1991 -
I don't know how helpful it is but I have two anachronistic characters, a pre-Spanish Empire Inca and a Syrian from the time of the Crusades. The Inca is a priestess who was swallowed up and held in stasis by the earth when the Spanish invaded until the modern day where she was "released" to help fight the Devouring Earth. The Syrian found a cursed magic ring in a tomb that imprisoned him in the cave and prevented him from dying and reaching paradise. He was 'recently' freed from the tomb by MAGI but can't rid himself of the ring. So while he's technically immortal, his is another "stasis" style story.
Granted both of those have magical overtones but you might be able to devise a story where a character from the last couple centuries was preserved in stasis by science. Especially if you're going the steampunk route, you could throw together a story of Victorian medical alchemy and clockwork preservation machines that kept you young and alive (but asleep) until the modern day. -
Quote:They managed to make martial arts, magic, cyborg, science, wedding, et al boosters that managed to convey what they were as a theme AND didn't come with baked-in bits that negated attempts to use them creatively. And, again, there's not even a good reason for the baked-in ties because we already have those same ties available as an option for every other jacket.If the pack isn't conveying the theme that it's named for, then you may as well call it 'Generic superhero pack 5' or something.
This booster is not a step in the right direction. Claptrap about how "special" Steampunk is doesn't really excuse that.
Edited to add: We saw this really start with the animal booster last time and a lot of people had complaints about the lack of customization options. Amusingly, no one said "But that's just how wolf heads are so you couldn't change it too much or it wouldn't be a real animal booster" as an excuse. I didn't think much of it at the time because I wasn't very interested in the booster anyway and assumed that the next more "standard" booster would go back to the tradition of very customizable pieces. Seeing that it hasn't doesn't fill me with optimism for the next booster.
I'm not saying this one is terrible, like I said I'd give it a "B", but it could certainly be done better. -
But the look & concept of superheroes is not. It should be a superhero game booster first and a strict lesson in Victorian fashion second. The more people it can appeal to, the more successful it will be. And it's not as though we're lacking for bow ties and cravats in the game.
When you log in and log out, you should see an athletic shoe commercial.
The baked-in ties are very limiting and seem pointless since we already have bow tie and wide tie/cravat style options under the chest details. But since we're forced to have the ties in there, it's harder to use the vests in any sort of "outside the box" application. I thought the shiny vest would make a cool swashbuckler breastplate (even with the chain) and could have even swallowed the required sleeves but there's no way to get around that stupid bow tie.
Even better would be to just have the vests and be able to pick the under-shirt separately like 95% of the jackets in game. -
Quote:Yeah, I really wish they had worked the jacket pieces like most of the other jackets in game. We already have a wide cravat-style tie or else just include a new one within the jacket/chest option drop-down. Likewise, we already have bow ties so why did these need to have bow ties baked into them that we can't remove? And it just plain sucks that you can't use different shirt options under the new jackets except for the one coat. The smooth vest would make for a nice breastplate or something (it's even reflective; see my thief looking guy up thread) if it didn't have that bow tie forced onto it and the sleeve limitations.The middle one looks good, even with the brown, except for the duplicate bowtie. The last one is too dirty by default to support white shirts (which were fairly common in the Victorian era), and has a duplicate cravatte
After playing with it a lot last night, I'm still keeping my B grade but it's feeling more charitable than solid. The pieces themselves are great as singular items but some questionable choices really cripples them for out-of-the-box uses. -
One thing I noticed is that the high-res faces don't play well with the low-res add-ons, mainly facial hair. Even the new mustache looks pinned on and the older stuff looks like someone slapped a plastic goatee on the guy.
By themselves, they don't look so bad although I prefer the male ones over the female ones. -
The baked in ties with the male jackets are unfortunate but some hoods can cover them up.
I once found the name Hinterland free and thought about making a character off it but I already had my AR blaster Rose Veldt so it seemed kind of redundant. The memory of the idea stayed with me and came out in this:
And, speaking of Africa, an alternate look for Okapi
I put "Hinterland" on the Virtue names thread and it's in use now (on Virtue anyway). Just checked. Good thing I'm kind of "gun hero-ed" out between my other AR's and DP's or else I'd be bitter -
My avatar is hosted by imageshack. The costume pics are on imgur. I don't know why neither would work for you.
Edit: Whoops... I must have moved my avatar to Imgur as well at some point! -
Hrmph! "Hrmph", I say! Most of these aren't dramatic uses but me trying to fit parts into existing concepts.
Here's a air pirate type thing I was working on once upon a time:
A couple alternate outfits for Convent, my Ninja/Dark MM:
Some new gear for Check Valve:
And, finally, sometimes it's the little details such as Afrodyte's "Flava Flav" inspired accessories:
Besides blood, the trail aura is nice for those aquatic-style denizens who might want to trail water around.
I wish some of the parts would come without some of the extra gizmos. Such as the male hat that has pipes sticking out of it for no reason. Sure, have a version with the pipes but you already made the hat so why not also offer it as is?
I played around with it (no screen shots yet) and rate it a solid B. The lack of color options for pieces and the enforced extra bits on some parts kept it from being an "A" but I still plan on getting it. -
I was just thinking the other day about how rarely I see anyone with a cat or bird head. I sometimes see a wolf and see bull heads most often but seeing any is a pretty uncommon event.
Well, there's nothing stopping me from making pink ninjas or purple witches or blue science goggles or red lion heads or whatever. Limited color options is a check in the liability column, plain and simple. The pack still looks great and I'm looking forward to playing with it tonight on Test but I won't lie and say it won't suffer from limited coloring options.
I downloaded the Test patch last night before I went to bed but had to make a conscious effort not to play with it this morning for fear that I'd roll into work three hours late. I wanna go home and plaaaaaaaaay!
I wonder if there's any chance of using the new face tech on hands/gloves. I don't know enough about it to know if it's even practical but some new realistic hands sure would be nice with the new realistic faces. -
These days everything gets blown apart so swiftly that playing support/control types in the "end game" doesn't feel as relevant to me. My stone cages (or whatever) has barely finished animating before the mobs have been torched into fine ash by stacked Judgements. Aside from the AV battles, I don't feel like I'm making much of a difference. Even then I don't know how much difference I'm making due to the debuff resistances but at least they're alive long enough for me to do things to them.
My gun moll AR/Kin character, Molly Dynamite, has a Tommy gun that shoots fire. Non-flexing bows are the least of my concerns
Go for it. And, with all due deference to people with a "legitimate" excuse for not logging on or paying for their account for three years but who'll be back any day now ready to log in -- you're most probably a statistically insignificant minority. Your loss is a shame but it's not a good reason to avoid running the purge for the sake of a small theoretical handful of people.
Quote:Erm? Hot is the opposite of cold but that doesn't mean everything is freezing or searing. Most things are just room temperature, neither hot nor cold by our perception.Let me provide an example of what I mean:
About half an hour ago, I decided to eat dinner. I don't think you can define eating dinner as an act of good, which means it must be evil. So does eating dinner make me an evil man?
Eating isn't good nor evil, although you could make arguments either way ("That burger could feed someone who is actually starving", "This burger is tasty, nutritious and kept some beef rancher working!"). It's just... room temperature. -
Quote:I disagree with this. A villain may need a purpose for some people here to find them interesting but a sociopath can still easily qualify as a villain. I think the issue is that a significant number of people don't want to play a sociopath who just stomps puppies, murders babies, starves the elderly and assaults cheerleaders just for the hell of it. I can agree with that as I don't really want to play that role either.So, a villain HAS to have PURPOSE? What would you see as motive for your villains? Money? Power? Revenge? Or something else?
Quote:If you were to "pull one over" on the hero of your choice, who would it be? -
Since the "look at my AE" barrier's been broken, I've gotten numerous compliments about the plot in my mission "Standing Within the Mists".
I got tired of the constant contradictory gripes on mechanics ("It's too easy!" "It was too hard!" "I only saw bosses!" "I had to fight an Elite boss!") and gave up on tweaking it but the villainous story itself and your relationship with your contact generally resulted in praise. -
I need to pay more attention. Thanks for using my character!
Quote:I would work on the shape of the face. The right side (my right, not her right) is a really sharp angle. I think a more oval form would work better. Here's a guide I just found that might be helpful -- even if you don't want to go as photorealistic as they do, it might give you some ideas.I think it came out all right, overall, though the "Dagger" design gets a little lost with the fold detailing, and I'd appreciate any other constructive criticisms.
I like the pose, details and what you've done with the cloth. Thanks again! -
I don't usually vote for people based on "Vote for me!" posts but I looked at the entries and you definitely deserved a vote. As others said, a good percentage of those girls aren't even trying.