Russian accents.




Yeah, an odd question but bear with me.

Basically, does anyone have any experience with Roleplaying in a Russian accent through text? i.e. Does anyone play a Russian Hero or Villain and "types" the accent accordingly?

I ask because I'm still tinkering with ideas, and I think the idea might suit my character. I'd rather not go down the route of "speaks with an accent" in her bio, so any help with this would be appreciated.



nyet, tovarisch.

((Slightly longer answer is, unless you know some of the language already you'll be simply typing english words into the box with a pronounced mock russian accent and risk sounding like a bad 'In Soviet Russia' post on slashdot - most russians I know/have worked with actually have excellent english language skills and what little accent there is would be a pain to try and emulate in text. I'd look at comics featuring colossus if you absolutely want to do this, but even there I think it was more that he spoke english with the odd Russian word/phrase thrown in.))

Synaesthetix:if your mum wasn't already dead I would go kill her for bringing
you into the world



My main in CoH is originally Russian, and I took the conscious choise of not trying to emulate an accent through text, except for an odd "Da" here and there. It would have been too easy to go overboard with the silliness and since the character is already a bit silly, I opted out. Would have only turned Coldest War into a comic sidekick at best.

In a foot-notish sort of way, there is a Communist SG in the US servers, homepage can be found at ... Not sure if there are any articles about simulating foreign accents in there, but at least lots of good ideas for (Soviet) Russian based characters. You should check it out.

[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url=""][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url=""][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]



Weasel/Mongrel lived in Russia for a long time, but he tends to talk in the accent of the country where he gets his magic from. might help you, but from listening to Russian's talk; it's very similar to German or Gujarati; in that they always sound like they're fighting.
Myself, I'd look at phrases or words that you speak often, babel-fish them, and then slot them in. Perhaps having some binds in True Russian for those moments of high emotion.

(Oh and most Russians still have difficulty saying V's, replacing them with W's It's just not something they've had to use)

Блях&# 1072;-муха! Blyaha-muha! is the equivalent of Wow! for instance.

[Edit : Bah..can't get the characters through.. A very nasty one is [self-censor] Vali otsyuda! [/self-censor]though....probably not to be used in polite company]



A very nasty one is Vali otsyuda! though....probably not to be used in polite company]

[/ QUOTE ]

I can't believe the profanity filter let that one through...

Synaesthetix:if your mum wasn't already dead I would go kill her for bringing
you into the world



A very nasty one is Vali otsyuda! though....probably not to be used in polite company]

[/ QUOTE ]

I can't believe the profanity filter let that one through...

[/ QUOTE ]

Hehe. Try calling someone a durak (m) or dura (f) for the ultimate insult.
Russians do speak English with an accent. But it's probably best to try not to emulate and just use some 'easy' Russian words and phrases.
Beginners guide.
Da - yes
Nyet - no
Privet - hello
Davay - lets go
Paka - laters
Spaseeba - thankyou
Pazhalsta - please
Kak dela - how are you




But if you did want to speak pseudo russian...try talking like tarzan!
i.e. i blaster. me hurt you. etc



Hmmm, thanks for the replies so far; I'll definitely keep them in mind.

Doesn't look as if I'd be able to pull this off in a respectful manner (Although, admittedly, typecasting a Russian is pretty bad by itself....), but it's appreciated all the same. I just absolutely fell in love with the Russian accent thanks to Vladimir from Max Payne.




You could always try the Sean Connery accent since it sounds the same as always even when playing a russian sub-commander.

But seriously it can be hard to translate an accent into text without going overboard, also you do actually want others to understand you so i'd go with the suggestion to just throw in the odd russian word, even just calling everyone comrade would do the trick.

On the subject of Soviet villians does anyone have a plan to start a Soviet SG on Union?
With an unhealthy diet of 80's action movies I think it'd be a great looking SG (it may seem a bit frivulous of me but the soviets won the coolness stakes over the americans hands down).
My soviet character was one of my many heroes wasting away in outbreak for months until i spotted the hammer & sickle detail while creating villians and resurrected her.
Although I did have a twinge of guilt when the first fellow villian to speak to The Soviet Terror turned out to be russian, but it turned out they thought it was a great character.

I'd use

Now @Eskimo-Spy

I'm not evil.