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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    I know since ED 6 slotting stamina doesn't happen much anymore, and I know it's not recommended, but how much end/second extra COULD you get if you 6 slotted it with SOs?

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    The same as if you 4 slotted it.

    At three slots you reap 95%, with 4 you'll reap 100%. With 5 and 6 you will still only reap 100%

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not true, actually. 5 and 6 are diminished the same as 4 is; with 5 you get 105%, and 6 gets you 110%.

  2. According to Hero Builder...

    0.088 more end/sec between 3-slotted and 6-slotted (with +3 SOs). That's about five end per minute.

  3. Kamendae

    "I got a rock"

    I think I've still got four or five on Razor - haven't looked in a long time.

  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Doesn't MoG provide like 70% resists as well as insane defense?
    so really you're getting hit 100% more often only means 30% more dmg total.

    take that down to playing normal foes and (not +5 AV's) and you're only taking 15% more dmg than before. (assuming 7.5% floor for even of near level critters). My opinion on that is that it's not game breaking.

    Let's put things into perspective though, SR scrappers get 20% resistance from their passives to go along with their defense.

    It's the combination of resist and defense that makes MoG great.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The only problem with that logic is you're neglecting the fact that the 70+% resists from MoG come combined with a reduction of MaxHP to 25% of base.

    Taking 30% damage into a HP pool of 25% is a net REDUCTION in survivability. We can add a resist enhancement to bring that up to 75% resists (taking 25% damage into your 25% HP pool) to make the net resist effect a wash... woo!

  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    Surly some of these things could be fixed with a simple run through with a spell checker.

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    The irony is palpable.

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    So very glad I'm not the only one thinking that....

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    Not as ironic as it looks on first glance, though, as a run through a spell-checker would not have caught 'surly'.

  6. The building is the BIG FREAKING PYRAMID. You can't really miss it.

  7. PsiBug, you should *totally* make that bounce.

  8. How'd you manage that, anyways? Isn't she kinda... ectoplasmic now?

  9. [ QUOTE ]
    He really, really, really won't stop as long as you keep replying to him. Heck, I'm going to avoid using numbers in this thread from this point on.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *nod*. I've stayed out of it since last night for this reason - as long as the general readership understands the fact that he's wrong, my work here is done.

    And, AG, since you're STILL set on talking about real life information which you have no idea about, let me give you some basis:

    "Educational foundation"? Check. Graduated college in '02.
    "Job working with numbers, including negative ones"? Check. The location on the left should give you a clue.

    Still think you're wrong? BIG ol' check.

  10. But the question is not "Which of these two numbers (i.e. 6.25 vs. 3.75) is more effective, or makes the PLAYER less effective?" The question is "Which of these two numbers causes the POWER to have LESS EFFECT on the PLAYER?".

    The answer isn't the one you're pushing.

  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Actually, I was thinking about this, and I'm not sure if it's true. Is a brute's rooted's slow effect smaller in magnitude than a tanker's? Should it be?

    But anyway... I'm not sure if you should continue arguing with anarchicgorilla, since I've seen him carry on 'mathematical' arguments for PAGES in other threads, which just makes them drift off-topic with an endless flow of rather meaningless numbers.

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    Mmm. You raise a good point, I'd forgotten the Rooted slow effect. (And I'd argue that a Brute should be going faster anyways )

    As to arguing with AG - like I said earlier, I have no hope of making him see the light. I'm just combatting his misinformation.

  12. Gorilla, your main mathematical problem is this:

    For any number, reducing it to 75% of itself is indeed the same as subtracting 25% from it. However, you're neglecting the fact that a percentage of a negative number is ALSO a negative number. In other words:

    30 * .75 = 30 - (.25 * 30) = 30 - 7.5 = 22.5.

    -5 * .75 = -5 - (.25 * -5) = -5 - (-1.25) = -5 PLUS 1.25 = -3.75.

    As to the "effectiveness" argument - I don't dispute that a 6.25 percent debuff makes the PLAYER less effective than a five percent debuff would. However, it makes the effect of the POWER *more* effective - that power has more of an effect on the player. And that's exactly opposite to all the other power reductions - every single one has the Tanker version with a stronger effect on the player than the Scrapper/Brute version.

  13. Heh. I usually stay out of stuff like this, but when someone is SO blatantly wrong, and THEN starts throwing stuff around like "Here, let me dumb this down for you so you can understand" (i.e. "basic math" type of crap) I tend to jump in.

    Not that it's going to get through to the poster, you understand - just to counteract misinformation for other folks. There's enough of that as it is without adding to it.

  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    How can you complain that Brutes have to wait 8 more levels to get an inferior version of Unyielding when they're getting powers like Knockout Blow at level 8 compared to a Tanker at level 20?

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    Because it's a double penalty. No one is complaining about Scrapper/Brute Unyielding having lower resists. What people are complaining about is the fact that the debuff isn't in proportion to the reduced resists. I can't speak for everyone, but I would ask why the debuff isn't 3.75% since the resists are 75% of the Tanker numbers.

    And if this is balanced, how is it balanced? Is it balanced because we can still do missions on Heroic? Or is there some formula that tells you this is balanced? If so, please tell us. The forum population here will understand it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok basic math so you can understand

    brute is 75% as effective as a Tanker.

    if a number is a negative like -5% 75% as effective is 6.5% no 3.5%



    30% defence - 25% = 22.5% which is 75% as effective.

    -5% defense - - (+) 25% = 6.25 which is 75% as effective

    when you take away from a negative you go more negative.

    For a postive you can go 30 x .75 to get 75% as effective
    For a negative you must go - 5 - 25 % to get 75% as effective as -5.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dude, you need to go retake basic math.

    The buff is 75% as effective (i.e. less effective - brute base strength is 75% of tank base strength), therefore the DEbuff should be 75% as effective (again, LESS effective - having LESS of an effect). This means reducing the base TOWARDS zero, not "subtracting" it further away.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    The joy of kids.

    Here you go tommy.

    Which comapany is more effecitve at making money?

    one that is -5% in dept or -3.5% in dept?

    Neither is effective , but -3.5% is clearly more effective then -5%

    I know this requires a little critical thought... but the same goes for defense

    the closer to 0 the more effective a defence is when the number is negative.

    The farther from 0 the more effective a defense is when the number is positive.

    Now re-read my post. A tanker is more effective then a brute defensivly. a brute is 75% as good as a tanker

    -6.25 is 75% as effective as -5% when the goal is a higher postive number.

    Your right though maybe not basic math.... think it more closer to statistics which is college lvl so I am sorry for my reply, I forget that 15year olds play too at times.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How about this, then:

    Which number has MORE of an effect on your character?

    A resistance of five percent, or a resistance of 3.75 percent?

    Now, which number has MORE of an effect on your character?

    A def debuff of five percent, or a def debuff of 3.75%?

    (And, as an aside: Before you start making assumptions about people's real lives, you should probably have SOME idea what you're talking about.)

  15. [ QUOTE ]
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    How can you complain that Brutes have to wait 8 more levels to get an inferior version of Unyielding when they're getting powers like Knockout Blow at level 8 compared to a Tanker at level 20?

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    Because it's a double penalty. No one is complaining about Scrapper/Brute Unyielding having lower resists. What people are complaining about is the fact that the debuff isn't in proportion to the reduced resists. I can't speak for everyone, but I would ask why the debuff isn't 3.75% since the resists are 75% of the Tanker numbers.

    And if this is balanced, how is it balanced? Is it balanced because we can still do missions on Heroic? Or is there some formula that tells you this is balanced? If so, please tell us. The forum population here will understand it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok basic math so you can understand

    brute is 75% as effective as a Tanker.

    if a number is a negative like -5% 75% as effective is 6.5% no 3.5%



    30% defence - 25% = 22.5% which is 75% as effective.

    -5% defense - - (+) 25% = 6.25 which is 75% as effective

    when you take away from a negative you go more negative.

    For a postive you can go 30 x .75 to get 75% as effective
    For a negative you must go - 5 - 25 % to get 75% as effective as -5.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dude, you need to go retake basic math.

    The buff is 75% as effective (i.e. less effective - brute base strength is 75% of tank base strength), therefore the DEbuff should be 75% as effective (again, LESS effective - having LESS of an effect). This means reducing the base TOWARDS zero, not "subtracting" it further away.

  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    AND now...we're changing the way Archvillains spawn. A ton of forum goers disliked adding so many AV's into missions a while back...so we've come up with a solution. If the team size and mission difficulty are ABOVE a certain level, an Archvillain spawns. Below that, players will face only an Elite Boss. If the mission is set on the first two levels of difficulty, it takes 4 heroes or more to spawn an Arch Villain. On the third level, 3 heroes or more. On the fourth level, 2 heroes. On the highest (Invincible), a solo hero will spawn an AV. Note this works in BOTH City of Heroes and Villains.

    In order to incentivize larger teams, Positron is going to add a bonus to AV rewards!

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  17. Camping fix coming soon to a server near you!

    [ QUOTE ]

    Now Testing in the Training Room - 12/13/05


    City Zones:

    * Bloody Bay, Siren's Call, Warburg: When players in a PVP zone are revived at the hospital, they will be immune to PVP for 30 seconds.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  18. Re: Veluta:
    [ QUOTE ]

    Veluta...............6-50......Pirate..........................-2509, 108, -823 Port Oakes
    + Souvenir (no badge): Illicit Copy of Malachai's files
    + Pirate badge used to be called 'Privateer'
    + Pirate and Spectral badges are for trapping 50 & 100 Spectres respectively
    + needs confirmation: do you need Spectral for the second arc?
    + Spectres are 'trapped' when killed near a green glowing trap in Fort Hades
    + Spectres are minimum level 9; you'll need a team of higher levels to help you; devs need to fix this (they've been told)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can confirm that Spectral is not required for the second arc - both arcs opened fine for me with just Pirate.

  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    I'm pretty sure melee cone attacks are not even supposed to take cone range enhancers, and are not supposed to increase range. I'm not sure why it "feels" to you like the cone width is increasing; cone range has never worked to increase width on *any* power.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's correct for melee cone not accepting cone enhancers.
    Cone enhancement effect has been changed recently width and range I believe from the same enhancer.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not quite accurate. "Increase Range" enhancers now boost both single-target range and cone range; however, this still does not change the width (degrees of arc) of the cone, just the distance to the edge.

    From the 8/31/05 Patch Notes:
    [ QUOTE ]
    Cone Enhancements removed from the game. Increased Range Enhancements now have the same effect on Cone powers.
    * The difference between Cone enhancement and Range enhancement was confusing. Now one Enhancement works to increase the reach of all powers.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Basically, this means that a cone power that used to do this:


    now does this:

    It will be 'wider' side-to-side at the end of the cone, but that's just a function of the increased range. The actual width of the cone (as generally measured, in degrees) did not change.

  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    Am I missing something, I hit with shadow maul fairly often.

    Is it just ranged cone attacks, exclusive to certain ATs or heroes?

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    I tested it with Headsplitter, Golden Dragonfly, Shadow Maul and Torrent. The bug affected all of those powers, so I told the programmer to check the code for how Cone powers work -- and that is where the bug was.

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    Could you also test for whether the range enhancements for cone attacks is increase both the range and the angle of the cone? It feels like range increases in cone powers are increasing the angle and not the range at all. Thanks.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I'm pretty sure melee cone attacks are not even supposed to take cone range enhancers, and are not supposed to increase range. I'm not sure why it "feels" to you like the cone width is increasing; cone range has never worked to increase width on *any* power.

  21. [ QUOTE ]
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    We found the bug and got it fixed on our side. I doubt you'll see it til after Thanksgiving Weekend, though. Just wanted to give a heads up to everyone. (I've gotten about 15 PM's on the topic over the weekend!)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Another 11 months to wait for the fix? Oh noes!

    Or, maybe you mean American Thanksgiving which is... sometime in November I think, not really sure. Ours was the second Monday in October, just like always.

    Y'know, before the crops all freeze up here.

    --The Canuck

    [/ QUOTE ]

    F'r all you Canadians - American Thanksgiving is Thursday 11/24 this year.

  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    I remain quite puzzled as to why this already great power got a buff, esp given the devs penchant for nerfing the hell out of things. If this is only to alleviate the woes of some tankers (on the CoH side), then there will surely be calls from other tankers to get their own buffs, possibly just resulting in the recall of this upgrade.

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    We found a bug in how +HP powers were working. The fix changed the powers so that Max HP were now enhanceable. Rather that disable that, we left it in as a bonus (though if I remember right, some are only half enhanceable.)

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    "That's not a bug, it's a feature!"

  23. [ QUOTE ]
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    Ballista is a Toggle Dropping *******!

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    Yeah, he is. He was designed to be as close to a Player Hero as we could make him. How do you guys like the Toggle Drop on him? Is it too nasty or does it add a nice challenge?

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    Personally, I don't like TD, period. I understand why it's necessary in PvP (although I maintain it needs to be toned down a bit), but putting it in PvE is just annoying.

  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Alright Positron!

    I was going to run over your HeroClix with my Corolla but now I will spare it.

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    I think you got mine - it showed up missing an arm.

    I'm just wondering - if Posi can't take a leak without leveling a city block, which city did we lose when THAT happened?

  25. Kamendae

    Salvage Limit

    I don't believe a database is a control generator; at least during beta, it was an aux item (i.e. will improve your control if it's attached to a generator e.g. a Mainframe, but does nothing by itself) - same for the terminal.

    <edit> Bah, beaten to the punch.
