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  1. Kelenar

    Reworking Mez

    Another thing: I'm thinking it would be better to make Mag X mezz take away X random powers, instead of the last X power picks. Otherwise, you'll just see people back-loading their builds with their IO mules, long-recharge clicks, and gimmick powers, which would make low-mag mezz a joke. It would also give it a bit more punch—losing a random power almost always has the potential to be dangerous or a major inconvenience, whereas very few of my builds have important powers near the end.
  2. To briefly intrude on Nethergoat's thread, since I am also returning but don't have nearly the commitment to make a whole thread of my own...

    Kinda-Returning Player Various Observations
    (For reference, the last time I really played the game was shortly after Issue 20, so early/mid 2011. I was popping onto the forums a couple of times a month until about four months ago, though, so I'm not entirely out of the loop. Just, you know. Mostly.)
    • Staff fighting seems pretty cool. It doesn't pack enough... heft for my tastes, but after playing Stone Melee, very little does.
    • Water Blast is what I've always wanted out of a blast set. It does good damage, it has a gimmick more complicated than 'shoot people and they die' that still manages to be unobtrusive, and it has enough toys to give it a decent survival. Also the graphics are dead sexy.
    • I no longer know how everything works, and that terrifies me. Like, I logged into a level 14 character last night, and I didn't immediately know where to go for missions.
    • ... on the flipside, even though it's been a year or two since I played a Stalker seriously, my Stalker keybinds (T for Placate, V for Assassin's Strike) are still ingrained into my brain.
    • Having an official LFG channel is flippin' sweet.
    • No more ability to check name availability from the character select screen? I miss that. Not that it worked right 2/3 of the time.
    • Logging into a lowbie to find 45 million inf in sales that you queued up a year ago is a nice surprise!
    • DFB is kinda boring, but really? I just want levels 1-12 over as quickly as possible. It's good for that.
    • First DFB: Got killed by one of those bubble things around the Hydra, team laughed at me. They spent pretty much the entire run assuming everybody knew how everything worked. (*battle starts* "Oh, hey, let's go for the badge!" "What exactly does that entail?!") Even once I knew about them, I kept getting caught by the bubble. But I never noticed Battle Maiden's blue patch, either. I have zero situational awareness.
    • On the tray of a brand new level 1 character, I have a power that summons a little Well guy? Who is just a tiny golden Rularuu. 'kay.
    • Bio Armor sounds fantastic. I've wanted a melee/debuff AT for a while, but this'll work too. I actually intended to come back for Bio Armor, but then I heard it was a double XP weekend, so. Might as well get a month or so of head start.
    • After reading the description of the Hybrid abilities twice, I'm still a little uncertain exactly how they work. Although the Incarnate grind was part of what made me get bored in the first place, so I'm not sure if I intend to try for them either way.
    • After being away for so long, the game kinda gives me motion sickness. Which is weird, since I haven't exactly taken a break from gaming. You'd think that the ten billion hours I've logged playing a Scout in TF2 would've inured me to that.
    • Do MM pets still need to be babysat in order to keep them from charging into melee? I'm tempted to pull my lowbie Bots/ MM out to find out, but I'm not sure if I need the stress.
    • I completely forgot about the change to make Assassin Strike usable in normal fights until I'd spent two hours playing a Stalker. That's pretty great.
    • I really should check the market and figure out where prices have moved. It's looking like I'll have three or four alts to IO out.
    • I can hit level 2 before all the 'ITEM UNLOCKED' messages finish processing.
    • Some of the new auras are pretty cool. I didn't notice all that many new costume sets. There are a few nice new female hairs and hats, though.
    • The way the 'Next' arrow just disappears if you've picked a costume piece you don't own on the character creation screen is disorienting. It took me like 30 seconds to figure out what was going on.
    • I don't like Time Manipulation's looks, but I may give it a shot just for an AR/Time Corruptor Akemi Homura homage.
    • Poison got buffed? Huh, that's nifty. I might have to play it again. My Thugs/Poison was fun, but... that was a Thugs/Poison. I have to imagine it works way differently as a Corruptor set.
    • Wait, power proliferation! Most of which I don't care about, but War Mace Scrappers and /Fire Defenders? Aww yeah.
    • I was mad about the Dark Astoria revamp, since I loved it as a fun place to grind through zombies on a fire or lethal damage character. And then I found out it still exists as an echo and imokaywiththis.jpg. I can't tell if the new DA is geared toward Incarnate characters, though.
    • Whoawhoawhoawait. The Dream Doctor is a DA contact. Now I have to do it.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MoonlyteShadow View Post
    I miss the days when you would go through a zone and you may not know every player you see but you certainly knew 75% of the SG names.
    I will admit that, when I walk through a zone and see people with good costumes or bios, I almost always check their globals. Because there was a time when, if they were the sort of person who made good costumes and bios on Virtue, I was probably already at least passingly familiar with them.

    ... at some point I realized that I hadn't seen a familiar name from doing that in months, but it's still hard to get rid of the instinct.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    Do you play a solo game in CoX (all or part time)? What part of it works for you, and what part drives you away?
    The leveling rate solo just isn't fast enough to keep me hooked. At least, not consistently. Very few characters can hold my attention after 30 or so, and not coincidentally, I have about a dozen semi-abandoned characters in the late twenties to mid-thirties. If I'm not close to earning a new power by the point where I've figured out how to fully exploit the last one unlocked, I'm gonna get bored.

    Solo fights are also kinda simplistic for some characters. Teams can add more chaos and options.* "If I run over there, the guys chasing me will hit those caltrops that other dude threw down, and I'll have enough breathing space to drop some cones, then hopefully lay down some controls before that Blaster dies..."

    I enjoy playing Defenders, Corruptors, Controllers, and Dominators, which makes all of this worse, because a lot of the combos under those ATs solo waaaaaaaay too slowly for my tastes. (Note that there are Blasters, Scrappers, and Brutes who solo too slowly for my tastes. My tastes are unreasonable, but I can't exactly change them.)

    In favor of soloing, some characters have complex enough gameplay and/or move quickly enough that I enjoy soloing them more than teaming.

    * Teams can also completely bore me by making everything an exercise in trying to stay awake as the Elec/Shield Scrapper and three permaHastened Blasters nuke every mob in sight as fast as I can run forward. It's a balancing act.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
    I suspect that if there were any dev bronies, we would have had a Pegasus Transformation Travel Power long before now.
    No, a pegasus power pool. It's really just the flight pool with Afterburner replaced with Sonic Rainboom, though.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Legion_of_One View Post
    Storm Summoning. It's one of the original power sets, and it hasn't been touched.
    Not to be pedantic, but Storm got some buffs over the first couple years of the game. O2 Boost got the end drain resistance and +perception added, Lightning Storm got a range/fire rate increase, Steamy Mist got Confuse resistance added and dropped its run speed debuff, and Freezing Rain started accepting accuracy enhancements.
  7. Because /petcomall stay should mean STAY, not 'run forward 30 yards into melee if you feel like it.'
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    I ran The Hollows on a lowbie recently for the first time in forever, and honestly I found it more interesting/fun than the new Atlas content. Yeah, there's not much to it in the way of story, and the kill-alls got a little old, but at least I actually got to play the damn game instead of just talking to NPCs and sitting around like a moron in cutscenes all day.
    Same here. My favorite content is all the middle-y stuff. Early stuff where you run all across the world doing hunt and FedEx missions sucks, and newer stuff where you spend half the time talking or in cutscenes also has issues. But the stuff in between, like the Faultline revamp and RWZ? Perfect.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    Would you also be writing your resignation letter as you did this?

    There are no words that were spoken during ED or the defense nerf that could possibly equal the rage that would be unleashed if this sort of change ever happened. I can't for the life of me een imagine WHY you would want to do this, since a team of 4 can alreadyfight spawns of 8.
    That's pretty much exactly why. Outside of raids and a few end-game TFs, there's really very little in this game that needs a team of 8. 8-player teams have more of the buff stacking issues other people keep addressing, more issues with massive AoE spam ruling the day, more chance of rendering some powersets obsolete, and so on. I honestly feel that the gameplay flows better with medium-sized teams in most circumstances.

    I've never felt like the team would do just as well if I turned off any given member turned off all their toggles and used nothing but Brawl on a team of 4. I have on a team of 8.
  10. A couple of these wouldn't be raaaaaaaage inducing.
    • Team size is now capped at 4. Content will be rebalanced accordingly, but the current x8 spawns will still be available through the difficulty system.
    • There will be 4-person routes to all Incarnate rewards.
    • Solo XP will increase a bit, and the teamed XP bonus will be ramped up considerably.
    • Controllers lose Overpower, but make it so no mobs have mezz protection beyond what their rank should grant outside of Incarnate content.
    • All content will have diminishing rewards after the first run, and take several days to recover.
    • Enemy resistance will be normalized so that all damage types are roughly equal. On the other hand, all damage types will also have their equivalent of psi vs. robots on a fairly common enemy.
    • All nukes become crashless nukes and get adjusted accordingly.
    • All NPC heights get normalized down to about 5.5 feet, and every existing character gets offered a one-time adjustment to make all of their costumes match this height.
  11. The smallest change I can think of that'd have a good chance: Making solo permadom no longer possible, whether through a direct nerf to Domination or reducing recharge bonuses from IOs or whatever. My Earth/Fire permadom's my only character I really enjoy playing for long periods of time anymore. Without her, it'd just be kind of, "Oh, well. I guess that's that, then."
  12. Kelenar

    Endless War

    Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
    I misread this entry at first, and it made the resulting content I pictured very weird.

    Finally, a task force to get rid of Earth's true threat: clowns.
  13. I always used it as a... pre-emptive panic button. As Motley_Cruel, more like a Sleep power. Jump in, hit Smoke Flash once the enemies are gathered up, then beat on them one by one. It was nice for cutting down the incoming fire while I picked off the heavy hitters. Which is still a very situational thing, especially on a two minute timer, double-especially if you're softcapped, but I never considered it a totally wasted power pick.
  14. Other than subscriptions, only a few bucks to open up a handful of things. Since the 400 monthly points started, I haven't needed to drop any real world currency.

    Just don't ask me how much I've spent on hats.
  15. Quote:
    What players do you miss the most?
    Softcapped ones.

  16. Jolting Chain just doesn't feel... kinetic enough to be fun for me. You wave your hand at the enemies, there's a dull hum, and they start falling over. It just feels so... halfhearted.

    Now Fault, Footstomp, or Shield Charge... there's knockdown I can believe in.
  17. Sorry, sorry. Forum software screwiness or something made me unable to reliably access the forums for a month and a half. I'll try getting you that info within a few days.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
    I'm assuming this is a description of blueside. I've never -not- seen loads of people at all hours blueside. Redside on the other hand, is a ghost town until the evening hours (and even then, the action fizzles out early).
    The SFs aren't that rare to see forming, either. Teaming is noticeably less active villainside, but I've managed to level a villain or two primarily through PUGs. Villain stuff is harder to find than hero stuff, yeah, but that goes for every server.
  19. If you're mostly used to melee characters, I'd definitely suggest something with Traps in it. Traps/Dark Defender is a Tank with team support options; you can regularly take alphas for x8 teams with minimal IO'ing. Just remember that 'traps' is kind of a misnomer... on a fast-moving team, you can often leap into the spawn before the Tank (after using Seekers to absorb the alpha) and drop your traps right in the middle of the enemies,
  20. Virtue is the unofficial NA-side RP server, but RPers are (and have always been) a distinct minority. Honestly, if you don't go looking for it, the most you'll see is a lot of long bios and the occasional in-character quip during missions. Server-side lag is practically nonexistent in my experience. Raids and trials both happen on a regular basis, pretty much every TF in the game is run a few times a day, and teams aren't too hard to find, so there's a good community there if you wanna kill doods.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    There needs to be another option;

    [Headbutt Hardcase]

    In fact, I'd love that for a few of the contacts/talkies some of the red side contacts really need putting in their places.
    Years later, a fine red mist is still settling in the crater where Westin Phipps used to stand.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
    The positive side of Crey Corporation

    The "reveal" that Crey is evil has little to no weight since you don't get to see them in a positive light beforehand. I think there's a single mission somewhere that you rescue a Paragon Protector who was in the process of helping some people and that's it. Oh, and the old tutorial had a Crey security guard. In fact, it's interesting that redside gives Crey a chance to look positive since they are giving tours of their facilities in Nerva. The better the devs can make Crey look in the low level game, the stronger the revelation of their actions becomes.
    Yeah. Crey's PR kinda sucks, since their only real presence is a couple of ads/company buildings scattered around... and like 300 dudes in company uniforms mugging people in Brickstown.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Crazy1van View Post
    Perhaps Hero Corps missions could be vigilante or rogue oriented, rather than straight hero. We already have the police band radio for those kinds of missions, and the fact that you Hero Corps does 'hero for hire' work is exactly what blue-side Rogues are supposed to be about, is the Tips are to be believed.
    That'd be pretty cool, actually.
  24. They nerfed smoke grenade!! How am I supposed to farm Perez Park now?!