brute researching




can anyone give me some insight for brutes like whats the best combos for alot of soloing and some grouping aswell as what combos are best for single target and aoe ?
i have little idea on this myself but i've been playing a stalker for awhile atm 33 lol
db/nin if anyones wondering lol. anyway back to the brute stuff i had played a ss/will for abit and wasn't too fond of it it was only 16 though and i'm reading alot of stuff on the forums here trying to figure out a really good brute combo for a mix of everything that won't have me pulling my hair out at the early stages.



Willpower is a really good pick for your criteria, trouble is you paired it with SS that is a late blooming set that is often a chore to level from 10 to 32.

I'd recommend claws/WP or DB/WP. Both of those primaries are early blooming and great fun to play, and WP really is the most painless of the secondaries, as well as very powerful. Both of the primaries also offer a very nice blend of single target and AoE damage.



If you wanna go the WP route, go with Stone Melee.

Im thinking of making a Brute soon, but im just not sure which one ill be making.I have to do research my self.I want 1 thats good for PvP and PvE.



Super Strength won't feel great at lower levels because you don't have access to your one AoE attack: Footstomp. It is great, but you have to wait for it. I never thought SS was all that great until I played one all the way into the thirties. Then I fell hard for the action. Yes, it is unquestionably skewed towards ST dmg, but KO blow, Rage and Footstomp make the set very pleasurable for me. Not to mention my SS user is /shield defense, so he is a thirsty damage beast.

If you want something that is a bit more balanced towards ST and AoE and not Dual Blades (as you have already played one), you could try fiery melee. You get Fire Sword Circle as an AoE earlier than Footstomp, and you could still choose Fire Breath. I had this attack for a very long time and I always found it to be fun and a good place to slot some IOs. Most forum goers seem to not like this power for Brutes, but I think it is handy.

Claws is the new kid on the block, but still a fantastic and balanced choice. Not only do you get great ST and AoE toys, but you also get a couple of Ranged options!

Battle Axe and War mace also have some pretty decent AoE and ST options. I haven't played either one. After that, the powersets tend to go either heavily ST like Dark Melee or Energy Melee or AoE like Electric.

One more thing, WP goes pretty well with any brute primary, especially endurance hungry ones because of QR. I would just advise you to try to stick it out with your brutes- the best is sometimes yet to come. Not everyone judges playability at lvl 50 or even post 32 for most toons, but I think you have to wait until you get access to all of your primary and secondary powers before you decide if you can't play the set or not. Some powersets are late bloomers, and sometimes they really bloom.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
If you wanna go the WP route, go with Stone Melee.

Im thinking of making a Brute soon, but im just not sure which one ill be making.I have to do research my self.I want 1 thats good for PvP and PvE.
I have to second this. I have a stone/wp brute and I've found the combo to be quite impressive. There's a very good synergy between the two. Stone is very endurance hungry, and WP's Quick Recovery resolves that. All the knockdowns in Stone are awesome for WP as they give your regen time to work while the mobs are picking themselves back up off the floor.



3rd to recommend stone/wp.

I had one myself and I can say there a good safe choice. If you want an easier ride though stay away from super reflexes because there a pain in the butt to level and there defence is pretty much non existant until later levels.

Claws is nice as well but because of its speed with anything other than WP you will find yourself killing your endurence, its got low cost per attack but since it links up so damn fast your endurence goes like a shot too.

Super strength is the standard choice for a lot of brutes since its a nice balance and its got perma build up power and a nice mix, just a little light on damage early on.

Fire is nice as well, but fury gain lower levels tends to be a pain without auto brawl on.




..seriously though probably a "quick" primary like Dual Blades or Claws coupled with Willpower is the best "low drag" Brute out there



i tried claws on a scrapper/stalker it wasn't bad and i have dual blades on my stalker so i wasn't looking at something i've already tried and getting to mid 20's-30's isn't that hard just takes time lol.

what would synergize well with ss,mace,battle axe,energy,stone ?
not sure what would say save me on endurance in later levels



Stone/WP is a beast, especially on ST, but is meh for AoE, unless you pair it with say, Soul Mastery and fill in with Dark Oblit, as Tremor is pretty crappy for AoE damage compared to most of the Primaries AoEs, and Fault does no damage.

WP is a strong set for leveling, and once you start IOing it only gets better. Paired with Fault in SM, for leveling, you have an excellent soft control to allow your regen to work for you. Once you hit 50 you can easily respec out of Fault once you start IOing to pick up more damage.

I love my SM/WP, soooooooo much fun. But, like I said, is best for single target. For AoE goodnes, Claws/WP is shaping up to be just nuts. Have mine up to 32 and just keeps getting better and better.

Dark Armor is like that kid you knew in school that didn't know when to shut up, and no matter how bad he got beaten down, he got right back up again and kept on talking.



Originally Posted by 2Sly4U View Post
i tried claws on a scrapper/stalker it wasn't bad and i have dual blades on my stalker so i wasn't looking at something i've already tried and getting to mid 20's-30's isn't that hard just takes time lol.

what would synergize well with ss,mace,battle axe,energy,stone ?
not sure what would say save me on endurance in later levels
As many have mentioned WP will save you on endurance due to QR, but also Energy Aura will be able to fully recover you endurance ever 30 seconds w/ just simple SO slotting and would synergize well with the heavy hitters that have those KBs and stuns to help with its semi-squishiness.



Originally Posted by Colossal View Post
As many have mentioned WP will save you on endurance due to QR, but also Energy Aura will be able to fully recover you endurance ever 30 seconds w/ just simple SO slotting and would synergize well with the heavy hitters that have those KBs and stuns to help with its semi-squishiness.
ElA can do the same thing, and isn't as squishy as EA

Dark Armor is like that kid you knew in school that didn't know when to shut up, and no matter how bad he got beaten down, he got right back up again and kept on talking.



Magik mentioned it but for the most part I don't see too much about energy/ brutes. Why is that?



if i see another ss/wp imma go nutz



Originally Posted by Shadowpuff View Post
Magik mentioned it but for the most part I don't see too much about energy/ brutes. Why is that?
They nerfed Energy Melee pretty bad. Completely neutered.

It used to hit hard as hell, but now, it's kinda meh.

Dark Armor is like that kid you knew in school that didn't know when to shut up, and no matter how bad he got beaten down, he got right back up again and kept on talking.



Originally Posted by _Deth_ View Post
They nerfed Energy Melee pretty bad. Completely neutered.

It used to hit hard as hell, but now, it's kinda meh.
To be still hits as hard as it always just takes much longer to animate.

The Porcelain God - DarkKinetics Corruptor
Meat Juice - DarkDarkSoul Brute
Pretty and Strong - Do you really have to ask?



Originally Posted by _Krom_ View Post
To be still hits as hard as it always just takes much longer to animate.
They reduced the damage and mag of the stun on TF, and they made the animation so long on ET that I could go bake a turkey in the amount of time it takes to go off. I have literally hit ET the second I got to a boss, before the rest of the group, and the group has killed it before animation finished.

I loved my EM/Nin stalker before they changed EM. Was one of my favorite toons to solo. I took a break, came back, and everything that made him fun was gone.

Dark Armor is like that kid you knew in school that didn't know when to shut up, and no matter how bad he got beaten down, he got right back up again and kept on talking.



Originally Posted by _Deth_ View Post
They reduced the damage and mag of the stun on TF, and they made the animation so long on ET that I could go bake a turkey in the amount of time it takes to go off. I have literally hit ET the second I got to a boss, before the rest of the group, and the group has killed it before animation finished.

After playing a DM/DA to 50, I had soooo much fun getting my EM/WP to 50. But you're right, my bf plays a DB/WP brute. His doesn't hit as hard but he attacks much faster so effectively kills more than I do.

I have a lvl 38 FM/WP. Perhaps that will be my next 50. Then again, I have a lvl 27 Claws/ altitis is acting up again.