Minds of Mayhem trial run fri night 8pm east




Times 8pm est Ill start forming at 7:30ish.. and want to leave by 8:10 latest..

1st. I dont know the names of each character (not that geeky) but do understand the game.. So please dont pick on me for calling the horrors (big monsters).... You know what i mean

I have now run MOM 5 times with no luck, but i have learned alot in that time and would like to run a team to try to get this darn thing down.

I am looking for
2 tanks
2 healers types
2 people with teleport and range damage..
1 more hold type (im stone dominator)

game plan is this
In none of the stages will anyone use the auto rez. Use wakies. The 2 tele's will port people out of purple area's so you can wake.. and please if you see someone waking hit them with heal.

1st stage is kinda clear. Need range damage to stay out of purple. Kill main bad guy once.. 3 horrors spawn.. kill them and then bad guy comes back and smash him.. STAY OUT OF PURPLE on the ground...

2nd stage- clear room of the low level stuff and then mob the chick.. 1 tank try to keep aggro other tank pulls the orbs (eyes of something) close so we can keep damaging her...
(trick here is the AV can only be damaged after you destroy an eye close to her)

3rd phase- 2 groups.. one with a healer and a tank and 1 holder through portal.. &(5 other) protect..

second team stays and kills the AV.. here is where i would keep 1-2 back to bring down the av faster...

4th and final- Tonight i learned something.. If you put a (volcano is my skill) in her path she bounces like a bean.. with 190% accuracy and + hold like crazy i only got hold on her now and then.. Volcano works every time..
if you have done this you know the phase. take mother down in middle 3 times.. when down to half broad spawns at a pillar and walks to middle. (have to hold her on way) also you need to bring the 3 horrors that spawn close to her and kill them (weakens her)...

I think volcano in her path will help a lot....

Lastly when we do that need to do as fast as possible we spawn to her brain and have to destroy her. Here i didnt know is when to bring pets out... Need mass damage.. She has AOF damage so here we need the 2 good healers to spam AOF heal on all...

Well their is my plan.. if you care to join me please let me know an in-game name to send you a tell at 7:30eastern..

See you then i hope
Stone Master 50+3 stone/stone dominator

heck we make a good team we can slam through the others (all but TPN) fast... Up to team...

FYI folks.. Real life messed up plans.. IM very sorry



I will join in the festivities.

Atomic Saint, plus 3 , tier 4 rad def who occasionally remembers he can heal. Plus I wanna see her pop up and down like a Jiffy Pop container.

56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.



glad to see a response

will start sending tells around 7:30 eastern



I will be on unitl i get MoTPN..but i can do a MoM to break it up a bit...

Toon is Kotchie..I am sure you will see me in Pocket D



Yay, then I can join u for the TPN!

56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.



FYI all ..
Real life messed up my plans..

I have to be gone tonight.. sorry.. at work now.. so.. very sorry



Its. Cool.

I took the reins and Led some peeps. We got 3 badges in one shot!

Sorry you missed the fun.

56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.