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  1. My guess is that Insect melee would be some kind of short ranged cone set mostly, less upfront damage, more DoT. possibly using some self-targetting mechanics (Hits what you're facing, regardless of where what you've targetted is).
  2. Hm. I think I saw another take at this where it had the melee attacks and ranged put into one, with the ranged component being self targetted (Like vorpal judgement). The melee and ranged weapons drawn together, one in each hand.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
    It would be fun! Wasn't this posted before?
    Yeah, I posted an idea of my own on this earlier. I gave a link to it earlier in the thread.
  4. Hm...Seems like an interesting set. I'm guessing this is meant to be a quick fighting set?
  5. /signed.

    And DarkGob, quit wagglin' that finger at me! :P
  6. Pssh...lolDFB. I ran it once. I hated it. in spite of this minor disagreement, on the whole, I have to agree with Grendar. Most people usually breeze past the lower levels.
  7. Kirsten


    MOAR CUTSCENES...with the condition that they have MOAR QUALITY!!

    *Brevity is the soul of wit...Don't drag these out!

    *A picture's worth a thousand words, but so is like, ten spoken words...I'd like to hear more voiceover stuff. I felt so alone after rolling the tutorial, with its walkie-talkie... and then walking into the mime planet of Atlas.

    *Polish the old spoons! Just give some of the old costume parts a touch-up, and maybe revamp the NPC's costumes.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Google, you fail me. I cannot find a 'Bear Cavalry' picture without a swear word in it >_<
    Found one:

  9. hm. I think these are valid points...except I Kinda zoned out on part 5. It's kind of long...
  10. Interesting...How about melting into shadowstuff, and then reforming into the new costume as another?
  11. I agree. I want a Cape with my emblem!!

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    You misunderstand. Golden Girl says that people are looking forward to new praetorian content.

    Who are these people?

    Prove it. Show me them.

    People on the forum disliking it is absolutely irrelevant here. Golden Girl is making a claim. I'm asking her for the evidence to back that up.
    Exibit A: Me.
  13. I've still not gotten an explanation for that "Australian Conspiracy".
  14. Hmm...This could be an interesting way to extend things. For example, if you filled your bubbles, you could go to some special contact (States/Recluse/Lady Grey/Whoever), and you could select "Choose a special reward", and get a table containing:

    *1 Alignment Merit
    *1 Astral Merit (VIP-only)
    *4-6 iShards (VIP-only)
    *30 Reward Merits
    *Possibly some small pack of special costume parts, or whatnot.

    Or something like that.
  15. I am not in a rush to see States die, either. I have nothing against him, but if he has to die for the storyline, then so be it. Just don't play it up excessively, don't rush it, don't drag it out, and for god's sake, let him stay dead. That last point was the most frustrating thing to me about Superman's death. I mean, come on, can't we let Superboy have the limelight for a while? Friggin space Jesus...
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
    I mentioned a "rock pack" a while back during the hoopla over the carnival stuff, but it wasn't a glam rock pack. :P

    And it wasn't a suggestion. Though having an axe as an axe would be cool.
    And beam rifles make great beam rifles! :P
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    Good question. This is my own take on it - others will have their own contribution to make but I wanna be clear I'm not speaking for anyone else here.

    The big issue with the Incarnate system stems from the fact that the power we get is somehow given to us from the Well. We didn't make a better power suit, learn to punch harder or become physically stronger or anything like that - we just happened to get the attention of some hole in the ground and it deems us worthy.

    That, right there, emasculates our characters. It's not about us any more, it's about the Well and the hubris of the Dev writers who are telling their own story instead of allowing us to be the centre of our stories.

    There are other huge issues about the Incarnate story, but that's the root cause for me. We're no longer autonomous within the context of the game, we're puppets.
    Su-PREME executive power comes from a mandate from the MASSES! Not some FARCICAL AQUATIC CEREMONY!!
  18. UPDATE: Did some organizing, gave Enforcer an Inherent, Gave all the non-epic ATs Ancillary pool lists.
  19. Me gusta. I get the feeling that this would be a speed and accuracy set, enhancement-wise.

  20. ...Australian Conspiracy? 0_0
  21. We could start a mass-compla-I mean, PM-ing campaign.
  22. "thanky" to you too! I'm glad to see that people appreciate my work!
  23. You know, I think this could benefit from the self-targetting mechanic, flavorwise. It could really set it apart.