~Master of the Barracuda SF - Sat, Sept 11~
Since I have not run this in a while, I did some auto sign-ups based upon conversations after the Mo Dr Kahn & in the Mo Dr Kahn thread.
If you wish to be taken off the list, please let me know.
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd
Since I have not run this in a while, I did some auto sign-ups based upon conversations after the Mo Dr Kahn & in the Mo Dr Kahn thread.
If you wish to be taken off the list, please let me know. |

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)
I doubt I'll have Tabby switched over in time for this, so it looks like I'll bring MB. See you there!
I'd like in on this as well please.
Caliburst || FREEDOM
L50+ Energy/Energy Blaster (1405 (1397) Badges)
Laughter is the best medicine because you can't O.D. and the refills are free.
Sign me up as Dr. Hollywood (Emp/Psi Def). I think Morna wanted in on this one too on her main hero badger (her emp/psi too, I think), but I don't know if she still has Saturday free or not.

Is this open to anybody? I can bring any of the Brutes listed in my sig. All of them are IO'ed except the DM/WP. My Stone/Stone would probably be best if you don't already have a tank.
You know I want in. Dr. Turgenev, illusion/storm controller, appropriately evil and ready for the task.

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
I would like to come - Takeo - Cold/Ice Defender
I would like in on thise i will most likely bring my Brute Zetsu Ei Elec/Shield.
Yes, anyone can join and I do not require specific builds...just a good mix.
However, we are already into the alt list for this run, so I had to put you there. Keep in mind, we do occasionally get no-shows, so it does pay to show up if you are on.
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd
Since the response to this is so popular Mr E, just go ahead and remove me for this run from the alt list. Good luck everyone =)
46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)
Yay!! i'm on the main list--after all these runs of being an alt! Thanks Paragon for signing me up!! I'll be on my main destiny morna (emp/psi defender but she's a villain for now).
destiny morna lvl 50 emp /psi defender
mysteria morna lvl 50 ice/kin corruptor
Well, I will check in before you start and see if you have room. I have 6 level 50 Brutes, so which ever fits the best I can bring. My namesake is a Stone/Stone if a tank is needed.
I will bring my main - MA/SR. Tried to finish moving him to villain last night, but couldnt get any tip missions to drop.
Hiya E. I'm thinking of signing up as an alternate. But I gotta ask, can vigilantes join in and get credit for this? Or does one have to be a villain?
ill go on this one
I was relieved of my previous position for telling the truth. Now I make my living translating the lies of other men.
Global:@Ex Iferis
add me down as an alt. Black Jerusalem Traps/DP Defender
I already have this one on my main badger..but if you could, put me down as an alt. If we have enough for a second team, I will bring whatever is needed. I still have alot of toons redside that can be used (stalker, mm, corrs, dom, and a brute that is vigilante atm)
Add me as an alt as well, hopefully we can get a second team rolling.
Spine.shank - lvl 50 Spines/DA Scrapper
I would go on a second team if there are enough for one. Alt list me I guess since I got my internet fixed..
Just a reminder...
Sorry I have been AFK from the boards...hopefully things will settle down within a couple of week at work & I will be back updating things on a more regular basis...
If: we have enough people AND
If: someone volunteers to lead said second team
THEN: we will split up into two (hopefully) somewhat equal teams.
Shadowrush: I do not know the answer to your question - my CoH play time has bee severly restricted since GR launched & I have not gotten any characters even close to running a morality mission...perhaps someone with better insight can answer.
Also, for my part, I will be taking Mr E-Lectric: Elec/Elec Brute - was considering trying to switch Mr E-Man over, but...(see above)
Well, I am going to try to update the list to have it current...wish me luck.
I hope to see everyone tonight!
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd

Hiya E. I'm thinking of signing up as an alternate. But I gotta ask, can vigilantes join in and get credit for this? Or does one have to be a villain?
Vigilantes and Rogues can join any Task Force or Strike Force (barring the ones in opposite-aligned Ouroboros), but a Vigilante cannot start a Strike Force and a Rogue cannot start a Task Force. If you're asking if they get the badge or not, I would imagine they do. I moved my badgers to the full opposite alignment before I could test that, though.
Gratz everybody!
A Mr E-Man Production
Featuring someone from the Mr E-Man pantheon
Mission: Master of the Barracuda Strike Force – Thus Spoke the Reichsman
Contact: Barracuda
Location: Grandville
Date & Time: Saturday, September 11 @ 10:30PM Eastern/7:30PM Pacific
Level Range: 45-50
Combatants: 5th Column, Freedom Phalanx, Longbow, Paragon Police Department
Arch-Villain(s)/Hero(es): Ms Liberty, Numina, Schadenfreude, Invincible Reichsman, Black Scorpion, Scirocco, Captain Mako, Ghost Widow, Reichsman
Current Team Roster:
1: Mr E-Lectric: Elec/Elec Brute
2: Dr. Turgenev: Ill/Storm Controller
3: TuxedoGin: MA/SR Scrapper
4: Masterblade: BS/Reg Scrapper
5: Miss Heavenly: TBA
6: Caliburst: TBA
7: Dr. Hollywood: Emp/Psi Defender
8: Destiny Morna: Emp/Psi Defender
Maeve: TBA
Gruumch: TBA
Takeo: Cold/Ice Defender
Zetsu Ei: Elec/Shield Brute
Customs: TBA
Shadowrush: TBA
Metalhead: TBA
Black Jerusalem: Traps/DP Defender
Kotchie: TBA
Spine.shank: Spines/DA Scrapper
Insanity Peak: TBA
Gintoki: TBA
Strike Force Stats & Info:
- This Strike Force requires a 4-person team to start & I will set it to No Temp Powers (which includes Veteran Reward Powers) & 0 Defeats
- 9 missions (4 talks)
- Badge(s): Arbiter & Master of the 5th Column Strike Force for No Deaths/No Temp Powers (no guarantees :smirk: )
- Merit Reward: 30
- Please note, this SF ends after the final Recluse Talk (not after the Reichsman mission)
Mr E-Man’s MoBSF Mission Notes:- General Instructions: Stick together, listen to instructions & do not be afraid to offer your opinion on strategy!
- Mission One: Clear the ambushes in the end room (before going out to Ms Liberty).
- Mission Two: Pull Numina out of the room to be cautious.
- Mission Three: Talk
- Mission Four: Fight the specified mobs/ambushes. Use the Ouro portals or the Flyer to exit after Invincible Reichsman spawns - the mission will time-out without anyone in
- Mission Five: Stick together & clear until the key drops - doing so around the dig area is best since the door is there.
- Mission Six: Talk
- Mission Seven: Talk
- Mission Eight - Part One: While this mission is not so much hard, there are a lot of chances for deaths to occur. First clear out all of the 5th Column & take care of any ambushes that occur when one of the AVs is rescued. Sac the AV, find the next AV, take out the ambush, etc.
- Mission Eight - Part Two: Grab your temp powers & don't be afraid to use them - you can recharge them (all except the Fail Safe Guns -4 uses- which only Stalkers can use). Stalkers gain Max Stealth to enter the two gun rooms to nuke the ambushes, Corruptors/Dominators have attack/holds for the ambushes, Brutes/Veats gain a team End Drain resistance power, MMs can keep Reichsman from phasing.
- Mission Eight - Part Three: We will be using the tunnel method. Reichsman will not leave the end room, so exiting into the tunnels when the ambushes start will keep them confined in a small area, making it easier for us to take them out safely. Everyone stay close & keep buffs/heals/debuffs running.
- Mission Nine: Talk (Remember the SF completes after this talk, not after Reichsman is defeated)
- Obviously this is still a work in progress.
Join in the fun & try to become the Master! Sign-up here or send a global to @Mr E-ManParagon Wiki: Thus Spoke the Reichsman Strike Force
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd