Thanos Imperative Final Issue




Wow, just wow, this wholes series was an awesome read. So did anyone else here pick this series up? What are your thoughts on the ending? I just wish that most of Marvel's other comics was as entertaining as Marvel's recent cosmic saga (Annihilation, Annihilation: Conquest, War of Kings, and now Thanos Imperative)

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



I was unimpressed with Annihilation but I've always been interested in Thanos so I may look into this in trades.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



I stopped collecting comics about 2 or 3 years ago, but I'm a freak for Thanos. I'll definitely be looking for this.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



I was disappointed that Thanos went into a raving fit at the end. They basically reset him to being a genocidal maniac with Death refusing to talk to him. Still, I enjoyed the series over all.

And now that the Thanos Imperative is over, I don't plan to buy another Marvel comic until Queseda leaves.



Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
I was disappointed that Thanos went into a raving fit at the end.
To a certain point I can understand why he went bat[censored] crazy. If you think about it, Thanos finally achieved his dream. He was dead, he was at peace, and most importantly he was with the love of his life. Then along comes Peter Quill and his gang and they decide to take him away from all that to deal with the Cancerverse problem, which wasn't even his to begin with, and to make it even better after he was resurrected he could never be at Death's side again.

So how happy would you be after being taken away from your happy home, from the love of your life, your soulmate, having to deal with a problem that wasn't even yours in the first place, and then finding out that you can never go back or even be with the one you truly love.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



It needed to be a longer issue, but it was still excellent. A true, fitting conclusion to the saga that was launched with Annihilation. The final pages perfectly encapsulate Thanos and what makes him a great villain. His uncertain loyalties that all eventually serve his one true devotion were on full display and made the entire thing a very fitting end to the story. Likewise, reuniting the original duo that drove Annihilation and having them stand side by side again in the end provided the fitting coda that most events these days lack.

It needed more and felt a little rushed as a result. A few more pages to showcase the rest of the extended war effort and make things truly dire at the start of the necropsy ritual would have made the eventual coup a lot more powerful and given a little more closure to the rest of the cast that's built up to this point. It's a minor complaint though as it appears there's an epilogue just for those characters. Still, its been a fantastic run and like many, will likely finally shut the door on my Marvel pull list.



I liked it, though I always have mixed feelings about throwing in random heroic deaths at the end of a series. It kind of came out of nowhere and it seemed like they could have confined Thanos there without actually staying, especially with a Cosmic Cube, albeit a mostly dead one. It seemed like they threw it in for the sake of having a couple of major characters die.

The other thing that bothered me about the series was when they killed the Magus spontaneously just to show how bad-*** Captain Marvell was. Waste of a great villain/hero that I can only hope makes a comeback in one or the other form.

But over all I really liked the series.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



Enjoyable read. Looking foward to what they do next.

"And for us this is the end of all stories, and we can mostly say they lived happily ever after. But for them it was the beginning of the real story. All there life in this world and all there adventures in Narnia had only be the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of The Great Story which no one on earth has ever read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before" - C.S Lewis, The Last Battle.



There's supposed to be a one-shot Thanos Imperative: Devastations that's supposed to be an epilogue and set as to what the new status quo for the cosmic side of the Marvel Universe is supposed to be, and that's about it.

Other than that the team behind Marvel's cosmic universe, Abnet & Lanning, is slated to launch Heroes for Hire, staring Ghost Rider, Moon Knight, Punisher, Elektra, and Iron Fist. So I guess it's like Guardians of the Galaxy but on a smaller urban setting.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



This was a good wrap to the series and Starlord and Nova are PRESUMED dead. The door is open for a return.

Also I enjoyed the Serenty comic: Shepard's Tale. Major details about the life of Shepard Book from Firefly are revealed at least. There is plenty more to tell about him in future stories, but the core origin of him is revealed at last.



Yeah, near the end Quasar and Rocket Raccoon do discuss if they truly believe that Nova and Starlord are dead, but to me it seems Abnett and Lanning were trying to make sure their revival couldn't be pulled off so easily or put some kind of finality to it.

They're stuck in a universe that collapsed on itself that can't be reopened and it's a dead universe that has Thanos in it, but this is comics here. I'm sure that Marvel can find someone who come up with some half-baked story to bring 'em back and totally disregard what was written by the previous writers because it doesn't fit their story needs. So till then I say they went down screaming in death's face.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
I'm sure that Marvel can find someone who come up with some half-baked story to bring 'em back and totally disregard what was written by the previous writers because it doesn't fit their story needs. So till then I say they went down screaming in death's face.
Kind of like how the writers of Annihilation all the way to Thanos Imperative threw out all evolution of the characters Adam Warlock and Thanos.

One thing I've gotten sick of with Adam Warlock is the whole Magus schtick. Talk about way over done. "Oh I must be careful or I become the Magus" oy.

Thanos: Starlin evolved the character into something other then a nihilistic death bringer. Then he gets killed in Annihilation. Granted he was dead and happy and his forced return thanks to the intervention of Adam Warlock putting him in that cocoon greatly angered him, and then Death once again turns her back on him....ugh.

Still, the return of Thanos from this story will bring about the restoration of Drax. Drax' sole function is to kill Thanos no matter what and the two are linked.

As for Starlord and Nova, between the full power of the Nova Corps and the semi charged Cosmic Cube, I'm sure a way can be found to bring them back.

In fact I think I thought of one: didn't Adam Warlock revert the timeline and thus restored the timeline where he would be the Magus? If so then another temporal alteration can be done to undo the events of Thanos Imperative.



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
They're stuck in a universe that collapsed on itself that can't be reopened and it's a dead universe that has Thanos in it, but this is comics here.
I mean, he had a cosmic cube, so it's not even that hard to explain.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
There's supposed to be a one-shot Thanos Imperative: Devastations that's supposed to be an epilogue and set as to what the new status quo for the cosmic side of the Marvel Universe is supposed to be, and that's about it.

Other than that the team behind Marvel's cosmic universe, Abnet & Lanning, is slated to launch Heroes for Hire, staring Ghost Rider, Moon Knight, Punisher, Elektra, and Iron Fist. So I guess it's like Guardians of the Galaxy but on a smaller urban setting.
I'll have to check that out.

"And for us this is the end of all stories, and we can mostly say they lived happily ever after. But for them it was the beginning of the real story. All there life in this world and all there adventures in Narnia had only be the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of The Great Story which no one on earth has ever read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before" - C.S Lewis, The Last Battle.



dug the whole thing from start to finish. the only problem i have is that i guess Guardians of the Galaxy and Nova are temporarily/permanently wrapped for the time being. which sucks. both books were two of the best things Marvel had going, so im hoping they bring Pete and Rich back PDQ. i mean they may be stuck in a dying universe, but they're stuck with a prepackaged macguffin.

(also, still torqued that Warlock ended up coming back only to get himself offed again. dagnabbit!)