Time Travel




(I really do need to cut back on the CoX daydreaming while I'm at work)

So, I've flirted with the idea of American Civil War characters in the past (Not to be confused with Marvel Civil War) but nothing ever seemed to take root. With the new steampunk pack coming out I thought I could throw something together.

Then a thought crossed my mind... I'm not seeing the whole picture here. Metahumans have existed since the beginning of time, right? There had to be some in the 19th century, and I bet they'd fight. They're referenced in the timeline as being in most of the other wars, so why not? The main reason I want to explore this idea is the thought that crossed my mind at the beginning of all this: "You didn't actually believe that crater at Petersburg was caused by mine, did you?"

Now, the problem: It's been about 150 years... so how do I explain away the fact that I still exist? The easy way would be immortality, but I wanted to make it mesh a little more. I was thinking some sort of time travel, and that brought me to the one source I know of, ouroboros. I don't know much about ouroboros, but it's my understanding that they've found a way to "travel through time," am I correct. Now I don't know if this goes against anything or not, but why couldn't they bring back the Heroes of time? I thought about the obvious (Me missing during X period would alter Y future) but it's all theory, right? What if the timelines split. If I keep thinking about this my head is going to explode.

So, if Time Travel could work I have another question: Does Praetoria have an ouroboros counterpart as well? If so I was going to try and make this character start there. Maybe the Emperor sent out a quantum call for history's greatest heroes or something. I'll think of something more concrete later, this is all still very tentative. I do hope it all pans out in the end though. I've always wanted a solid concept character, and if I can cram the Civil War in with it... WIN.

Side Note: Trying to get away from my newbie roots as a scrapper, I was going to make this new character a blaster/corruptor. I was told Fire/Ice Blaster was a good way to go. Any other solid choices for those of use new to squishies? My scrapper made me feel like I flicked the Godmode switch to "On."



I cant recall if Ouro is supposed to be 1 for all dimensions, or if the one we have access to is only for Primal, and there should be a Preatorian one too...

but if its the former, you're gold, if its the latter, just say the menders took you from you're time after you did you're stuff, and dumped you in Praetoria to fight there, a big Half-Life G-Man-esque but still.

You mention personal timelines getting mixed up, well you could always be intended to be put back after whatever you have done in 'modern times', in Doctor Who his companions go all about time, but tend to get dumped back when they started afterwards, maybe loosing a few months.

Or alternatively there could be no intention of you going back. It wouldn't mess up the past as its already happened. If Amelia Earheart turned up tommorow, and said crazy time people took her midflight and dropped her into the toilet of a 747 so she could land the plane safely after the pilot had a heartattack we would have...

1) An amazing movie idea i'm off to copywrite.
2) knowledge that she simply vanished without a trace one day surrounded in mystery, and turned up in another, no one would say "but she must go back to finish x" as we know she didnt finish squat.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Side note: there are a few American Civil War-themed stories in Architect Entertainment you might want to check out.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by bmbeeman View Post
Then a thought crossed my mind... I'm not seeing the whole picture here. Metahumans have existed since the beginning of time, right? There had to be some in the 19th century, and I bet they'd fight. They're referenced in the timeline as being in most of the other wars, so why not? The main reason I want to explore this idea is the thought that crossed my mind at the beginning of all this: "You didn't actually believe that crater at Petersburg was caused by mine, did you?"
There's actually a ye and a no to this. While yes they have been around a long time, potentially "forever", they were almost unknown since the end of the Golden Age of Greece until States and Recluse. Those two activating the well changed things for the world opening the current age of heros. While some were around before that happened (and a few like Stheno have been around since Greece straight through to today) their power was lower or more subtle and they weren't in the public eye.

I need to track down where I read that.

Now, the problem: It's been about 150 years... so how do I explain away the fact that I still exist? The easy way would be immortality, but I wanted to make it mesh a little more. I was thinking some sort of time travel, and that brought me to the one source I know of, ouroboros. I don't know much about ouroboros, but it's my understanding that they've found a way to "travel through time," am I correct. Now I don't know if this goes against anything or not, but why couldn't they bring back the Heroes of time? I thought about the obvious (Me missing during X period would alter Y future) but it's all theory, right? What if the timelines split. If I keep thinking about this my head is going to explode.
Oroboros is a group that uses time travel to manipulate history to prevent "The Coming Storm". There are many other tools for time travel, as many as you can invent. For instance, the 5th Column don't have access to Oroboros but they still got back to Cimerora. During all of the villain patron arcs, you use Arachnos' Project Destiny Portal to go into multiple possible futures and attempt to determine the right outcome to force a desired future to come to pass by acting in the "now". I think at least one of the portal corp missions involves time travel. Not sure since parallel dimensions are so wonky as it is =).

Of course, your character may simply not know HOW they traveled through time and may very well have no ability to do it again.

So, if Time Travel could work I have another question: Does Praetoria have an ouroboros counterpart as well? If so I was going to try and make this character start there. Maybe the Emperor sent out a quantum call for history's greatest heroes or something. I'll think of something more concrete later, this is all still very tentative. I do hope it all pans out in the end though. I've always wanted a solid concept character, and if I can cram the Civil War in with it... WIN.
Oroboros is based on primal earth, but the well of the furies information shows they track and act on multiple parallel realities. Plus, while Ramiel claims Silos is Nemesis, we still don't know which world's nemesis he is. I think there's no reason to avoid praetoria for your character. Plus, you don't have to use Oroboros if you don't want to.

Side Note: Trying to get away from my newbie roots as a scrapper, I was going to make this new character a blaster/corruptor. I was told Fire/Ice Blaster was a good way to go. Any other solid choices for those of use new to squishies? My scrapper made me feel like I flicked the Godmode switch to "On."
Try a dominator. You can use domination like a breakfree so you have some mez resistance, loads of damage, plus the primaries are all cool. Just don't try Gravity or Ice for your first one, they're a bit tricky.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



I don't know how helpful it is but I have two anachronistic characters, a pre-Spanish Empire Inca and a Syrian from the time of the Crusades. The Inca is a priestess who was swallowed up and held in stasis by the earth when the Spanish invaded until the modern day where she was "released" to help fight the Devouring Earth. The Syrian found a cursed magic ring in a tomb that imprisoned him in the cave and prevented him from dying and reaching paradise. He was 'recently' freed from the tomb by MAGI but can't rid himself of the ring. So while he's technically immortal, his is another "stasis" style story.

Granted both of those have magical overtones but you might be able to devise a story where a character from the last couple centuries was preserved in stasis by science. Especially if you're going the steampunk route, you could throw together a story of Victorian medical alchemy and clockwork preservation machines that kept you young and alive (but asleep) until the modern day.