangers so we could at some point have 55 of us verses 7 of the scrappocalypse all SK's to level 10 or so, you want to take all comers? Bring it on.

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Well if the 81 to 2 ratio is anything to go by you'll need a good 567 to pose a threat :P



I am sure I can gather together a band of High Society members to whip your butt. Just let me know when. Send me a pm when I am on. We also have about 55 members in my SG, maybe we can get some 20 vs 20 matches going.




CO#ome on guys, keep your registering coming in! Cn you PM me with your SGs name so I know exactly who will be there. Let me know in a PM if your SG is pulling out so that way the organisation will keep smooth. If you register then atleast one member of your SG must turn up on the day so the TOurnment system doesn't get screwd up. Other than that it's very tounge in cheek! Let's rumble!



Any more SGs. Had quite a few. I wanna see some of the big one involved guys! COme on All stars? Dark wings? Dream Team? Get in contact! It should be a blast!



You really think you could beat us? One of the biggest and by far the best supergroup not only on union but the whole CoH (EU of course, the americans will have full sgs with 50s)



But they are american
I reckon the EU could beat America! If only there was an oppotunity to do so...
But anyway, keep it on topic. ANY more SGs up for it?



You really think you could beat us? One of the biggest and by far the best supergroup not only on union but the whole CoH (EU of course, the americans will have full sgs with 50s)

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Bit lost here wich S.G. you talking about.