What secondary goes really well with DP?




I know that DP is pretty much the black sheep of the blaster family but I was wondering there were any secondaries that go really well with it. It seems like /energy and /mental are the favorites of most people. Are there any others that are worth looking into? How about /fire?

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Tobey: Thank you, Sam



/Fire is my favorite, but that is true for any blaster primary.
The PBAoE nuke (and spherical Bullet Rain) mesh very well with the PBAoEs in /Fire. Ring of Fire is good damage as well as an immob. Fire Sword is a solid melee attack.

/Mental is a solid choice as it has PBAoEs as well; Drain Psyche, Hail of Bullets, and Psi Shockwave are a great combo. I have an SG mate who runs Pistols/Mental and they love it like I love my Pistols/Fire (and they are very effective).

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



/Energy works pretty well also. Boost Range is nice for a couple of the lower range powers, and it's nice to have a couple solid ST attacks for when things get close (not to mention a little KB... I call the Power Thurst followed by Executioner's Shot approach "skeet shooting." Good times).

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



/Energy would work if you don't mind the oddity of a "long range" pistol set, though to be fair considering how short the weapon ranges are in CoX I could see not caring.

/Fire or /Mental would be good for PBAoE use, though redraw will be a bit of an issue. I'd actually prefer /Mental to /Fire since it adds some mitigation and a cone... with DP I'd rather spend most of my time a couple dozen feet in front of a spawn shooting in and then occasionally duck in to fire off HoB or a PBAoE.

/Devices is probably the absolute worst fit. It matches well conceptually, but no Aim or Build Up? Blech!

/Ice might also be a pretty solid choice since it gives decent mitigation to help with using HoB (and for not dying in general). DP/Ice might even have a reason to use Cryo ammunition for stacked slows, though considering how puny the slow is on Blaster Cryo I doubt it.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



Yeah I don't want to hate on Devices, but it's a poor choice with any Blaster set that doesn't have Aim. If you want a devices blaster, it should be paired with a powerful and self sufficient primary like Fire Blast or Ice Blast. If you want to play AR or DP, getchu some build up in your secondary. Although if you are willing to be really diehard with getting into melee range, there's always /dark for Soul Drain and a damage aura going while you are executing Hail of Bullets. EM is a solid choice on any Blaster, there's nothing wrong with it I just don't like overusing the same secondaries.

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Don't be hating on Devices, some of us crazie...erm I mean masochists love Devices.

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I would like to second /IM as a choice as I have a DP/IM/EM. I use toxic ammo as it has a -dmg component and synergizes well with Chilling Embrace. I have a high recharge rate so when Power Surge is up i am blapping when it is down I blast at a distance.



Going to jump in and agree with /Fire - your nuke is up fast combined with Bullet Rain, then use Fire Sword Circle and Burn.

Consume is nothing to sneeze at either when IOd up.

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Oh, /Traps works very well too. You have to be a Corruptor, but since DP is better on Corruptors than Blasters anyway that's not a problem...

(Sorry, couldn't resist)

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
Oh, /Traps works very well too. You have to be a Corruptor, but since DP is better on Corruptors than Blasters anyway that's not a problem...

(Sorry, couldn't resist)
I'm not usually a Blaster player but when I make one, I always go 'OMG lotsa damage' even in the lower levels. Not the case with DP (and previously Elec Blast). So I deleted my DP/Fire and made a DP/Dark corr, I love her

But for blasters, I think /MM could be the best at least before heavy IOing. Drain Psyche makes it much safer to use HoB and you get PSW too. Since I have a /MM blaster, my second choice if I rerolled the DP blaster (which I won't because I was disappointed with the damage) would be /Ice.



I have a high recharge Dual Pistol/Energy Manipulation Blaster. Its a beautiful thing.



Originally Posted by Kotchie View Post
I have a high recharge Dual Pistol/Energy Manipulation Blaster. Its a beautiful thing.

People say DP sucks, but once you IO it, it's a damn MONSTER of a blaster. Mine solos +2/x8 (Almost any VG) without a problem.

P.S. Go redside for patron pools and grab soul mastery. SO worth it!




Originally Posted by Kotchie View Post
I have a high recharge Dual Pistol/Energy Manipulation Blaster. Its a beautiful thing.
Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post

People say DP sucks, but once you IO it, it's a damn MONSTER of a blaster. Mine solos +2/x8 (Almost any VG) without a problem.

P.S. Go redside for patron pools and grab soul mastery. SO worth it!
Since you guys seemed to have played DP extensively I might as well ask for some advice because I'm liking my DP/Dark Corr so much.

Did you guys skip any attacks? I don't like Empty Clips (feels like I'm tickling mobs, on my deleted DP/Fire Blaster same thing) and I didn't take Piercing Rounds, but I'm thinking about keeping the cone because it accepts the -res proc.



I don't have a lot of experience with DP so this is mostly based on theory, but I would certainly take Empty clips. No build will ever let you have Hail of Bullets up every spawn (at least not unless you take 40+ seconds a spawn) so you will want decent AoE on the spawns where HoB is down. Empty Clips is actually a bit stronger than most Blaster cones (aside from Fire Breath), especially with Incendiary ammo... about the only way I'd ever consider skipping it would be on a DP/Fire that's optimized for PBAoE.

I'd probably skip either Executioner's Shot or Piercing Rounds. Piercing has nice range but too long a recharge to fit into a standard attack chain, and Executioner's has a decent recharge but short range. Taking both would use a lot of slots for minimal benefit, especially since I believe the Piercing Rounds -resist debuff is only applies while using Standard ammo and you'll probably be using Incendiary 90% of the time. I'd be most likely to skip Piercing so I could get a seamless ST attack chain, but I can also see skipping Executioner's and using an AoE or your ST immobilize as filler for your ST chain if you prefer staying further back.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



I went with DP/MM, which isn't too bad. MM seems to suffer from it's better crowd control being later in the set, which is a drawback, and there are certain enemy groups I won't even touch (Circle of Thorns nets too much debt, and the Lost Anathema's are tricky), but you get impressive AoE blasting power and you can ruin some enemies day by combining Frost Ammo and the recharge debuffs from MM.

Definitely take Empty Clips. Not only does it do slightly more damage than Bullet Rain, but it has a shorter cooldown. I generally open up on a spawn with Empty Clips, then Psychic Scream (replace with an appropriate AoE or PBAoE from your secondary) and Bullet Rain in rapid succession followed by another Empty Clips. By this point the spawn is mostly either dead or scattering, makes most enemies a cakewalk.



Thanks guys, I'll keep it. And it's a sweet place for an achiless -res IO. I usually love cones and don't mind repositioning, in fact I never wanted to respec out of it, but I was wondering if you high end DP players used it since it's criticized by many, my corr is only 22 because it's my 3rd DP toon - since I love the animations, I really want to make the set work for me and I think this corr is the one, she's plenty fun on SOs.

Since I'll have enough -res and mitigation (DP/Dark corr) and probably won't be using lethal ammo I'll pass on Piercing Rounds. Probably the hold too because I hate Petrifying Gaze so I won't have another to stack, and Dark has enough Crowd Control and -tohit. I'm keeping ES because I like it very much.

I had the hold on my dp/fire blaster mostly because I was kissing the floor too much, DP's damage let me down on Blasters, although I never took one to 50, all my previous blaster attempts I was impressed with the damage from the start, including my lowbie Dark/MM.

But thanks for the input! Very helpful

Oh I just remembered, on some thread about these interviews (Player Summit?) with Zwillfweqfqdfa and Synapse, Synapse talked about i22, possible Stalker changes, etc, and mentioned that he would maybe look into Empty Clips and E. Shot because he thinks they have lower DPA than desirable, so who knows, maybe he'll speed up the animation soon, or up damage, I don't know. But I remember it was a 'maybe' thing, like 'if I have time I'll see what I can do'.



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
Oh I just remembered, on some thread about these interviews (Player Summit?) with Zwillfweqfqdfa and Synapse, Synapse talked about i22, possible Stalker changes, etc, and mentioned that he would maybe look into Empty Clips and E. Shot because he thinks they have lower DPA than desirable, so who knows, maybe he'll speed up the animation soon, or up damage, I don't know. But I remember it was a 'maybe' thing, like 'if I have time I'll see what I can do'.
That would be nice, though remember that even a long animating AoE is generally worth taking simply because it's an AoE. Empty clips has an unenhanced DPA of around 31 at level 50 using Incendiary ammo while Blaze (pretty much the highest DPA attack in the game) has a DPA of 159, so hit 6+ targets with Empty Clips and it has a higher total DPA than the best single target attack a Blaster can get. People gripe about Empty Clips because it's slower than almost all other blaster cones and Blasters in particular benefit from mobility (and therefore low rooted times), but in the end you'll still clear a spawn a lot faster with Empty Clips than without it (unless you are DP/Fire and just go nuts with PBAoEs).

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
That would be nice, though remember that even a long animating AoE is generally worth taking simply because it's an AoE. Empty clips has an unenhanced DPA of around 31 at level 50 using Incendiary ammo while Blaze (pretty much the highest DPA attack in the game) has a DPA of 159, so hit 6+ targets with Empty Clips and it has a higher total DPA than the best single target attack a Blaster can get. People gripe about Empty Clips because it's slower than almost all other blaster cones and Blasters in particular benefit from mobility (and therefore low rooted times), but in the end you'll still clear a spawn a lot faster with Empty Clips than without it (unless you are DP/Fire and just go nuts with PBAoEs).
Yeah you're right. The cone is not so bad, comparing to Corr and Blaster Psy Scream, it does the exact same damage (which is a bit more than the tier 1 blast in the case of Corr Psy Blast), with shorter recharge and shorter cast time (has lower range tho). And that's with lethal ammo because I don't know how to select incendiary on Mid's.

Tenebrous Tentacles on Blasters has the same rech, same range (a bit wider arc) but does less damage than Empty Clips (and less than Dark Blast, the tier 1), again lethal ammo values, so it's not as bad as I thought. The blast set cones that actually do damage in between the tier 1 and tier 2 blasts are the 16 sec recharge ones (Electron Haze, Frost Breath, well Fire Breath does more damage than Fire Blast but Fire Blast shouldn't enter any comparison lol). Howl also does less damage than the tier 1 and is on a 10 sec rech like Empty Clips.

So thanks, your answer made me compare the cones and I saw EC is actually good - maybe it just doesn't look that way because it's DoT on a long animation. But I used to have the impression that Frost Breath sucked hard until I looked at the numbers, and it's not even a DoT, it does its damage in 2 parts (maybe it's the lackluster visual effect, unlike Fire Breath).

And well since I've settled on a DP/Dark corr, the animations won't be a big deal for me since it's a 'safe' toon. I was a bit worried about using HoB when I was leveling my DP/Fire but I guess I'll be ok with the corr (she's 22, god I have so any toons at 22 it's not funny, that's why I haven't bought TW and StJ, because my Beam Rifle toon, the only powerset I bought, is also 22 lol - he was 30 but BR/Poison was redraw hell so now he's /Traps). If I made another DP Blaster I'd probably go /MM but I already have a Dark/MM.



You should be fine using pretty much any AoE on a /Dark Corruptor, just be sure to remember that Fearsome Stare is an AoE to-hit debuff that happens to scare things and slot it accordingly. With Fearsome Stare and Darkest Night both ED capped on to-hit debuff you'll pretty much be softcapped to most enemies with only a little effort, and once you get Fluffy too it just gets better. HoB + Tar Patch should be a very fun combination and Tar Patch in general will help make up for no Aim... it's just too bad that HoB is mechanically an odd form of DoT rather than a "rain" type power so it can't start Scourging midway like Rain of Fire or Ice Storm can.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636