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  1. Sign me up Kotchie - Stone/Stone - 50 Brute

    And i can do it on Sat Sept. 4 or Thurs Sept. 2
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    I was talking to one of the people that did it on Justice (also in 18 min). They originally tried it without the temp powers (nukes, shiv's, and heavies) but could not over come Aspect's regen, and they had debuffers on the team. They had to go get nukes and shives to complete it.

    Anyway I would be interested in running it with you or Turg.

    Also the 3 team leaders need to be in the same SG.
    Prophets of Supremacy did the CoP run last night...9 minutes 30 seconds..start to finish

    Took a hour and a half of planning, i hear...but that aspect dropped fast as all get out!!!
  3. Thanks for adding me!! I will do my best
  4. sign me up 50 Stone/Stone Brute - Kotchie
  5. sign me up if you have room 50 Stone/Stone - "Kotchie"

  6. You can use IO's to help nullify the effects of Granites -rech and slow. Check out the guides section and find the one "Need for Speed" relating to Stone Armor Brutes. I have been slowly building up a second build using the guide (tweeked a little to personal playstyle).

    I LOVE the Stone/Stone combo!! I have one that is "decked out" as a badge-hunter and cant wait for GR to hit to get into those blue-side badges
  7. I would like to come as well...I have a sonic/sonic corr i would love to bring.

    If you need a /stone or a perma mind dom i can always bring them instead.
  8. If you still have a spot, I would like to sign up (Kotchie's Anger WP/SS tank)

    If not I will take an alt spot and see how it pans out
  9. Stone/Stone

    ..seriously though probably a "quick" primary like Dual Blades or Claws coupled with Willpower is the best "low drag" Brute out there
  10. Gratz to E-Mans team on 5/29
  11. Sorry about that team 2 ...we will get em' next time

    Even a failure is sometimes a good learning experience...

    We had 2 members where that was their first time running the Lady Grey Task Force, and they did do great!!!
  12. I am always up for a MoLGTF, I can bring a Mind/Psi permadom (for the holds) please put me down as an alternate (hopefully we can get 2 teams up and running )

    toon name is Ian Somnia
  13. IMO you can't go wrong with a Mind/Psi.

    I have one that is permadom and it is wonderful

    (and it was, in relative terms, cheap to make perma too )

    But Mind/ is a great set paired with almost anything IMO
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
    Solid combo as long as the constant redraw doesn't drive you bonkers. The sound, the hitches in movement due to it and otherwise feeling a bit more clunky than other dominators.
    These mirror my feelings as well.
  15. While I do not have an Ill/Rad 'troller, I do have an Necro/Poison MM.

    From what I understand /Poison is one of the best (if not the best) single target killers.. GM/AV, PvP or otherwise....available to MM's.

    As far as DS/ goes...I have read it is a very strong set, but as of yet, have not rolled one to find out. I have seen some Necro/ MM's absolutely SHRED people in PvP. (In all fairness, that same player has multiple MM's, all of which he could use to destroy opponents, but it was his Necro/ I was most impressed with )
  16. Sorry about last night..we were..unvictorious

    Future runs wil include at least one dom (two if not perma) and something else with a decent hold (s) (Fort, Controller, Def, Corr)..at least until the green mitos get fixed (hopefully by next week). If the AT's on the team are deemed lacking in the hold department, I will switch to my permadom and find another Brute/Tank.

    Last night, I was the first to die (we couldn't get the green mitos held, and thinking to power through it, let caution down a bit ) Then I kicked my computer and broke something to where I couldn't boot it back up (it will get fixed today)

    I will be running again tonight for as many runs as I can take, and hopefully at least one will result in Master
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MarvelatMee View Post
    I'll be happy to jump on with my Perma Dom, Ms Burned Bush whenever needed./
    Fantastic...Doms are always good
  18. You can count me in, take your pick if needed (if looking for something specific)

    50 Emp/Elec Defender - Heather Healgood
    50 WP/SS Tank - Kotchie's Anger
    50 Ice/Storm Controller - Hurricane Chiller

    If theres no room, no worries
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by destiny_morna View Post
    Thanks to Kotchie for inviting me for my 6th attempt at this badge (so 6th times the charm!) I had run with him and Dark Royal in about 4 previous failed attempts and I have to say that even when someone died, no one got upset or kicked and very often that person was invited to the next run. That's the attitude to have for a Masters attempt! (and such a refreshing change from the negativity on the badge forums towards this badge).

    Even our successful attempt was not perfect, as we accidentally 'saved' the sisters and had to complete that mission the old fashioned way by saving 6 hostages and defeating the AV. But we plowed on and eventually everyone had a shiny new badge..Way to Go all!

    Thanks to KOTCHIE for leading and DARK ROYAL for being a great MM--he always had his pets under control and not getting any stray aggro (it makes me want to role a MM..an AT i have avoided in the past.) CALIBURST, as i have told her, was the best blaster....never dipping into the red (as an emp, i know how squishy blasters are) and pretty much took out the blue mitos. SAURA kept all of us Sb'd, HOOTCHIE MAMA and MIND GAM3Z double teamed the greens and SHADOWRUSH was our yellow mito killer. Everyone worked together as a team--it was my first time teaming w/ some of you and i'm glad that freedom has such quality players (in contrast to our reputation).

    Thanks also to those on my global channels TFU and FE for emailing me much needed inspirations during the tf when I posted for them...I've always loved freedom and how we come together as a community. I have a bunch of spare EoEs that i didn't use so anyone attempting another Master run..just shout out and i'll Email em to you! (or any other inspir your might need).
    Hey destiny you want to try it again on your Corr? LETS DO IT
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Woody View Post
    Hey Kotchie,

    This is Saura - your Kin Corr from last nights successful run. Add me @Woody- if you run again and need a kin to keep ya in high fashion.

    By the way - great job last night on leading the team through this. You and M1nd were awesome, took your time, and the results speak for themselves.

    Again - nice job.....
    You did great last night BTW, I will be on tonight, would be great if you can come
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    Awesome. We had 3 trollers on our team, and we could NOT get that damn Greenie held long enough to make any difference.

    If you can do a 9/10pm run tomorrow, I'll be there, Kotch.
    We had an intial problem on the first run with the green mitos. Seems as though they didn't want to die. We had the 2 doms pounding them but they wouldn't budge. Solution was, altough we had him held, we were not damaging them enough with ranged. We called in the melee support (tank, Cryo-Kitten, and scrapper, Black Dancer) and down they went

    Side-note: We did kill all the greens like this, but an ill-timed aggro of Hami by one of the doms caused our demise, although Paragon (Doc Hollywood) did all they could to save him. Still a great learning experience
  22. We did indeed suceed!!!

    Here's the team (some i do not know exact powesets, for that i do apologize )
    M1nd Gamez - Mind Permadom
    Dark Royal - Bots/Dark MM
    Caliburst - Energy/Energy Blaster
    destiny morna - Emp
    saura - Kin Corr
    Shadowrush - MA scrapper (good one to )
    Kotchie - stone/stone brute
    Hootche Mama - Emp/Mind Controller

    All in all a really good team

    I will be on again running tonight (5/20) from 2 or 3 PM EST till when my eyes bleed

    Anyone is more than welcome...any AT

    (and Paragon, bring Doc Hollywood again today/tonight and we will try again, we got SO close that first run it was UNREAL )

    And I do want to apologize, some people came after team was filled and sent /tells wanting in...for those people, anytime I am on send me a /tell and I will do my VERY BEST to get a team up and running to do this with you
  23. So last night was Fun..albeit not a success.

    1st run - death on third mission
    2nd run - death with 3 green mitos left to go (still completed TF)
    3rd run - early death in first mission
    4th run - death in 2nd mission (powered on and got to hami but by that time 3 DC'd/quit)

    I am determined (maybe a little crazy) to get this badge. I will be on AGAIN tonight trying my hardest to get a team together. Anyone is welcome to join me!!! (I dont descriminate against any AT)

    special thanks to Caliburst, destiny morna, Paragon (Doc Hollywood), ROYAL, Bigg 2200, and even Turg ...Even though it wasn't a success it was still fun. Hope to see you guys tonight!!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    Set this up for around 10pm Eastern and I'd be in good position to help.
    I could probably do that on a Friday, and most likely will, to try and get some of the late night TF crowd ( I go to work at 3am EST M-F )
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    All issues with the Mo badges, be it have or have not, stem from taking them too seriously.
    I totally agree on this point..its just a game afterall