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  1. I was bored, bored bored so I decided to post this!

    Bored, Bored Bored
  2. new Drinking game everyone take shot every time you hear the word JUSTICE! you'll be plastered in no time!
  3. KowaiKawaii

    Yotsuba& Anime

    Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
    I saw one of those faked charts listing all the anime coming out in the next season once, which listed Yotsuba&, Baccano! season 2, and Franken Fran. I nearly cried tears of joy before I realized it was fake.
    There are tons of fake anime openings out there..


    Final Fantasy 6 using the Full metal Alchemist opening.

    Jo jo's Bizzare Adventure with pretty well everything

    K-on set to the Working opening

    Touhou to some game I don't know the name of (NSFW just to a tad bit of nudity at the very very end)

    and a personal favorite of mine

    Final Fantasy 5 using the Record of the Lodoss war opening
  4. Aira is a good read about a girl that training to be a gondolier on Mars.. after all the polar ice caps have melt and flooed the planet. A bit science ficonty a slice of life and supernatural stuff mixed in for good measure!

    Spice and Wolf is good too about a wolf god taken human form that traveling along with a mechant, the wolf god wants get back home. Who knew economics could be so interesting..
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
    There's supposed to be a one-shot Thanos Imperative: Devastations that's supposed to be an epilogue and set as to what the new status quo for the cosmic side of the Marvel Universe is supposed to be, and that's about it.

    Other than that the team behind Marvel's cosmic universe, Abnet & Lanning, is slated to launch Heroes for Hire, staring Ghost Rider, Moon Knight, Punisher, Elektra, and Iron Fist. So I guess it's like Guardians of the Galaxy but on a smaller urban setting.
    I'll have to check that out.
  6. Enjoyable read. Looking foward to what they do next.
  7. Thought myself I rather see Superman beating up dome headed Gorillas or something. The latest issue was readable with some nice character moments with Lois Lane..

    ..At least DC hasn't ignored there marriage unlike Marvel with 2 certain characters!
  8. [QUOTE=AzureSkyCiel;3259773]As far as the multiple dancing swords go, and if it also becomes a player available temp power, then I will say this much:
    I am the bone of my sword
    Steel is my body and fire is my blood
    I have created over a thousand blades
    Unknock to death
    Nor known to life
    Have withstood pain to create many weapons
    Yet these hands will never hold anything

    I was thinking the same thing!
  9. It was okay. Enjoyable getting hard to follow who is on who's side now. I'm still going to watch a few more to see where it goes. I'm worried it going to get bogged down it too many conspiracies .
  10. She a better rper than some 'adults' I've played with.
  11. I'm waiting for the box set myself. I think the first eps is up free to watch on Media Blasters website. I think.
  12. Wow. good portion of my childhood there.
  13. One I saw today was Mr. Happy Thoughts.

    ..and probably the best name I ever saw was Max boob slider.
  14. Someone been watching too much Princess Tutu ..and amazing AMV as well.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ketch View Post
    Ooh... by the mangaka of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. That sells it for me.
    That what I was thinking too.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
    I was hoping for something more edgy.

    I hope Disney answers this movie with their own CGI bear + ranger bromance, bearmance maybe, with a CGI movie based on this.

    Bump Bump
    They did. It was Country Bears, and it has Christopher Walken in it.
  17. KowaiKawaii

    Older Dr Who...

    City of Death I think one of the best Doctor Who stoires ever. Douglas Adams help write it. He was the show runner for the latter part of the 4th Doctor. It really shows..

    Curse of Fenric is good story too.

    Talons of Weing Chang is quite solid too..

    If you can get past the bad specail effets alot of the stories are very good.
  18. There was a story a while back in Daredevil where some FBI agent for some money told a reporter friend of his Daredevil real identity. .. I can't remember what it called at the moment.
  19. No love for Gaint Robo despite the title I think it the closest thing I've seen to Japanese Western Superheroes..

    Evil group of villans Big Fire have a plant to take over the world and it up the Experts of Justice to stop them. Epic stuff.

    and I just finished watching the first season of Aqua, it a slice of life show about a girl that moves to Mars, now called Aqua due it been terraformed and now it covered in water. to become a Unidne someone how drives a Gondola for toursits around. Very much a slice of life show, with a slight sci-fi twist. Great art and a great soundtrack.

    . Gaogaigar, mecha show. Courage and guts will win the day! Crazy epic stuff like only the Japanese can do

    and Black Lagoon. Over the top action show that takes a few anime cliches and turns them on there heads. Very violent. but good.

    That all I can think of right now.
  20. KowaiKawaii -means scary cute for my female brute. I always thought that was great name.

    and for my robotic mastermind. SHMUP