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  1. ...I remember slugging it out in Sirens to get this badge, when it was the only place to reliably find them...ahhh..memories
  2. I cant see the build at work, but while building my stoner, I opted to cap out the resists and get better run speed (Kins arent always around) more than aiming for the def softcap (although the def i did get was pretty high)

    Sorry I couldnt really help you out, but here is a free bump back to the top...maybe someone can
  3. I have been playing Blasters more lately and have started a new one, and as suggested in the title, its a Arch/MM. I am somewhat familiar with the mechanics of being a Blaster (I have a 50 DP/NRG that is softcapped to range/smash/lethal) but would like suggestions for a high-end Arch/MM build. Defense build, Recharge, and/or Damage...anything you can throw out there

    I would mainly like to use this toon for high end TF's.

    Inf is no object, but I would prefer to stay away from multiple powers slotted in purples (but a couple powers are fine) and I do not want any PvP IO's at all (I dont want to plan a build around IO's that I can not get or not find on the market)
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bin Man View Post
    Thanks for the reply mate,

    Regarding the alpha slot, i have noticed that stone melee is pretty end heavy and my biggest worry is running out of end and losing granite form in a hard situation, the accuracy radial boost looks good too for providing a 20% bonus to defence.

    With the damage reduction granite brings the damage alpha could be nice but then again, am i expected to do much damage being a punchbag?

    Should i aim for a perma, earth's embrace?

    Also thanks for the build, i had guessed as much about capping defence, i will tweak it around a bit and see what numbers i can produce, if it is anything decent i will repost the build to share for others.
    I built my Stone/Stone with the End/Resist Boost...I was reeling during a fight for a lack of endurance (Stone Melee, as you have pointed out, is EXTREMELY end heavy)...the resist boost just capped it off.

    As far as EE (Earth's Embrace) getting perma'd, good luck. I am sure it's possible, and I am sure some have done it, it is hard to do in granite. I have it perma outside of granite, but granites -rech hits hard. In my opinion, I would aim for the movement bonus's. With the toon I play, I play the +movement build to the exclusion of the high rech build (which cost, with todays market prices, multiple billions of inf to slot, where the +movement cost ALOT less)

    Maybe it's just me, I built toward a capped resist with high, although not capped, def build. Its pretty tough and can handle most situations. Stone melee's knockback/down allows for enough mitigation to not have a capped def build, imo.

    BTW this is all just my opinion and your results may vary, play what you want, how you want, its your 15 bux a month
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RockPile View Post
    Certain AT's are at a disadvange in this TF.

    Stone Tanks with Grantite.Any MasterMind - Pets just dont dodge the blue patches. (MY Bots/traps MM felt useless - just kept killing swords and such)

    Any AT Healer type that requires a target to heal with. (Kins, dark, etc..)

    MY Crab with perma pets lost a ton of DPS because the pets just dont stay up long enough.

    Dodging out of the way of attacks is simple.
    Funny...I didnt feel disadvantaged on my Stone Brute with Granite on
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    If they are going to make the task more difficult they should add in an additional badge. Dodger 1 and Dodger 2 come to mind the same for the CoP, or maybe Dodger and Master Dodger. The accomplishments are not the same anyone who got the badge with the crutches hasn't put in the same effort as the people who get it without them.
    Edit: Makes me glad I don't badge except for the ones with in game boosts.
    Ala the original MoLGTF badge...the one where you needed EXTREME amounts of holds for the green mitos...
  7. It was fun indeed...

    I will be running these again tonight...but in reverse - Mo Apex first then Mo Tin Mage..

    Running nukes and shivs then starting to form teams between 5 and 6 EST.

    Great run last night guys/girls. Thanks to the team!!

    Red Tape
    Black Jerusalem
    Teal Tabby
    Doc Fist
    Das Bones
    Jack ? (@Darwun)
    W 1 L D
  8. First, I do apologize, my internet provider went down Friday at about 6 pm and I was unable to get back on until 6 am Sat.

    I will be trying for these badges everyday until I get them, forming teams in between 5-7 on Freedom TF/Freedom TF Chat/Freedom Badges. I will also be running nukes and shivans as needed for the pivotal battles where needed, if anyone would like help on getting them (looking at the Director 11/Battle Maiden encounters).
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
    Director 11 has invulnerable invisible pets that spawn the trip mines.

    You can either fly or just beat him extremely quickly to avoid the mines.
    Whatever works...
  10. I did a little "advanced" scouting last night to get a feel for these badges and heres a little of what I came up with:

    Apex TF last night. Most of the parts of the master badge for it dont seem to be to hard, although the fight with Battle Maiden at the end seems to problematic to do quickly. If anyone can get HVAS and chem nukes (I will be getting all 3 nukes before I try to get it started) it would be appreciated, along with Envenomed daggers .

    As far as the Tin Mage, looks as though the problematic mission will be the Director 11 battle with his trip mines, He isnt real tough, just for the badge you cant be hit by any of his mines. Maybe a group flight power to keep us away from the ground? Maybe alot of holds so he cant plant them? I dont know I guess it will have to be worked out "on the fly".

    This is tonight, and if anyone needs helps in getting nukes or runnning a LGTF (for the merits to get a HVAS) let me know and I will be more than happy to help.
  11. Well it sounds like most cant make it 6-7 , so lets make it 7-8, so more people can come (Caliburst, I will run it again with you if you dont make and you want to go )

    I would be bringing Kotchie, my Stone/Stone Brute. I am not real AT picky, but would like a rad or another debuffing AT, but whatever anyone wants to bring is good, always up for a challenge
  12. Would anyone be interested in running these (and trying for the "Master of" badges, its NOT a no death/no temp badge ) on Friday 12/3 at around 6-7 EST?

    From what i hear the Apex TF is about 50 minutes, give or take, and the Tin Mage...I dont really know...I tried one and it was difficult (team kept dcing)

    If you are interested please post up or just be on and near Apex at about that time.

    Dont forget, Alpha slots needs to be UNLOCKED AND SLOTTED with something.

    Hope to see ya there
  13. How would a Primal go about getting these badges? Is it possible yet?
  14. 1168 checking in...all thats left is the new TF badges, the morality Praetoria stuff (not real sure on how to get those..) and the new vill arc badges (although I should have both...darn bugs)

    Those Shadow Shard explores......wow....just wow...
  15. I do belive the indivdual particpation thing about these events to be true. During the Takedown event, I was not sure exactly where to go and what to do, and did not contribute greatly to the team, except during the end. Got a small reward table. Did the event again duo'd and did ALOT more of it and got the badge option,
  16. Kotchie

    Connected Badge

    I did this arc, and subsequent talking to Diviner Maros, and got neither badge. I was sk'd down to a Lvl 27 Mastermind. He got both badges, but I did not.
  17. Did you try the Mind perma-dom sleep tactic? Easy-mode for the MoLRSF badge
  18. I have to start trying to stay up later and get in on some of these. My main is in the Prophets, and I have only run one with them (although run others at other times with other alts) and it is always fun!!
  19. Kotchie

    CoP (Hero Side)

    I was reading through your guildportal signups, and noticed something a touch odd. The IoP that you receive is not for your base, it is individual, and random at that.

    As far as your lineups, and this is just my opinion from the CoP runs I have been on, some successful, some not so successful (nothing is a true failure if you learn from it ) you do not have enough dedicated debuffs/buffs. The few runs that were successful have had a team makeup similiar to this (not exact, working from memory):

    1 Tank/Brute/Scrapper (as far as sets, didnt matter to much)
    1 Empathy Controller/Defender/Corruptor
    1 Kin Controller/Defender/Corruptor
    2 Blasters (sets didnt matter to much)
    1 Rad Controller/Defender/Corruptor
    2 Debuffers (any Dark, Cold, etc..)

    You could switch out one of the Blasters for a Scrapper depending on what is available.

    Again, this is just my opinion and views from the CoP's I have run. Your approach may be more than successful. I wish you Good Luck, and if you need, I have an Empathy Defender that can help. (Although from your lineup list, it looks as though you do NOT want any Empathy AT support )
  20. Kotchie

    CoP redside

    Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
    Does anyone run CoP redside on freedom?
    Ghoul Slayer tried to get one up and going recently, but I do believe most redside attempts have come up wanting
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by XxSlashxX View Post
    Is there a normal night they run this, or do I just need to keep my ear tuned to the channels?
    They do it usually on a Weekend night (I think they did it on a Sunday this past week, I could be wrong, but I do know they did one this weekend)
  22. This is a BIG thank you to the STARBORN SG (and their coalition) for putting together a FANTASTIC raid in Recluse's Victory on Sunday, 9/12 (Blueside)

    Badges, XP, Influence, and Prestige were flying!!!

    Thanks again!!
  23. I already have this one on my main badger..but if you could, put me down as an alt. If we have enough for a second team, I will bring whatever is needed. I still have alot of toons redside that can be used (stalker, mm, corrs, dom, and a brute that is vigilante atm)
  24. When Prophets of Supremacy did this blueside, I remember that the inf was a few hundred thousand (give or take) as far as Xp...I dont know, most of those in the trial were lvl 50 already. I can confirm, however, that you are awarded Master Thief/Power Liberator if you choose the IoP.

    If sign-ups are still on-going, I can bring a buffer (/kin, /sonic, /therm, or /pain) I have a Crab and a Widow as well, but would prefer to play support.