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  1. wait for it to be a Kahn TF,..then run it until your eyes BLEED
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darkonne View Post
    I don't know, it seems to me that there's a meaningful difference between Bug Hunter and other badges; Bug Hunter can be exhausted. There are, at any given time, only a fixed number of bugs sufficiently egregious to merit BH if discovered. Each character who receives Bug Hunter effectively denies it to another character. That's not the case with any other badge (AFAIK), since they're available in limitless supply. Players may or may not be able to get those badges, but they aren't competing over them.

    THIS ^^^^^^ is an EXCELLENT point...Bug Hunter is the only badge in the ENTIRE game that in order to get it...you must deny others of the same opportunity. So its not a matter of "If I can do it, you can do it". Yes, you found a specific bug, reported it, and got the badge...I can not find the same bug and report it and get the badge..I never thought of it that way before.

    I salute you sir...EXCELLENT POINT IMO
  3. While Viper's suggestions are certainly outstanding, the only ones I can offer is on the badges for the final two during the AM encounter.

    - Run a smaller league (12 people MAX)
    - stack it with AT LEAST 2 empaths (thier whole job during the AM fight is healing the DIS target, so to contribute effectively they need a T-3 of higher DAMAGE ORIENTED pet)
    - make macros telling people to stop fighting, and just watch for the beam, or stop fighting and watch for the freeze, or both...and speaking of pets make sure the MAJORITY of your league has T-3 or higher pets recharged and slotted for the final fight. The pets should be set to attack the target (if people open up their pet window, Lore pets have MM like controls, ALOT of non-MM players do not know this)
    - If you really want to get fancy, just have the pets attack and everyone else do the "Avoids the Green Stuff" dance (just move around and do no direct damage to AM, just debuff, and watch to be sure you dont get hit with the beam..if people dont attack they wont get rooted, which should give them PLENTLY of time to avoid the beam)

    These are just tips..YMMV..I will try to make it..but my play schedule is very limited in the evenings as of late
  4. In my experience, I just get all the PO challenges done in under 8 minutes (the 250 one and the 2 500 ones, why risk it?)

    I have a small team of 3-4 people work on the outside telepaths and everyone else work inside. Pull EVERYTHING to the center and have 2-3 people take out techs. During the final phase I send a tank/brte outside to pull Maelstrom away from anything and then repeat phase 2 (small outside team, and pull everything to center) Works pretty well...did requirements for the badge on a 16 man run once, but typically take the full league.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Capa_Devans View Post
    I really don't think that badges on the Incarnate Trials have been thought through very well.
    I have an opposite opinion of the new trials (MoM/TPN)

    I think the badges are exceedingly well thought out for these two trials, and hopefully these badges will usher in a new trend for the future. IMO, the new badges push to have the enitire league participate, which is fantastic. In addition, there are no badges that just one person can ruin for the rest either, which is outstanding. None of the badges are exceedingly difficult (although a couple do require a "together" league) and the badges reward you for actually doing the trial, albeit quickly, but for doing trial objectives just the same. Very well thought out.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    I'm sorry, I really wouldn't want to inflict a completely random group of players from all servers to a difficult trial.
    Thats why, IMO, they need to give a league leader the power to KICK instead of the "vote to kick" crap, and have it so we can add more people DURING the trial before we hit the minimum threshold. I have lead ALOT of trials, and the fact that I cant kick during a trial INFURIATES me. If I invited the person and they are being stupid, thats one thing...but when I que up and get random people, which is TOTALLY fine..and they act stupid and then I cant get rid of them..AAARRRGGGHHH....but you say "just lock the league, and you dont have to deal with that aspect"... that is true, but when you have alot fewer people on that want to do the trial, then you cant start, and if you que it takes FOREVER, or not at all. Maybe the que system could use some redesigning..I do not know what changes could or should be made..but there HAS to be a way to make it more efficient and involve more people who WANT to do the END GAME but cant do to time zone/server size. There are ALOT of good players spread over the different servers, who for one reason or another, have a loyalty to their "home" server, IMO they should still have the option of playing the trials too....END RANT

    (I may or may not be rambling, its early here )
  7. Question to Snow Globe..what do you think about the iTrials going CoX wide for queing up a trial?

    ..I probably should have PM'd this question..
  8. Concerning Keyes..the smaller the league, the easier to get the badge IMO. We did a Mo run with just 12 of us (we tried smaller, starting with 12 and having people quit, but it would not let us continue with less than 11)

    The "pet" strategy is also a very strong strategy as well (Have only "pets"..be it Lore, MM pets, Patron, whatever..attack AM and everyone else concentrate ONLY on avoiding the beam, so no attack "roots" you)

    We used this before it was fixed and sent in the petition and were awarded the badge after wrangling with GM's that no one was indeed hit (they claimed someone HAD to have been hit, but after investigating determined no PLAYER was hit)

    The "hospital" strategy seems sound, although I personally have never used it, or seen it used, but can definately see the merits if it needed to be employed.

    Any badge, IMO, can be "gamed" to a degree, it just takes figuring out the angle around it. The "Avoids.." badge is probably the single most hated badge in the game, but is also one of the only ones were SPECIFIC strategies have been developed just for it, and its not even a mission/trial/TF/SF badge..its just a COMPONENT to obtain one of those badges.
  9. I did the heal badges the "old" way...arena team healz...but the Cims work just as well.

    As far as the mez badges..I used an Illusionist (not a Master Illusionist)..it kept me chain held and did no damage at all.

    Not that you asked..but for damage I used an Iron Stongman...I love Carnies
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caliburst View Post
    I'll be there too. I heard leagues with 14-16 members having better luck on MoRuns.
    Same as a good MoKeyes run..smaller leagues = better success rate..at least for badge runs.

    I will try to be there, and will bring whatever you need. Have not had a chance lately to get on and really get elbow deep into stuff, should be fun!!
  11. Kotchie

    Which Corruptor?

    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    Kotchie, we need you back to teach people how to lead the TPN on freedom please.

    Go with the Fire/Pain.
    LOL...I am trying out some new toons to play on the trials..I am always haunting around for trials...just not on my main...I know COX is all about the journey to 50, but I prefer to play endgame content more than grinding up toons.

    Fire/Pain seems to be a good concensus...anyone got a decent build to work off of that they can share?
  12. Kotchie

    Which Corruptor?

    Greetings All!!

    I am sitting in a quagmire into which corruptor to build (read:IO) next...

    Currently I am sitting on the following: (All lvl 50 btw)


    The only one with real "work" into him is the sonic/sonic (built for lolPvP before they nerfed Sonic Cage)

    I have the resources to "fully" IO any of them out..just curious what a general concensus would be to which one to choose..and any reason why.

    The direction I would like to head is a team oriented character that can hold his own in the damage department..just a good well rounded toon in general. Rech>Def>Dam>Regen is the kind of path I am looking for.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nitra View Post
    TPN? Really...
    I got MoTPN on my blaster, who I do not badge with (and I am not really THAT proficient with), on a 14 man PuG, and very little direction, first try. Could be we had alot of vets in the league (I did not look) It was quite possibly the "smoothest" trial I have ever been on, and that takes into account Apex, Kahn, BAF...all of them..it went that well
  14. Kotchie - Stone/Stone Brute -

    Circle of Thorn Mages tried to fuse a human newborn with a Devouring Earth Granite, in an attempt to make an offspring they could control. They failed. What they developed looked like a human early in his development, so they treated him like a slave. Later in life, Kotchie blossomed his "talents" of bending the earth to his will and broke free of his former "masters".
  15. Atomic- I been a little busy as of late..but I am going to try to get that time badge down to a science over the course of the next few days...I will be on from about 4 pm EST until I ragequit for the night..so look for me.
  16. Gratz guys....I sadly will not be in this club until I22 at the earliest...I have 1296 with just 1 dayjob left.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    Got MoMoM now too. You REALLY need to timeshift to the later runs for the first week a Master's released, Kotch.

    I'll be around, happy to help. Find me.
    I work at 2AM, I can not stay up until 11-12...thats rough stuff.
  18. I will be on unitl i get MoTPN..but i can do a MoM to break it up a bit...

    Toon is Kotchie..I am sure you will see me in Pocket D
  19. I do not think its the "support" focus that made it a success...its the team being "in sync" and following directions that made it a success...grats again guys...now help us less fortunate individuals...
  20. Paladin was the sticky one for myself...

    I dont think any are rare per se...its just the luck of the draw..the game doesnt know or care that you already have certain ones..its still the same percent chance for each one to spawn no matter if you have run it a million times or once, but run it enough and you will get them.
  21. OK guys..you got MoTPN..now you must help all the rest of us.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    Watch for a stoner named Kotchie in Pocket D. He runs the Euro badge shifts.
    All times are EST.

    I run from about 4am to ~6am then come back again at about 4pm until I ragequit for the night.

    But yeah..I was just about to post for the regulars to bring it on.... Haven't seen Leo lately and only ran with Turg once so far, but where is everyone? I fully expect to see everyone out in force tonight Even had a little J-Man action...
  23. Barring my crappy internet...I want to try to get the TPN ones tonight (12/8) I have a handle on the "mechanic" of the trial..I just can not seem to put together a league of people who can handle getting those terminals unlocked and transmitting fast enough. Oh well...tonights another shot at it.

    If anyone has any strategies for these..I am sure we are all more than happy to listen. I read one where to just have tankers pull away all the guards from the terminals and have a group of blaster decimate the technician. Seems resonable and may give it a try.