DS/Poison best AV/GM Solo'ing MM?




Is DS/Poison the best MM's have for this solo'ing feat?

And coincidentally are they the best 1v1 PvP combo of powersets?

I'd like opinions and conjecture on which is the best MM for AV/GM solo'ing and how competative it would be compared to your Ill/Rad troller.



While I do not have an Ill/Rad 'troller, I do have an Necro/Poison MM.

From what I understand /Poison is one of the best (if not the best) single target killers.. GM/AV, PvP or otherwise....available to MM's.

As far as DS/ goes...I have read it is a very strong set, but as of yet, have not rolled one to find out. I have seen some Necro/ MM's absolutely SHRED people in PvP. (In all fairness, that same player has multiple MM's, all of which he could use to destroy opponents, but it was his Necro/ I was most impressed with )



Don't discount /traps as an AV killer.

Poison gas trap = what happened to my regen ?!?!?



Poison doesn't do enough -regen to take the title of AV/GM killer.

You have to stack Envenom 10x just to equal the -regen of powers like lingering rad, benumb, heat exhaust. And 20x to equal poison trap from traps (pretending you can't stack it too heh).

Considering you probably won't be stacking it more than 5x, it just can't make much of a claim to the title. I'd actually be reasonably impressed if a /poison solo'd a GM without insp. (aside from Bot's that provide additional -regen, even if it is buggy)



/Traps would be more viable than /Poison against AVs/GMs, In my opinion. Better stacking, more control, more damage, more protection. However, I don't know if Demon Summoning is the primary to do it with.



If /Traps is the best for AV/GM soloing, what's the best primary? I heard that Ninja/ is the most ST damaging MM primary. I've heard Thugs/ is the overall best Primary for having all but the top end pet being ranged.

Furthermore, how quickly and safe is it for a */Traps MM to solo AV and GM's compared to your Ill/Rad? I also predict that on i18 they'll give /Rad to MM's.



Bots/traps is one of the premier big game hunters in the entire game.

The problem with melee pets paired with traps is that when you run in to put down poison trap there is a decent change 1 or more of your pets will take serious damage. In the case of a GM they spam footstomp and will wreck your pets very quickly. In the case of AV's it generally wouldn't be an issue if you are taunting and approach from the side your pets aren't gathered on.

Melee pets by default have to be bunched which opens them up to aoe damage.

How safe is most /traps AV encounters? Most can be done in your sleep. Between bodyguard spreading what little damage gets past your defense that is softened up by seekers means you hp barely quivers in most fights. As safe as a perma PA ill/rad? well no, because they usually take zero damage, so you aren't technically as safe, but the difference is insignificant.



Originally Posted by Kenshinhan View Post
Furthermore, how quickly and safe is it for a */Traps MM to solo AV and GM's compared to your Ill/Rad? I also predict that on i18 they'll give /Rad to MM's.
Frosticus covered the "safety" part, so I'll cover the "quickly" part. A Bots/Traps is significantly faster than an Ill/Rad for a couple reasons: Robots deal more damage, which can be boosted by Assault and red inspirations (which isn't very practical, but hey the option is there) and because PGT has a higher -regen value (LR doesn't quite negate the regen on "higher level" GMs) and is autohit; missing with LR once (which will happen, more often than you'd like) will make the fight last 5mins longer (if the GM is low on health)



So far my DS/Poison has been beating up on +1/+2 EBs fairly easy (I'm only lvl 33 atm). Once I get Noxious Gas at 38 I'll bump them up to AVs/Heroes to see how easy/not easy it is.

I don't ever really care to solo GMs but...I guess as others have said, Robots/Traps is the way to go.

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rep said "incorrect" with regard to

Poison doesn't do enough -regen to take the title of AV/GM killer.

You have to stack Envenom 10x just to equal the -regen of powers like lingering rad, benumb, heat exhaust. And 20x to equal poison trap from traps (pretending you can't stack it too heh).

Considering you probably won't be stacking it more than 5x, it just can't make much of a claim to the title. I'd actually be reasonably impressed if a /poison solo'd a GM without insp. (aside from Bot's that provide additional -regen, even if it is buggy)
Hopefully my anonymous friend can clarify exactly what they were referring too being incorrect?



I'd like opinions and conjecture on which is the best MM for AV/GM solo'ing and how competative it would be compared to your Ill/Rad troller.[/QUOTE]
well, my opinion is that: my lvl 42 thugs/poison got deleted after i compared him with all other MMs i already had.
1) AVs do AoEs, but you can only weak single target heal.
2) your own mean of effective protection and AV killing is noxious gas, which crippled by recharge. while all other sets can have their debuff or protections nearly 100% time your gas will be only 1/2 to 2/3 of the time active.
3) ordinary debuffs are less efective. by example "weaken" by attributes is comparable with "darkest night", but still the last one is AoE while first is single target. aaaaand you need to hit with "weaken" while "darkest night" is an autohit.

Originally Posted by Delta_Strider View Post
/Traps would be more viable than /Poison against AVs/GMs, In my opinion. Better stacking, more control, more damage, more protection. However, I don't know if Demon Summoning is the primary to do it with.
fully agree with the first part. for the second - demons are all meele, they will run out of the bubble and ignore your caltrops safe area.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
rep said "incorrect" with regard to

Hopefully my anonymous friend can clarify exactly what they were referring too being incorrect?
Debuff powers from debuff sets, whose primary function is to debuff (such as Envenom), usually don't stack from the same caster. I don't know for sure as I've never played Poison, but that's probably it.



Short of a few, totally BS attacks by 1 or 2 AVs/Heroes, ranged henchmen have a hard time getting hit by an AoE if you're in melee spamming Provoke and de-buffs. It's really one of the biggest disadvantages of Traps with any melee henchmen verses harder enemies like that, unless you do the entire fight at range, only running in to drop a P. Trap while the henchmen bash them- which can potentially backfire in a number of ways.



Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
Debuff powers from debuff sets, whose primary function is to debuff (such as Envenom), usually don't stack from the same caster. I don't know for sure as I've never played Poison, but that's probably it.
None of the effects found in envenom stack except the 50% -regen. Which is probably a good thing cause 50% -regen is pretty useless.

I don't see a compelling reason not to switch it to 500% and remove the stacking of the -regen as well. It would be a pretty big improvement to the set without making it OP'd relative to any other debuffers.