So how does a Brute get the heal badge in a reasonable timeframe?




Are there any tips for this? An example would be the damage badge, I can go rest in front of a minion in a mission and let it beat on me and get the badges in about 20 days of rest farming. (20 days of farm time)

The heal badge though looks like it would take years to get... are there any tips or secrets?

On another note, what about the held/sleep/disorient badge? Is there a fast way to get this?



Well, if you are a VIP, get the Rebirth Core Epiphany (tier 4) or Rebirth Total Core Invocation (tier 3). Start using them a lot in trials. If you really want to be a munchkin about it, get on a flashback or TF, and start healing the soldiers behind Imperious in Cimerora with those incarnate powers. Should take you about a week. If you can find a friendly Master Mind (or a couple) and pets, you can speed that up.

For the mezz badges, a malta sapper or two works wonders (3 if you are on a tank). Don't count on any self-heals though. Find a door mission with Malta in it, clear the floor except for the sappers you want, aggro them, then stay in melee range. They'll hit you repeatedly with their stun sticks.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I did the heal badges the "old" way...arena team healz...but the Cims work just as well.

As far as the mez badges..I used an Illusionist (not a Master Illusionist) kept me chain held and did no damage at all.

Not that you asked..but for damage I used an Iron Stongman...I love Carnies



Once upon a time, when the final healing badge was for ONE BILLION points healed, I had gotten the first 3 badges (and more than half-way to the fourth one) on my scrapper using Aid Other. Now that the healing badge requirements have been reduced (TWICE!), using Aid Other is actually viable - but tedious. At any rate, I got my badges back then so I finished them in the Arena since a billion points was beyond ludicrous.

Regarding the reduction in the badge requirement, the final badge was reduced by a factor of TEN, then AGAIN by a factor of ten. With the stupendous AoE heals anyone can get from the Destiny incarnate slot, the badges shouldn't be too hard to obtain in normal play. Get on a Rikti mothership raid with 47 other people and set the heal to auto-fire.

Mez - Like Snow Globe suggests, I used two Sappers (even con).

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Well, if you are a VIP, get the Rebirth Core Epiphany (tier 4) or Rebirth Total Core Invocation (tier 3).
By the way, if anyone is wondering why these two specifically, it is because of how they work.

They first raise the target's HP cap and then heal the target. You can get some credit for a target at full health. More targets = more credit.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I've not paid attention on whether this has changed or not but the fastest way to get it would be through arena gladiator farming. You have to get the longbow gladiator through PvP rep first though... but if you're badging, you're gonna have to get it anyway.

1. get disruptor badge via 400 PvP rep -- awards Longbow Warden 2 gladiator badge
2. set gladiators to three longbow warden 2s and as many other glads as you can... 4 or 5 more, don't remember which.
3. form arena gladiator match with someone else set to some non-timed event. You should get the badge in two to three weeks.

This is all assuming that this is still possible. Been probably 2 years since I've seen this done. The longbow wardens will just sit there with an AoE heal. Just put all your glads on passive. The more people you can get in there with you on your team will only make it go faster. So an 8 v 1 glad match with you on the 8 man team will have your longbow wardens healing all the glads on your side.

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Rebirth Core Epiphany (tier 4) or Rebirth Total Core Invocation (tier 3) are faster than the Arena and getting the 400 PVP rep badge. And you can do it solo in about a week, though more targets = faster progress.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I'd like to add that you apparently gain healing badge credit for the healing dealt to Anti-Matter in the Keyes Reactor trial when you are killed by the disintegration beam. I found this out the hard way, although it's not something I would recommend trying to farm.

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Originally Posted by SailorET View Post
I'd like to add that you apparently gain healing badge credit for the healing dealt to Anti-Matter in the Keyes Reactor trial when you are killed by the disintegration beam. I found this out the hard way, although it's not something I would recommend trying to farm.

Do Rommy and GW give credit this way as well?

Also it is debatable whether to use 2 or 3 LBW2 for the Arena farm - 2 allows for more targets, 3 gives more healers.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
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Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Rebirth Core Epiphany (tier 4) or Rebirth Total Core Invocation (tier 3) are faster than the Arena and getting the 400 PVP rep badge. And you can do it solo in about a week, though more targets = faster progress.
The Arena farm took me two nights, maybe one, starting from nearly zero (I had a little credit which I can only attibute to Amy Jonsson), solo. This was a little under a year ago. Obviously, it took longer than that to get the 400 rep badge, but I wanted those badges too...



Originally Posted by Placta View Post
The Arena farm took me two nights, maybe one, starting from nearly zero (I had a little credit which I can only attibute to Amy Jonsson), solo. This was a little under a year ago. Obviously, it took longer than that to get the 400 rep badge, but I wanted those badges too...
You can't solo an arena match. You have to have at least 2 players in it.

And I should have said that it took me a week because I had to do it in 3 hour intervals (something was up and I crashed every 3 hours).

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
You can't solo an arena match. You have to have at least 2 players in it.
Or one player with two accounts (which was the case here). But when I said "solo," I meant, "mine were the only gladiators my Wardens had to heal."



Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
Also it is debatable whether to use 2 or 3 LBW2 for the Arena farm - 2 allows for more targets, 3 gives more healers.
There is nothing debatable about it. You want 3 LBW2. The reason is simple: the Wardens heals count on each target INCLUDING THEMSELVES.

So, if you have 3 LBW2 and 4 other gladiators (the most a hero can have), you have 3 healers hitting 7 targets. 3 * 7 = 21.
If you have 2 LBW2, you can have.... I think 7 other gladiators. This gives you 2 healers hitting 9 targets. 2 * 9 = 18. The first options gives you 17% faster healing progress.
The numbers are even better for 3 vs 2 if you have additional players on your team with additional gladiators for them to heal.

Back in the day when you needed a billion points of healing for the final badge, I would run massive heal farms. We would often have a full team on one side so there would be 60-70 healing targets. (Some players would log in a second account with a pack of cheap gladiators just to provide extra healing targets.)

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
There is nothing debatable about it. You want 3 LBW2. The reason is simple: the Wardens heals count on each target INCLUDING THEMSELVES.

So, if you have 3 LBW2 and 4 other gladiators (the most a hero can have), you have 3 healers hitting 7 targets. 3 * 7 = 21.
If you have 2 LBW2, you can have.... I think 7 other gladiators. This gives you 2 healers hitting 9 targets. 2 * 9 = 18. The first options gives you 17% faster healing progress.
The numbers are even better for 3 vs 2 if you have additional players on your team with additional gladiators for them to heal.

Back in the day when you needed a billion points of healing for the final badge, I would run massive heal farms. We would often have a full team on one side so there would be 60-70 healing targets. (Some players would log in a second account with a pack of cheap gladiators just to provide extra healing targets.)
Yup, exactly this. I think the math pretty clearly supports using all 3 LBW2s (and that's exactly what all the badgers involved in our heal farms back in the day did without exception).

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Originally Posted by Placta View Post
The Arena farm took me two nights, maybe one, starting from nearly zero (I had a little credit which I can only attibute to Amy Jonsson), solo. This was a little under a year ago. Obviously, it took longer than that to get the 400 rep badge, but I wanted those badges too...
Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
I searched, it hasn't been posted that I could reasonably find.

There's three of the Rebirth powers which give this heal credit:
Partial Core Invocation
Total Core Invocation
Core Epiphany

The reason is the +MaxHP component of the power which adds HP to any target and 'heals' them for the amount. I went with Total Core Invocation which has a wider radius and I was healing about 5K while waiting for a trial to start. When we were in the trial and getting damaged it meant I could potentially heal each single target from 354.8 if they were at full health to a maximum of 749.63 if they had taken the difference or more in damage. For fun I also worked out if I could manage to get 255 targets within the radius, I'd get anything from 95,574 to 191,155.65 heals

And if you want to farm the healing badges: Cimerora has a line of Imperious' soldiers on the battlemounts behind him, both above and at ground level. Start a flashback (I used one of the Daedalus arcs and teleported to contact via the crystal), park in the middle of the line and just put the Rebirth power on auto. Took me a week to go from 145K to 10 million heals, most of it overnight.
As you can see, it isn't slow solo. There is a spot with 12 Roman targets, and you can have more solo if you have pets.

If you are bringing a 2nd account, bring a mastermind to get 7 more targets with each account that has MM access (I was getting around 9,000 per two minutes). If you're not soloing, then you could get a bunch of MMs with pets and really boost the numbers. With that one MM that is just under 48 hours to get to 10 million.

Also the targets got badge progress for the damage taken badges.

The arena farms can't match that.

Oh, and using the above numbers:
354.8 * 12 targets = 4,257.6 HP healed per 2 minutes.
10 Million HP / 4,257.6 = approximately 2,349 applications.
2,349 applications * 2 minutes = 4,698 minutes.
4,698 minutes / 60 = 78.3 hours or less than 3.5 days.

And the numbers get better with the T4 power.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
The arena farms can't match that.
On the other hand, it's way easier to get a toon to the point where they can farm heals in the arena. Also, any badger will want the Disruptor badge anyway, but they might want a different Destiny power.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
On the other hand, it's way easier to get a toon to the point where they can farm heals in the arena. Also, any badger will want the Disruptor badge anyway, but they might want a different Destiny power.
I agree about Disruptor, but don't agree with the time it takes to get to T3 Rebirth. With a bit of luck, a toon can go from zip to T3 in an evening of doing a few iTrials (and even without, only a few more). Contrast with the grind that we ALL know from experience is Disruptor (not to mention potential interference from other players). And there are Incarnate badges to be achieved while working on your Rebirth as well.

I don't disagree that a committed badger will be going for Disruptor, but I don't think you can make an indisputable case that it's far easier that way (or the other way, for that matter).

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
There is nothing debatable about it. You want 3 LBW2. The reason is simple: the Wardens heals count on each target INCLUDING THEMSELVES.

So, if you have 3 LBW2 and 4 other gladiators (the most a hero can have), you have 3 healers hitting 7 targets. 3 * 7 = 21.
If you have 2 LBW2, you can have.... I think 7 other gladiators. This gives you 2 healers hitting 9 targets. 2 * 9 = 18. The first options gives you 17% faster healing progress.
The numbers are even better for 3 vs 2 if you have additional players on your team with additional gladiators for them to heal.

Back in the day when you needed a billion points of healing for the final badge, I would run massive heal farms. We would often have a full team on one side so there would be 60-70 healing targets. (Some players would log in a second account with a pack of cheap gladiators just to provide extra healing targets.)
I've only done it redside but that was 2 LBW2s +9 iirc (might have been 8 other) - i.e. 11 total
With a larger team you want as many targets as possible however positioning is important so as to ensure they are all in the AOEs from the LBW2s - the 7vs 1 setup would favour 3 lbw2s for the big team however as they will hit target cap but on 4v4 it can favour 2 rather than 3 due to the higher number of targets

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Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
I've only done it redside but that was 2 LBW2s +9 iirc (might have been 8 other) - i.e. 11 total
You want 3 LBW2 and 5 other gladiators. That gives you 3 healers hitting 8 targets: 3 x 8 = 24. Your example gives 2 x 11 = 22 - approximately 8% less effective.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
You want 3 LBW2 and 5 other gladiators. That gives you 3 healers hitting 8 targets: 3 x 8 = 24. Your example gives 2 x 11 = 22 - approximately 8% less effective.
Don't you mean (3+4)*3 vs (2+9)*2 i.e. 21 vs 22 - that 3rd LBW2 doesn't allow an extra glad redside.

Nevertheless plenty of others have found using two in practice results in more healing mainly becouse of suboptimum positioning of targets and also note that 8% theoretical value drops even more with larger teams until it hits target cap also bear in mind that there are other glads which heal although nowhere near as effectively.
Basically the positioning of the LBW2s and the target glads makes a far greater difference than whether you use 2 or 3.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
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