444 -
I don't agree that it should be made portable, but the suggestion for a tailor in the SG base I think is great. There should be more rewards for using a base (outside of teleports) (alternate reasons to play for some) and there should definitely be more ways an SG can seem like they're actually a group.
As it is, I think the most people I've ever seen in any SG Base in the past 4 years is 2. Usually one is the builder (afk) and another is passing through. Give them IO tables and a tailor though, and you get more time for the SG to bond (aww). Seriously though, 90% of the SG groups in the game are made of a leader farming a bunch of willing prestige miners in return for teleporter access. In a closed setting I'm sure the SG vets would get to know their members a good deal faster.
Of course I play on freedom. I hear things are a bit different here. -
"I also wanted to add a quick reminder: Astral and Empyrean Merits will in the coming months be able to be used to acquire other rewards. To that end, these changes are partially intended to place less pressure on you to use Merits to fill in the gaps for your Incarnate components." -Baryonyx Senior Designer
This comes from this thread, which may be an interesting read to some of you.http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=259085 -
Quote:In the actual game I'd said something along the lines of "If you don't know what to do, follow your leaders, and if you get a temp power, announce it" to weed out those folk. I figured theyed take announcing they'ed received a temp as normal and accidentally lead themselves into advice later.I choose to believe that people like that aren't actually incompetent but instead have simply not done it before and are afraid to admit it in case people mock them for it.
It's probably not true but I choose to believe it anyway.
(I did that knowing some people attempt the lambda but do not manage to complete, so they might think they've done it, when they only know how to do it wrong.)
That didn't yield anything either though, so :\. I am coming more and more to the conclusion that many people simply choose to play on 'silent' or with no chat window at all. Which you can get away with most of the time. (And which is mind numbingly frustrating to anyone trying to talk with them). -
Throughout this chat (which is very close to precisely what was said in the trial) You should see the typical problem faced time and time again by those running lambda (though perhaps worse than most). The main question I often wonder when leading these, is Why, Why will so many REFUSE to read, or respond to simple questions/directions in an MMO? (In a raid scenario, where one person can almost crash everything on their own.)
The rest below is just a long rant basically, so ignore this thread if you don't want to reminisce the phail with me.
(The Lambda Trial Begins)
/broadcast If you are not in league chat please SAY SO, so we can tell you how to get in league chat.
/League If this your first time doing this trial, please say something now so we don't fail when you don't know what we mean by CHECK YOUR TEMPS.
(no one but 4-5 in league chat.. okay)
/League Alright. Since We're all vets here. Clear Roads -> Clear Courtyard -> Kill Turrets -> Kill Security team ->Buff<-->Team 1: Acid, Team 2: Weapons -> Acid Portals (don't Aggro Marauder) -> Nade marauder -> Win
(as we complete security team)
/league Team 1: Acid - Labs
/league Team 2: Weapons - Warehouse
/league Follow your leader, team 2 I propose you pick a leader if someone knows their way around.
/league: Alright, to team chat for this section, GO!
(Team completes remarkably quickly and safely, no issue)
/league Alright, back to league chat, help team 2 with weapons.
/league Team 1 feel free to split up as you see fit.
(section completes shortly after, no hitch
/league Alright, Acids -> Doors, try not to aggro marauder.
(5 portals remain after acids should be used)
/b Check your TEMPORARY POWERS under your POWER TAB, if you have [Molecular Acid] Than use it on the Portals NOW or give it to someone else.
/b If you are not on league chat, say something!
(team takes down acid chamber, aggros marauder, detonates 1 portal)
(3 portals remain, 4 acids are on the field, team is beginning to wipe due to marauders adds)
/league Can everyone check their temps again, there are 4 acids out
(reinforcements continue to flow in, someone nades marauder)
/league Don't waste the grenades, there are 4 acids out there still USE THEM on the doors, check your temp powers to make sure you don't have them.
(nothing happens, someone else grenades marauder, another portal goes down from the CY chamber)
/league Alright, everyone gather up, focus on marauder, judge the adds.
(Doors finally go down after 4 minutes, things start to pull together, out of grenades, marauder begins to regenerate)
/league OKAY, splitting a team off (splits a scrapper a tank and a defender out) Alright, I split a team off, team 3 kill the weapon crates and acid chambers every time they're up. Everyone else, Marauder.
(portals go down after 2 more minutes)
(marauder goes down agonizingly slowly as we cant use grenades more than they spawn, since someone isn't throwing them and someone wasted them early)
(nearly 20 minutes later)
/league, hey can everyone say '1' in league if you see this so we know who needs to get murdered?
(someone responds "like that will work")
(one other person says "haha")
(people slowly peel off and disband, beaten as you can get while still winning.)
*Thinking to self* "Wow. Some of these people must actually be illiterate, I really can't think of another way to explain it" -
Completely fill up on purples, maybe one row of greens.
learn to use the 'monitor combat attributes tool' if you can see your defense, you can maximize the amount of time you're fighting at or around 60% defense (the new softcap).
Learn the layout (Here's the layout, from another thread, from some guy) http://i663.photobucket.com/albums/u...thoflambda.jpg
Let your teammates take the first hit and then completely throw in with them (you're more likely to knock out the minions and LT's completely if you do).
For some reason the weapon crates can be hit from a distance without alerting the surrounding mob.
Break LoS if they look at you.
Think about getting super speed if you have hasten, being able to use super speeds stealth component is HUGE when rushing through these corridors.
Travel with the largest group (if your team is bad at sticking together)
Get Destiny
Get your level shifts
Don't worry about dying, just hosp, what a wonderful opportunity to refill on defense insps (5 will get you as close as you need to be to safe).
If you have fly always fly as high and to the corner as you can, that minimizes the time in the 'strike zone' (i'll call it)
find a way to be stealthy
avoid big groups
ninja run still works if you don't have a travel power for some reason.
Don't freak if you die, tell your team if you died on a container.
Oh yea, about the teams that don't stick together try telling them to stick together because that way you live, they live, and everyone moves faster.
You will find they gave you PLENTY of time to do this section if you're methodical (IE: Not totally friggen lost all the time).
/tips. -
Achievement: Soloed an AV with SO's pre-50
Disachievement: did it on a bots/traps, pre-trapping as hard as is possible, back when enough poison gas traps meant held/vomiting AV. Used insps. Used insps on the assbot. Used a Shivan. Used temps. Basically if I had it it was thrown into that fight. -
Hahaha, yea, Well you do see an effect if it applies most of these reactive debuffs (glowing yellow) but definitely never see the scenario you mentioned happening
Is this untested, or from test server? It DOES ignore the every 10 seconds rule, which makes it a beast in damage Aura's, but it does NOT apply the DoT portion when pseudo pets use it (like caltrops and rain) and by does not, I mean it NEVER does.
Quote:I would like to add something I'd discovered that hadn't been mentioned yet. You CAN use ageless at 0 endurance. I am certain rebirth atleast has an end cost, ageless does not, the end burst will get you through a crash til recov kicks back on (at superboosted levels).Has anyone tried Ageless Destiny with crash nukes? Is it worth it? Or is it still better to just carry blues?
... Of course you still detoggle if you had them.
My Elec/ Blaster has 3 crashing powers I use everytime they're up now it seems. EM Pulse, Thunderous Blast and Surge of Power. All crash, all can be used fine now (best when you time it so the SoP crash coincides with nuke crashing or EMP, that way the overlap in a way you can cycle.) -
Quote:Cool Build, so about 80% constantly factoring in incarnate bonuses (if you chose musculature core paragon) That's pretty amazing, nearly a second build up. I'd expected to see the powers underenhanced like most of these odd builds are but you've got some clever slotting there.Hmm how about a fire/fire blaster with a 53% damage bonus (42.5% from set IO and 10.5% from assault)? That's before adding in any extra incarnate damage bonuses.
Probably too expensive to make in-game, but fun to tweak around with.
If those PvP IO's were more readily available that'd be fun to try out. -
Quote:I'd say take both mindprobe and WoC.I have a sonic/MM blaster that is 50 (+1) She is near soft capped to S/l and 30's E/N, I will post it later.
It is definetly a 'in your face' blapper. So having soft capped s/l is nice. I love palying her and it is a great combo. I skipped Siren's Song and sometines I wish I didnt, but I rarely solo this toon. I also skipped WoC and took MInD Probe and dont regret my decison, she ahs great PBAoE's and decent short ranged to medium ranged attacks.
I say roll one up!!
Mindprobe: Because high ST Psy damage rocks unstoppable invuln based mobs.
WoC: Because even though it sucks for 49 levels, once you can slot the purple set you get cheap purple set bonuses, a somewhat reliable melee range confuse, and the purple proc which makes it an often high mag melee range spreading confuse. It may not seem like it, but slotted with that set it diverts about half of all unwanted melee attention away from you and at your enemies.
So I guess what I'm REALLY saying is, respec in to WoC and don't take it before 50, at which point take it and 6 slot it. -
"in-set Rez? Regen might have the worst rez on any set that has one."
I have regen's fix.
It has no debuff protection yet? I suggest DEBT protection, that builds as you level, culminating with the self rez power. Put the Self Rez half the recharge as other self rezzes. Debt already means little, to a regen it should mean practically nothing. You are eternal, death is merely a temporary incapacition.
If death meant almost nothing to a regen I'd love playing it, I'd jump in, likely die, buy my teammates some precious time not getting shot, then, knowing my body would heal stand back up and deliver the fight to my newly unsuspecting enemies.
This is what regen needs. This would make it unique and remain thematic without being overpowered.
Regeneration should be the keystone powerset for embodied immortals, for vampires, for werewolves and the classically supernatural beasties. They seem to die, but they keep coming back for more. It's horror mythology incarnate... +wolverine and Prometheus. -
Firstly, I find it a must have, yes. Watch your damage % numbers in combat apps. Hovering between 40%-120% damage bonus more than half of every fight is nice, It is also the balancing factor for CS (which doesn't crit, it recharges siphon) AND (I don't remember if this is right) I believe you have to have it on to trigger KM's -dam debuff.
As for MoG yes it is 15 seconds, but it's on a shorter recharge timer, no longer prevents healing, reduces your health or crashes.
So basically, it's short duration but has ZERO downside other than that. It is god for breaking alphas (an old /regen weakness) so definitely keep it. -
Quote:It is a huge increase, according to the data the wiki's mined up these are the numbers (I think in 10k trials)Does anyone know just how much higher though? Oftentimes you can end up spending as much time finishing a boss as it took to wipe out every single LT and minion. There's a major speed increase when you don't fight bosses, so it'd have to be a pretty major drop rate increase to make them worth it.
Minion: 1/1000
LT: 1/150
Boss: 1/50
That's the reason the ITF is so popular for shard farming, the disproportionately high amount of bosses. -
Since reactive damage procs, my spines/fire is up there with SS/FA brutes for kill speed, but it does scatter like they say. If you're duo farming, you may pump out more damage as one (With them to keep the enemies tight) but if you're not, you're gonna lose seconds (probably a full minute in the end) rounding up runners.
Quote:Hmm, well here's a question that would allow you some extra damage/rech. The obli sets will lend you smashing/lethal/melee resists in slot 6, as well as +rech in slot 5 and some more accuracy, so why slot the pacing of the turtles? Spiritual should get your slows enhanced well enough on its own.I could go with Burn on my Single Target chain, but as you can see my build does not have Blaze Mastery in it. I needed to pick Body Mastery to save on slots and get a boost in Endurance Recovery.
So the best single target DPS I can do with my build is Ripper>Throw Spines>Impale>Repeat?
End costs can be mitigated if you manage to free up some slots for consume (as an end recovery tool) or if you get the ageless or barrier t4 incarnate powers. Ageless for direct recovery/rech, barrier to free up slots you're using just to fill kinetic combats. Both of those are perma at t4 so you should definitely checkem out, once incorporated into your actual build they make a huge difference. -
Quote:I don't have numbers for it, but since I replaced lunge with fire blast my damage has very obviously gone up (I just stole all the slots, since I can't completely retire lunge).What I don't know, is if adding Fire Blast into the mix will help with that chains DPS (as MiDS numbers are off on Fire Blast, last I knew).
Adding Burn, I would think, should be an increase in DPS.
Burn (and this is going to sound wierd) I think is actually my strongest single target attack (stronger than ripper, unless ripper crits). It is an absolute beast, I fight those rikti battlesuits pretty often, and they don't seem to go down until burn, where they drop like half their health.
The effect is odd, I have both almost a full ranged ST attack chain, and a fully ranged AoE attack chain (because I use fireball too). the only melee attack I use (as in I actually contact the enemy) is ripper. It makes you feel much more like a psychotic Dualy damage aura'd blaster than a scrapper. Esp considering BU+FE is pretty much Aim+BU -
You can't put the -res proc in shockwave, and you can't benefit from the -defense in slash either (if that matters). Also, outside of AV's/Pylons, post level shift you'll knockback even level 54 Bosses significantly, so not as much use there. Unless you want the KB.
It's nice to break spawns with and buy time to regenerate health if you need it, but often, the KB is simply too disruptive deal with.
I mean, at some point trading in a power for fireblast actually does more damage than SW if you take fire mastery right (against a ST)? -
One thing certainly DOES need to be (re)buffed with MM's. The crappy, terrible, awful non demon pet AI Gamewide. EVERYTHING rushes enemies now, if ranged pets stayed at range, they'ed be fine, but they rush into melee, so they die immediately. Voltaic Sentinel does this, Gun drone does this etc etc. There were pets that were not designed to handle melee range and they're getting stomped.
As for ninja's, yea, they might has well have not given them defense in the first place to have numbers that are so ridiculously low and no 'support' class like thugs/bots/demons have. Melee range needs armor, right now all mm's are melee range due to borked demon AI except demons, and no t1/t2 pets can handle that. -
Fire blast has far higher DPS than either lunge or impale if you have the choice of taking that epic. Quite simply, impale is just too slow and lunge (if you chose to replace that with fire blast) is simply inferior because it's not ranged (and it does less damage, though it is also fast). It's also fire damage instead of lethal with just a tiny smattering of toxic, but if you can't take that APP you can't take it.
Here's what I've got on Phoenix Fury. (Dragon/vanguard/Original) costumes. I really like the customizability of spines now.
Really, it's the most versatile blaster build that exists.
You have...
KB (ST/Cone)
Sleep (Very wide range, fast recharge Cone)
Disorient (ST and PBAoE)
Hold (if you take epic)
ST Damage (powerful)
Cone Damage (2)
And Smashing/Energy/Psychic damage covers the whole spectrum of things enemies can be weak to, (because of how armors resists are themed) No one in the game will be resistant to everything you can do.
Also, Sirens song is perfect for setting up drain psyche and going either ST one by one, or doing my favorite combo, DP-> Psy Wail -> Nuke
You will have slower animating attacks than other sets (discluding rad and psy) but they do pack quite a punch, and they help your team out with their debuffs considerably.
I find they mesh together perfectly, psy fills Sonics Area damage hole, sonic fills Psy's lack of ST heavy hitters and psy's love for PBAoE range is mitigated by the sleep. -
That's the thing about gravitic, They obviously wanted small numbers for interface as to not break the game, but these are debuffs that are generically VERY high in order to have an effect.
-recovery and -regen are extraordinarily high% debuffs in this game, due to the only really noticeable effect of them on your average mob (non AV) being when that attribute is reduced to 0%. The problem is, while these numbers might be on the 'low enough to only come into play vs AV's' scale (that they might be aiming for) AV's largely resist debuffs and have extraordinarily high regen and recovery. This means that the old numbers still make sense, unless they are unresistable debuffs.
So the question then is, are interface debuffs unresistable. The answer I've seen is no. I might be wrong there.
As for the movement speed debuff? That's actually decent IF you can stack it 4 times, the thing is, the powers that stack super quickly tend to be pseudopets (caltrops, rains, patches etc) those already can be slotted to cap -movement rates. Damage aura's are good at this too, but no one with a damage aura is going to prefer this when they could be instead doing more damage (reactive) or Debuffing tohit(Diagmag). The only exception I can think of is an ice tanker, because they could stack -rech, -movement speed, and -rec on top of chilling embrace and EA.
And for all these comments about benumb and -secondary effects being great. That's not why people love benumb, though it's definitely a bonus when it applies (rarely), but people love benumb because of the ENORMOUS -damage/-tohit/-regen it gives. Basically, it's an AV neutralizer in a single power. -