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  1. I think that with the right league a MoTPN run in a single shot could be a real reality. None of those badges strike me as particulary hard, but as they say, the devil is in the details i guess.
  2. I have a high recharge Dual Pistol/Energy Manipulation Blaster. Its a beautiful thing.
  3. I would be interested...Legion (Necro/Poison)

    I do not play him alot, other than getting him to 50, so there may be some rust.

    Of course that all hinges on the new TPN trial dropping, if it does than I will be consumed with the badges for a bit
  4. If you have the room...I will come..I love doing Keyes badges.

    I can bring either a StJ/Elec Scrapper, or a Stone/Stone Brute.
  5. I have a build that has these fantastic resists and softcap to Sm/Le, and good defense to pretty much, not quite as much Rech...but decent...Elec really is a great set.
  6. I have a pretty good StJ/Elec that I made..I will try and post it when I get to the comp that has it on it.

    Just a heads up, its a VERY expensive build..but VERY tough and durable (it is an end game build)
  7. I took Elec on my StJ/Elec scrapper...

    He's got..
    -soft cap to Sm/Le..respectable def in the other areas too
    -hard capped Energy resists...and 50-60+ to pretty much everything else (of course hes got a Tox hole though..but hes still got 20-30 resist in that)
    -self heal that provides an End discount as well
    -damage aura that isn't to bad
    -End recovery "panic" button
    -built in Rech bonus..not much, but its there (this toon has 133% rech with all the bonus's)

    Overall he isnt a bad toon..wish I rolled him as a Brute..but oh well.

    The toon is VERY durable, I was soloing mobs in BAF when I had no level shifts...wasn't getting very far in as far as killing them..but they were not killing me either.

    As far as why I chose Elec...everyone and their brother has a WP toon (I do too, no hate here, they are good for what they are) but I wanted to go a little different. Energy is popular too...go Elec its pretty good.
  8. Kotchie

    Badge Count

    Originally Posted by Young_Tutor View Post
    Personally I only have one main badger and if you looked at any of my other characters you couldn't tell that I was into badging.
    I am the same way...one main badger, who happens to be the same toon I play ALOT, and other toons I play, but do not badge at all on.
  9. Kotchie

    Badge Count

    Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
    Well my 50s that aren't badge-hunters average around 150 badges each, so I'd say anything over 300 clearly indicates intent to badge, but I wouldn't want to set a threshold for defining a "badger".
    Not trying to set a "threshold" per se, just what in your opinion makes someone a badge hunter to you.
  10. Kotchie

    Badge Count

    What in your opinion makes someone a "badger"? Is it purely badge count? A collection of certain types of badges? What would you deem as a "hardcore badger"?

    The reason I bring it up is, I see alot of people with 300-400 badges, to me, that is pretty serious dedication. It takes work to amass that number, not just random teaming/soloing. Sure, I know alot of people that have 1000 +, but for me...300 + is a pretty decent number. It also give me, and I may be alone in this, some kind of indicator that they know how to play that toon, not that they are a great player, but on that toon they are somewhat proficient. Once again, I may be alone on this, but I have never seen a bad player with alot of badges (talking 900+).

    Again, I am not saying ALL badge hunters are good players, or that people with badge hunting toons are not good at playing alts they make. I am merely stating that a decent badge count, to me, indicates that the person driving the toon cares about that toon enough to know how to play it effectively, and conversely I know there are people out there that do not badge hunt that are wonderful playing their chosen AT.

    This is all my opinion and not intended to start any flames/fights.

    In b4 pictures of actual badgers lol
  11. In my experiences with this trial specifically, if the final fight is what we re discussing, you just need to stay tight and stagger Clarions. It is a basic "Ground and Pound" AV fight. Yes, the attacks are a little more varied, and yes a little more potent, but with 24 people, of which at least 3 or 4 with a T-3 Clarion or better, there should be no problems.
  12. Wow...this discussion got a little off the topic..but thats ok ....

    I have to agree with Snowglobe in that, in my estimation of what he is saying, that a team/league should not be penalized due to the action or inaction of just ONE person.

    But I totally get the argument of that is what team strategy is for too.

    It's going to have to be an agree to disagree thing I suppose.

    Speaking about the whole Keyes thing, I have found a minimum size league works best. A full league is good, but a smaller league gives you a more "controlled burn" scenario, IMO.

    Getting back on topic...the badge for a team sucess that I am most proud of is the MoKeyes, more specifically the Avoids badge. Singularly the badge I am most proud of is probably Disruptor...thats a hard one for a Stone brute IMO...
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post

    What? Less than a week if a person is lucky. I know one player that went from 50 to 50+3 in two days. I'm pretty sure that if he gets the right rolls he can have all 5 incarnate slots to T4 in a week.
    I had +3 in about a day..
  14. Freedom does indeed have a buncha great badge hunters.

    If you are looking for a CoP, the Prophets of Supremacy does one every Fri/Sat evening, most of the time twice.

    Also Terminotaur, on the Freedom board, is putting a go together for a UG if you want in.

    Freedom is a very prolific "Badger" server
  15. Just like the title, what do you think is the hardest "Master of..." badge to get is...and why?

    My ranking from easy to hard is this -
    Imperious / Lady Grey (These are both pretty easy, altough Lady Grey's Hami mission is tricky)
    Kahn (Quad AV's at the end make it slightly harder than a ITF)
    Tin Mage (Director 11's fight..although easier with incarnates now)
    BAF (you could almost do it sleeping, but the final fight needs some degree of timing)
    Apex (Final AV fight on a timer, puts pressure to get it done, some just can't do it)
    Barracuda (Last room fight, with no deaths can be a real killer)
    Lord Recluse (Final AV's fight, unless well orchestrated could make you fail)
    Statesman (Ghost Widow..enough said)
    Lambda (Fighting Maurader's res without nades sucks..bad)
    Underground (LONG...the timing on the final fight may be difficult, not alot of teams have the coordination for the bomb run)
    Keyes (Avoids the Green Stuff badge..and Loves a Challenge..old school master rules on new content sucks)

    What kind of ranking do you have? Which "Master of.." badge are you most pround of?
  16. Kotchie

    The Underground

    Gratz to all who have achieved this would-be infuriating badge

    Running again tonight to try to help some others out get this thing.
  17. There really is no problem with the /Stone set, its all in how you build it. There may be a psi hole..but every set has a weakspot to certain damage types IMO.

    With Granite on.. I have 26 mph movement. Not gonna set speed records with that, but its more than adequate for me. When I turn Rooted on (during boss fights or when I see my End getting sapped) its 13.5 mph.

    Granite is more than adequate for mez protection..I think mine is at 17 with Granite on...more than enough.

    As far as recharge...I have enough to keep my attacks swinging, and thats enough for me.

    Not being able to jump? My movement keys are set up so teleport is bound to a key right next to my pinky finger...hit it once, get the reticle..position where you want to go...and hit it again to go...easy mode once you get used to it (I now find it easier to use teleport than just about any other mode of travel)

    I do not know how you feel...but being at the speed cap makes it MUCH harder for me to drive my toon effectively. I prefer /Stone precisely because it slows me down and gives me a chance to focus.

    And you can build anything to do just about anything..and Inv, WP, Dark, etc...may be a better fit for you.
  18. IMO, the Cims are head and shoulders above the rest as far as damage goes, followed by the Warworks.

    As far as a "support" Lore, I really feel that is a "flavor" thing. Look hard at what kind of role you like play (support, damage, "clean-up", tank, etc..) and then look at your your build. Do you use ungodly amounts of End? Does your Def need shoring up a bit? Try to find the Lore pet support option that best suits your needs. There really isn't an ultimate "best" IMO.

    I don't really go for a "theme" with the Lore. To me, its just another power pick, if it fits in thematically, great, if not, oh well.

    I have a few T-4 Lores that I rotate out based on what I am doing. Same as the destiny buffs. Doing an Underground Trial? Break out the Cims and Clarion. Doing a Keyes? Break out the Longbow (for the minor heals) and the Rebirth.
  19. Kotchie

    UG Trial

    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    We're re-gathering tonight around 9-10pm EDT for another crack at the Avatar Assassin. Our run last night got all the rest. Interested?
    I would definately join you..but I work very early in the morning, so a 10 pm EST UG trial last until 11 pm EST or so...and 3 hours of sleep just doesnt work for me on a weekday. Thats why I try alot at 6 - 8 pm EST. But I will be on at about 4 pm EST to help out a few who want it, to get it, if I can.

    Currently, I am rolling in a BR/Time corr to see if the mechanics suit my playstyle. Just got him up to 50, will dump a few billion to IO him out and see how he does on these trials. So far the only other toon, beside my main Stone Brute, that I can run trials with is a DP blaster that runs in melee range the majority of the time.
  20. Kotchie

    The Underground

    Originally Posted by Charnage View Post
    done it 3 times with a group of 14. We seemed to have little issue. Got all the badges as well. I do wonder about some of the AV warwalker powers that seem to happen without a reticle that I can see. Which is a little odd. Otherwise a fun slog of a Trial.
    The only downside to going with a smaller league is you still have to defeat the certain "numbered" mobs, regardless of 12 in your league or 24, and the AV's aren't any easier.

    Still would like to try it though, works wonderfully on Keyes (smaller league size)
  21. Kotchie

    UG Trial

    Originally Posted by Duneman View Post
    Just ran it with Kotchie and Turg and a bunch of others and we were doing great on the badge run untill a bomb blew and we missed that one.

    It was nice to finally complete this but the common drop at the end was like rubing salt in a wound, hour + trial and you get a common? lol

    Risk vr's reward is way out of whack on this one.
    Twas fun. Ran it again after and got the IDF bomb badge

    Running again tonight for the badge at 6 pm EST if anyone wants to come.

    (probably doing a MoKeyes after too)
  22. Kotchie

    The Underground

    Its not that bad. Run it 10-12 times, failed littel less than half the time. Couple times do to a Non-Paying attention team during the WW fights, couple times to the Avatar fight (once a few people die that contribute a great deal, and a clarion is not recharged, and those people get confused....look out, it isn't pretty), couple times due to Des dying.

    Its not a hard trial at all...just LONG...and if you get a halfway competent team, it goes pretty smooth. I would like to see what a minimum league with decent players can pull off.
  23. Kotchie

    UG Trial

    starting at 3 pm est until my eyes bleed