Abandoning my Kat/Stone...or can I get over the mobility issues.




My Katana scrapper is all about leaping through the air and hacking on bad guys.

But in stone, to get my mez protection, I slog around at 9 mph.

Can anyone post a build, doesn't have to be complete, that makes it so I can run rooted and still be able to move at a non-embarassing rate?

Katana/Stone looks really cool, but for the playstyle I feel is required with a katana, it's unacceptable.



Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
My Katana scrapper is all about leaping through the air and hacking on bad guys.

But in stone, to get my mez protection, I slog around at 9 mph.

Can anyone post a build, doesn't have to be complete, that makes it so I can run rooted and still be able to move at a non-embarassing rate?

Katana/Stone looks really cool, but for the playstyle I feel is required with a katana, it's unacceptable.
I have since lost my build since I deleted mids before I came back to the game, but currently my Stone/Stone tank can run at 19 mph with rooted on.

I can say that the ancients defesive set was pretty instrumental in achieving a higher run speed, as well as liberally slotting swift with run speed IOs.

Frankly, I have to competely respec him since he doesn't have the fitness pool stuff for free yet.

But it is definitely possible to achieve more than sufficent speeds with rooted up. I do have to say that if you turn on granite (speed is still good), but add rooted to that and it's back to a crawl. Though granite plus rooted usually means I'm in the center of a rather large group.

I'll see if I can piece together my build again and post it here.



After doing some reading on the Tank forum, I can't deal with stone armor in its present form.

I'll be deleting Kat Stone off Freedom and Exalted server if anyone wants that name. I was surprised no one took it, but now, uh, I know why, the AT is flawed.

I'm not gonna play stone armor and take acrobatics, period.



I came to the same conclusion yesterday with my 7 year old Stone/Stone Tanker.

I gave him a full respec and got his speeds up (GotA's among others) to about 6 mph, but still found him less fun and more suseptible to problems (psionic mainly) than my INV Brute. I won't delete him, as he's my first character I ever created in CoH, but I don't plan on playing him again either.

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



"Sigh", I too hardly play my lvl 50 elec/stoner brute. He sits on virtue awaiting the day I decide to give him some incarnates.



You could always pick up teleport?

IMHO, */Stone is just too slow to be anything but a meatshield. They take a huge recharge hit that means Hasten & Earth's Embrace can't be efficiently permanent. They're too slow and can't jump, even to get over sidewalks or rubble. They have a gaping huge psi hole that can't efficiently be mitigated simultaneously with other damage types. Soloing takes the patience of a saint and a masochist's determination to enjoy just how terrible the process can be.

Given the survivability and quality-of-life advantages of sets like Invuln, WP, Dark, Elec and Energy, there is little reason to go */Stone today.



How is the AT flawed? Even the powerset is fine. You could just not spend all your time in Granite. Make yourself reasonably secure without it, and Superspeed around between mobs. Granite up as necessary.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



i really like my dark/stone brute, psi stuff can give him problems but its usually only boss ranked and above stuff that hits hard enough to matter

i think i have about 14 mph run speed while granite is on (and im usually in granite all of the time anyway)

im actually gonna give him a respec soon to include long range teleport and epic pool at 35 since i purposely skipped all armors aside from rock armor (forced) and granite



There really is no problem with the /Stone set, its all in how you build it. There may be a psi hole..but every set has a weakspot to certain damage types IMO.

With Granite on.. I have 26 mph movement. Not gonna set speed records with that, but its more than adequate for me. When I turn Rooted on (during boss fights or when I see my End getting sapped) its 13.5 mph.

Granite is more than adequate for mez protection..I think mine is at 17 with Granite on...more than enough.

As far as recharge...I have enough to keep my attacks swinging, and thats enough for me.

Not being able to jump? My movement keys are set up so teleport is bound to a key right next to my pinky finger...hit it once, get the reticle..position where you want to go...and hit it again to go...easy mode once you get used to it (I now find it easier to use teleport than just about any other mode of travel)

I do not know how you feel...but being at the speed cap makes it MUCH harder for me to drive my toon effectively. I prefer /Stone precisely because it slows me down and gives me a chance to focus.

And you can build anything to do just about anything..and Inv, WP, Dark, etc...may be a better fit for you.



[Didn't mean the Brute archytype earlier, meant kat/stone power combo.]

Meatsheilding is fine and all. I have an ice tank that pretends to do damage while others kill everything off me, but I had high hopes for the katana/stone brute. I don't know what I was thinking. As if having a katana in my hand would make the slowness of a /stone go away.

Stone is what it is. I don't think it's broken, but I'd rather be the guy casting the SB on the stoner than the stoner himself.



Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
[Didn't mean the Brute archytype earlier, meant kat/stone power combo.]

Meatsheilding is fine and all. I have an ice tank that pretends to do damage while others kill everything off me, but I had high hopes for the katana/stone brute. I don't know what I was thinking. As if having a katana in my hand would make the slowness of a /stone go away.

Stone is what it is. I don't think it's broken, but I'd rather be the guy casting the SB on the stoner than the stoner himself.
While I may defend Stone Armor, I wouldn't use it for a Brute, either. <.<

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Before IO's Stone Armor was very common since it was the most survivable set out there. With IO's so many other set can now be made just as survivable and be mobile also, so you don't see the set near as much. My first 50 was a SM/SA Brute and I really enjoyed playing him back then. Now, not so much.

I don't think Kat/Stone is a very good combo anyway. You will be better off with some other secondary I think. I made a Kat/Regen myself, but he is still pretty low level right now.