Poison/toxic rez power vs awaken
Haven't got it yet with my MM, but why are you even concerning yourself with it? Just call out a new set of minions, the recharge etc. aint that long.
As far as I heard, awaikens are not suppose to work on pets. As a matter of fact, don't think any type of rezz is suppose to work on pets.
You can not resurrect pets in any way. (Other than the ghost power from necromancery)
Only the mercenary pets can be rezzed. At least according to the CoV manual.
i think i misread then somewhere
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
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To what manual do you refer ?
The quick start manual is pants when it comes to describing the game details.
i was reading the ingame help function, it got his own Mastermind section.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
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Sorry i should have been more specific.
I have a merc mm and was asking kronos where she read that they can be rezzed.
The manual that comes with the game. The one in the box. It might even say it in the blurb when you create a mastermind too, when you are selecting the type.
I'll check when i get home from work.
Okay. So it doesn't say it directly. But when creating a mastermind, all the other pets say at the end 'cannot be ressurrected'.
From this i took to mean that mercenaries can be.
If not, my bad.
As i haven't tried to play one i shouldn't really comment!
You can't use the poison rez on pets.. from the power description
Elixir of Life can only be used on Players and cannot be used on your Henchmen.
[/ QUOTE ]
Howling twilight doesn't rez them either.
I was checking the help section ingame a bit, as i noticed even Awaken insperations are usable on fallen pets to bring em back once more for some bad-boy wacking.

But so i heard the revive/rez power of the /toxic-poison is not working on the pets? Though i am a team player, i'm not gonna waste 1 power to something i cannot use on my own pets
Anyone with that rez-power can clarify 100% not working on pets?
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
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