Master of the TPN Campus - You ROCK, Freedom.




Thanks for makin' it happen. First run got all but one badge, 2nd run cinched it. Everyone involved raised the bar on team performance and sharpness.

...except NKT, he was drunk six ways to Sunday. I think we left him punching a wall or something.

Special thanks to Terminotaur and @Maxwell Blast for taking the lead on organizing the raid and drilling us (patiently AND consistently!) on the tactics for each phase!

Dramatis Personae
Maxwell Blast: Tanker
Maharani: Scrapper
NKT.: Blaster (drunk)
Head Knocka: Brute
Dorman1: Corruptor
Mystick.: Corruptor
Cresculum: Corruptor
Takeo: Defender
Res Buffaca: Defender
Red Tape: Controller
Transcendent One: Peacebringer
destiny morna: Defender
Dr. Turgenev: Controller
Doctor Leo: Controller



Great job everyone. This trial is a bit tough at first, but not that bad once you get the hang of it. It does require some good coordination though. I was worried for a minute there on the second run when the timer was getting close, but we were able to do it. Thanks again to everyone that ran this with us tonight.

Terminotaur (Red Tape)



....Nine power trays and only a single open slot? WOW!



Gratz guys...GJ




It would be nice if we got that many support ATs on champ, were in a rut where we tend to only get a few support each run. *sighs*



I do not think its the "support" focus that made it a success...its the team being "in sync" and following directions that made it a success...grats again help us less fortunate individuals...



Originally Posted by Kotchie View Post
I do not think its the "support" focus that made it a success...its the team being "in sync" and following directions that made it a success...grats again help us less fortunate individuals...
Gladly, bro. 'sides, I still need MoMoM.



I am one of those less fortunate individuals.

How in the hell do you guys rack up the time to get this done so fast? I had to sneak on a TPN last night with Kotchie and I got so much wife aggro that I think I'll be in debt until Xams.

56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.



I have to give a big thanks to Turg for bringing me along while only being +1 and putting in a good word for me. I appreciate it a lot and willing to help with any other runs . Thanks again.

Kind Regards



No mention of the people on the first run that got all but one badge? You are on my list Turg!!! lol :P

Congrats guys!! Wish I could have stayed for the second run. Im off today so im gonna go stalk Kotchie for some trial goodness! lol

Scataloni Volt
Scataloni Tank
Scataloni Arrow
Rad Scataloni



I will admit running the TPN with Kotchie actually made it bearable.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Was a heck of a good run, that's for sure. Nice work on it (both times) everyone.

The Transcendent One
Level 50+ PB (Badge Count 1404)



Making me second guess bringing my Emp over Turg... :P

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012