Props to the Prophets




Let's get an appreciation thread going for the Prophets of Supremacy who run weekly Cathedral of Pains blueside and without whom a lot of people might not have the CoP badges ;P

You must agree.



I agree--thanks to the Prophets of Supremacy for hosting what's turning out to be regular CoP runs. They are a great SG and without them, i wouldn't have those 2 badges (pain killer and power liberator) on 3 of my toons!

Thanks to Flash Dashings and Wild and everyone else who make this CoP trial fun--i think their vent server is key to their success and coordination--i can tell they have a good time w/ everyone and they open up their vent server to the raiders..thanks guys!

They probably hold the record for the fastest CoP run--i was on their 9:24 min run..i don't think anyone can top that! (and for the record, on that run..there were 19/24 raiders on vent. see...coordination is key!)

destiny morna lvl 50 emp /psi defender
mysteria morna lvl 50 ice/kin corruptor



Is there a normal night they run this, or do I just need to keep my ear tuned to the channels?



Same here. Got my hero on redside now but I'll bring him back to blue in a heartbeat to get this badge.



Originally Posted by XxSlashxX View Post
Is there a normal night they run this, or do I just need to keep my ear tuned to the channels?
They do it usually on a Weekend night (I think they did it on a Sunday this past week, I could be wrong, but I do know they did one this weekend)



So far it was either Fri/Sat this past weekend it was on Sunday.



Next CoP run, Sun 5 pm est.

Bio and Chem Warburg nukes appreciated. Vent is a plus.

Gather at the Galaxy base portal, spots go to the sg and coalition members first, the rest is a luck of the draw matter, so if you don't get in this time, try again the next.

Best of luck everyone !



Awesome! Going to chance getting a spot by bringing my tank back over from red side. He's got all three nukes plus shivans, and I have vent.



Thanks to the shout out guys....we will be running these weekly on Sundays 4pm central standard time. We do usually get folks in sg/coalition first then vent and pick up rest needed to fill slots. We do have a regular dozen folks that enter-change tions needed so feel free to send us a shout in game @extravagantbeing (EB) or @flash dashings (flash) wild banshee @stud puppy.



Originally Posted by ExtravagantBeing View Post
Thanks to the shout out guys....we will be running these weekly on Sundays 4pm central standard time. We do usually get folks in sg/coalition first then vent and pick up rest needed to fill slots. We do have a regular dozen folks that enter-change tions needed so feel free to send us a shout in game @extravagantbeing (EB) or @flash dashings (flash) wild banshee @stud puppy.
Awesome. Thanks for opening this up, guys. I heard about your nine minute run. I'm mildly dazzled by how awful the redside runs tend to be in comparison. o.O

I'll send a shout today. Cheers.



Prophets of Supremacy freakin' rock. Thanks for that quick sub-10 minute run to get that badge. I brought my tank all the way back from redside just to get this one badge. Now it's time to go back and finish up.

Again, thanks!



Indeed. It was a quick and smooth run once again. Thanks to everybody involved! See you for the next one!



Yes the first one of the day was successful and just under 10 minutes. However, the second and third attempts of the day were unsuccessful we ran into the stormy/bubbler version of the av and are lost on ideas to complete. Any ideas on completing this version of av would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks ALL who participated!



2 successful consecutive runs today. The first in 7:52.

And the second, in true Prophets style was completed in 6:40 without deaths. (No masters badge.)



Originally Posted by InsanityPeak View Post
without deaths. (No masters badge.)
I wasn't aware there was a serious rumor about such a badge. I figured most people were just joking around about something like that being added.

Well, if there was.. are no-temps also an option for CoP, and if so, was it set? Also, would it still count if somebody on one of the other teams died? I don't think there is such a badge anyway, but you'd need to cover all the options to say it definitively.

And gratz to everybody on the runs! I was working, so I missed it today, but I'll see you next time!



I have to start trying to stay up later and get in on some of these. My main is in the Prophets, and I have only run one with them (although run others at other times with other alts) and it is always fun!!



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
Well, if there was.. are no-temps also an option for CoP, and if so, was it set? Also, would it still count if somebody on one of the other teams died?
Actually 0 of 24 died and there's no option not to allow temps yet. I think we can definitively say that there's no MoCoP badge. Maybe in I19 though.



I've tried a few times, but the only PuGs they seem to ever take are Rads, Kins, FFers, or Cold Doms. Of course, by the time I do get an invite, the change currently on Test will roll Live.


  • Warburg Missiles can no longer be used in the Cathedral of Pain.



Though I am actually not the official PoS spokesperson, here's how it works:

While there is a basic team make up that all three teams should have, there are usually at least 3 spots open (1 per team). First for who's on vent (Though they're usually already in the basic team make-up or leading one), then for extra damage or whoever else is lying around at the base portal. There is unfortunately rarely enough room for all.

To both Philly and Paragon:

You could always try sending a tell to EB, Wild or Flash (Globals listed above) like EB suggested since they're the team leaders/organizers, and see if you can secure a spot in advance for this Sunday.



We are still running regular CoP's on Sundays times have been varing a little lately due to the holidays. But 3 last sunday and 2 more this past sunday. We have since created a chat channel where we will be spamming for spots on sundays called " PoS CoP Lovers".
Please join we would love to keep this limited to a core group of people we run with regularly. The channel will go invite only in a few days.

See you all on sunday,
Time start is @7pm Est.
Extravagant Being