Symbols/Emblems on Capes/Back of Trench coats

Doctor Roswell



Oh god please make this happen. I always kind of wanted to have a cool emblem on the back of my character's trench coat to sort of "define" him from just the average trench-coat-wearing-hero. If I recall it was a popular deal among old-timey heroes like Superman.

I also really like Gurren Lagann. Rewatching it is what made me think of this.



This has been suggested many times. I'm in favor of it every time.

Considering how much time we spend looking at our characters' backs instead of their fronts, it seems like a no-brainer.


FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
This has been suggested many times. I'm in favor of it every time.

Considering how much time we spend looking at our characters' backs instead of their fronts, it seems like a no-brainer.

Exactly, right?



This could be as simple as adding new primary/secondary color mask patterns for the Long and Short capes we already have. Unfortunately it would probably not be doable to add an emblem on top of an existing cape pattern (example, no using the Points cape pattern and then adding a Medieval 1 emblem to it - would only be able to add a Medieval 1 cape pattern) due to the way cape physics work, but it would still be cool.

Would be trickier for trenchcoats... but seeing as we aren't allowed to use back details with trenchcoats anyway, that's an attachment point that could be used. It'd take some new modeling but they could work just like chest emblems.

{}... .-



Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
It'd take some new modeling but they could work just like chest emblems.
S'what I was thinking. And yeah long/short capes plain could work with emblems I guess.



Yeah, I got a few Trench Coats that need this

If the enemy of my enemy is my friend, is the friend of my friend my enemy?



/signed and on the back of all jackets




I say on the back, in general.




sorry i sound like a noob, but what does /signed do?

If the enemy of my enemy is my friend, is the friend of my friend my enemy?



We're "signing" the imaginary petition for the feature/proposal. It's an expression of agreement, approval or support without actually having anything to add, any concerns to address, or anything really to say besides "I agree."

Technically, I'm pretty sure one-word posts are against forum rules, but that's sometimes overlooked here in the suggestions forum since "I agree but have nothing else to add" is actually useful information. Even so, people usually try to go for "/signed -- and also something else."

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.




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