CoP (Hero Side)




Ordinance X will be attempting the CoP this Saturday at 9:00 PM Eastern time. We will meet in Pocket D at 8:30 to form teams. For more details on what to bring go to



I was reading through your guildportal signups, and noticed something a touch odd. The IoP that you receive is not for your base, it is individual, and random at that.

As far as your lineups, and this is just my opinion from the CoP runs I have been on, some successful, some not so successful (nothing is a true failure if you learn from it ) you do not have enough dedicated debuffs/buffs. The few runs that were successful have had a team makeup similiar to this (not exact, working from memory):

1 Tank/Brute/Scrapper (as far as sets, didnt matter to much)
1 Empathy Controller/Defender/Corruptor
1 Kin Controller/Defender/Corruptor
2 Blasters (sets didnt matter to much)
1 Rad Controller/Defender/Corruptor
2 Debuffers (any Dark, Cold, etc..)

You could switch out one of the Blasters for a Scrapper depending on what is available.

Again, this is just my opinion and views from the CoP's I have run. Your approach may be more than successful. I wish you Good Luck, and if you need, I have an Empathy Defender that can help. (Although from your lineup list, it looks as though you do NOT want any Empathy AT support )



The sign up info was fun to read. +1.