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  1. Not back as such, just if ever a thread needed hijacking it was this one
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Speaking of ego's mornin Prof
    Hows the world treatin ya.
    (P.S mimic should have his custom ingame title now)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    mornin' Chez, aye things are all rosy, just couldn't sleep so thought some early morning trolling was called for.
  3. Oh...the drama!

    (leave the poor boy alone! Raz wouldn't be the Raz we know and love without the ego)
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Awww dammit he's still alive?????
    Thats what you get for hiring hitmen from the yellow pages.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Did someone call?
  5. ProfC

    Jackhobo, out.

    Time to bring Mimic out of retirement I suppose.
  6. ProfC

    Can Rad Rad PvP

    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Now that was fun

    /love Cherry
  7. This is one of the reasons I stopped playing, all this bitter complaining that was of course going to come from open pvp and it's alleged balance, generally from people to lazy to put any thought into how to combat others is just going to lead to yet more nerfs. In case you didn't get the memo the whiners always win in the end.

    On a side note I'm not trying to claim CoH/CoV pvp is balanced or even anything more than a brief bit of mindless hack 'n' isn't. Personally I prefer the arena but that's just me.
  8. ProfC

    Spines Question

    MA only appears to drop toggles due to the ammount of attacks that have an associated disoriesnt.
  9. If you need more controllers you can catch me on TS and I'll try to drag Mim out of retirement.
  10. asked to farm Dreck within 3 minutes of logging on...special...
  11. Well downloading the patch, see if it can beat the other server coming back up
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    You really think you could beat us? One of the biggest and by far the best supergroup not only on union but the whole CoH (EU of course, the americans will have full sgs with 50s)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Bit lost here wich S.G. you talking about.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Think he's E.L.I.T.E Inc.
  13. Planning on a level cap?
  14. Sorry folks death race cancelled. (unless someone else wants to frachise it)
  15. Ooops forgot to mention it will be held at 8pm on Saturday 24th September.
  16. Roll up! Roll up! for the greatest show on earth...or...erm...something like that. By popular demand it's once again time to dust off your level 1 daredevils and take to the streets of Paragon.

    The format will be similar to the original Death Race,the rules are simple:

    Only characters of a security level of 1 are eligible to enter, characters must be level 1 at start and finish of race.

    Only standard AT's no Kheldians with sneaky travel powers

    The route taken is up to you but you must not receive any assistance, marshals will have there eyes open for any cheating.

    First team to check in with the final Marshal in Portal Corp courtyard will be the winner

    As you can see this time it's a team event, what we're asking for is teams of 4 who I would like to register prior to the event on this thread.

    The other main change is that this time the race will be in the form of a relay starting in Atlas finishing in Peregrine Island with 3 checkpoints along the way.

    each teams members will be taken to their checkpoints at start of the race (which will be monitored by a marshall) and a baton of sorts will be given to the starting team member to pass over to team mates at said checkpoints.

    There will be prizes for 1st,2nd and 3rd places which will range from inf to whatever I can squeeze out of Bridger (hint hint) should also be some special spot prizes for things I haven't thought up yet.

    Hope I haven't over complicated it to much, any questions feel free to ask and register your teams on here.