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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
    There critical in the game? I haven't notice. Anyways they seem very different Brutes are deadly and unstoppable like tanks, and Scrappers are wimps like Stalkers..... So combine Stalkers and Scrappers they seem the same other then Hide.

    Besides it would be to much trouble combining them, They might break something that kill off all Scrappers and Brutes and no one wants that.
    ...Are you trying to die? I don't care, but if you ever call any archetype "wimpy", that's just asking for trouble man. And I've actually played Scrappers and Stalkers (Esp. after Stalker changes) that are able to outlast their tanky counterparts simply because of raw damage output.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    I think we're just subtly different, in ways that seem immaterial to people who haven't been us very often, but actually make all the difference to the experience of being me compared to being you.
    So, a palette swap?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by arcanaville View Post
    the weakness i'm most uncomfortable with is the aoe hole, but hopefully most things will be flopping around too much to throw a lot of aoes.
    kb ftw!!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
    The internet; where the men are men, the women are also men, and the children are FBI agents.

    And when I think of Dink I always think of pro-wrestler Doink the Clown's midget clown sidekick.
    Oh my cow!! Von Krieger's back! We missed you, man (well, I presume you're male, CMIIW...)!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    That's normal. Power boost increases the strength of defense powers, no different really than Build Up increases the damage strength of damaging attacks. Its a pretty big boost, higher than the boost you get from actually slotting the defense power itself.

    The problem is that unless you have enormous recharge in your build, Power Boost cannot be made perma (it requires 400% total recharge to do that). But some people use it at the start of the fight to have maximum defense during the alpha volley of attacks from the spawn.
    Good to know, Arcanaville. Do you have any tips on how to improve this build?
  6. Alright, here's my attempts at a defense-based build. I tried to also slot in a little knockback for when things get messy. I also found something odd: When I have Power Boost used for the calculations, it increases my defenses for some reason...hrm...

    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.96

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
    Would be cool if Physical perfection would be inherent and autounlock at lvl 45 when we start to face bigger threats like Incarnate stuff.
    A welcome buff for that harder content.
    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post making that one power selectable.
    ...Or, we could combine those ideas and just give it automatically at about 20-25ish? It shouldn't be that hard to do, unless the way the code is set is way different than I would guess. (Yeah, yeah, blah blah SCR...blah blah flowchart...)
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    Though I walk through the valley of death I fear no Devouring Earth, for I have read Arcana and have long since given up any hope of boosting my SAN score to base.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
    Show me!
    Ha!! I get it!
  10. Like I said, a cap could probably be set. Or it might just be flagged not to stack.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Blast/Armour or Assault/Armour AT we're still missing. For a quick, sake of the argument example, Iron Man. Energy Blast/Invulnerability or Energy Assault/Invulnerability. It's not entirely accurate (that'd be Energy Blast/Armour Gadgets/Super Strength/Invulnerability) but close enough. There are plenty of other characters that fit that bracket.
    He could be Energy Assault/Invulnerability/Weapon Mastery...
  12. Okay, specifically I think the following main sets could use absorb:

    Ice Armor/Cold Mastery/Ice Mastery/Chill Mastery: Probably have the +MaxHP on Hoarfrost be fully or partially converted into Absorb, doesn't change its slotting much if at all.

    Stone Armor/Stone Mastery: Do the same with Earth's Embrace.

    Cold Domination: Frostwork, same as above.

    Force Field: I think this should become FF's new thing. Reduce the defense buffs by a fair amount and add AoT (Absorb over Time) to most of the defensive powers. And for Pete's sake, make Detention field a dang normal hold. If having unimpeded AoT would be too much, set a cap.
  13. I actually think it'd suit Ice Armor best as far as melee defenses. I'd really like to see it added in to Force Fields for Controllers/Corruptors/Defenders.
  14. I kinda wish they had given Miss Liberty a new TF of her own, instead of recycling Grandpa's. And then put the STF in Ouro for suicidal people to take on with as few people as they please. It'd still award "Statesman's Pal", just like the original Posi still awarded its badge in Ouro. maybe make it something centered around redeeming Recluse, and (probably) failing miserably?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
    You know, Dink's cool and all....but I always gotta give a juvenile snicker at his name. The slang meaning of it I'm thinking off probably isn't too common here in the US, though. >.>
    A partner in a well-off working couple with no children?

    Or a drop shot?
  16. I actually hope SSA2 gets centered on Faultline. It's a cool zone, and I honestly hope they finish rebuilding.
  17. I actually like Hybrid. It's good for when I get into a fight above me with my blaster. Just toggle it, start blasting everything to hell, rampage through the rest of the mission.
  18. Well, you see, each species has a well, and it's a little shaky as to whethere Rikti are still technically the same species...By normal definition, they would have to be able to reproduce viably with their most recent ancestors, **** sapiens sapiens. If they can, they'd just be **** sapiens rikti; otherwise, they'd be considered **** rikti, i.e., a separate but closely related species. Note that I say "reproduce viably". Many closely related species can crossbreed (The Liger, pretty much my favorite animal), but the offspring they produce tend to be infertile, especially males. Thus, in order for Rikti to be considered the same species as Humans, they would have to be able to crossbreed with a normal Human, and the offspring produced would have to be viable. Luckily, genetic tests can be run instead.

    EDIT: Apparently, the Human genus is a censored word, likely due to its more pejorative vernacular use.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    When you reach that level of power, you can look like anything you want.

    So, what are you going to do? Look twisted and alien, or look like something that will fool people into thinking you are good guys?
    I will manifest as a can of pinto beans. "I AM PINTOMAN!! I AM YOUR BEANY MASTER!!! BOW TO PINTOMAN! WAHAHAHAHA!!"
  20. Kirsten

    New Dance Emotes

    Only if we get Krumping.
  21. Well, the title has question marks! I'm asking if it includes that! I know it's not serious...jeez.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
    Today's pretty amazing as it is. Technology's going at light speed, the future comes a lot sooner than all of us think.
    Technically, since technology is still increasing in speed, then we know it's not yet at light speed, because that's the cosmic speed limit, and we have yet to develop working FTL devices.